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潘多拉希腊神话(【经典故事】Pandora’s box 潘多拉的盒子神话)





The myth of Pandora’s box 潘多拉魔盒的神话

The myth of Pandora’s box is considered one of the most descriptive myths of human behavior in Greek mythology. Ancient Greeks used this myth not only to instruct themselves about the weaknesses of humans, but also to explain several misfortunes of the human race.


Pandora, the first woman on Earth 潘多拉,第一个尘世女子

Pandora was, according to the myth, the first woman on Earth. She was created by Gods; each one of them gave her a gift, thus, her name in Greek means “the one who bears all gifts”.


Pandora was created as a punishment to the mankind; Zeus wanted to punish people because Prometheus stole the fire to give it to them. Her gifts were beautifully evil, according to Hesiod. Hephaestus created her from clay, shaping her perfectly, Aphrodite gave her femininity and Athena taught her crafts. Hermes was ordered by Zeus to teach her to be deceitful, stubborn and curious.

潘多拉是为了惩罚人类而创造的;普罗米修盗火给人间,惹怒宙斯,宙斯想惩罚人类。据赫西奥德说,潘多拉的天赋是美丽,也是邪恶的。赫菲斯托斯( Hephaestus )用粘土创造了她,塑造了她凹凸有致完美身材,阿芙罗狄蒂赋予了她女性的气质,雅典娜教她手艺。宙斯命令赫尔墨斯培养她诱骗、固执和好奇的品性。

Pandora’s box 潘多拉的魔盒

Pandora was given a box or a jar, called “pithos” in Greek. Gods told her that the box contained special gifts from them but she was not allowed to open the box ever. Then Hermes took her to Epimetheus, brother of Prometheus, to be his wife. Prometheus had advised Epimetheus not to accept anything from the Gods, but he saw Pandora and was astonished by her beauty, thus he accepted her right away.


Pandora was trying to tame her curiosity, but at the end she could not hold herself anymore; she opened the box and all the illnesses and hardships that gods had hidden in the box started coming out. Pandora was scared, because she saw all the evil spirits coming out and tried to close the box as fast as possible, closing Hope inside.


According to Hesiod Hope indeed stayed inside because that was Zeus’ will; he wanted to let people suffer in order to understand that they should not disobey their gods. Pandora was the right person to do it, because she was curious enough, but not malicious.

根据赫西奥德的说法,希望确实留在了盒子里面,这也是宙斯的本意; 他想让人们受苦,让人们明白违背了他的旨意就要受到惩罚。对宙斯来讲,潘多拉是做这件事的合适人选,因为她既天真又足够好奇。

盒子里最后只剩下唯一美好的东西:希望。但是希望还没来得及飞出来,潘多拉就将盒子永远地关上了。后来 Pandora’s box,“潘多拉的盒子”就被用来比喻造成灾害的根源。



回答时间:2022-11-26 09:29:06


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