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马斯卡特:由印度航空快运(Air India Express)运营的针对印度国民的首批回国航班IX 442,载有181名乘客,其中包括4名婴儿,48名孕妇和老年人,以及77名因各种情况需要医疗的其他乘客,于周六飞往高知。

Muscat: The first repatriation flight IX 442 for Indian nationals operated by Air India Express carried 181 passengers including four infants, 48 pregnant women and elderly, and 77 others who required medical care for various conditions flew to Kochi on Saturday.


Around 30 Indian nationals on visit to Oman whose visas got over during the Covid-19 lockdown were given free extension till Saturday with no additional charges. Also there were mortal remains of 2 Indian nationals who died in Oman.


The flight touched the Nedumbassery International Airport at 8.50pm (local time) where officials welcomed them and were given necessary medical aid and check-ups followed by quarantine for a week.

印度驻阿曼大使Munu Mahawer告诉观察员:“我们十分感谢阿曼当局,外交部,阿曼皇家警察(ROP),阿曼机场当局,马斯喀特机场,以及所有让撤回这些人民变成可能的人们。”

“We are immensely thankful to the Omani authorities, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Royal Oman Police (ROP), the Oman Airports Authority, the Muscat Airports, and all those who made the repatriation of these people possible on compelling grounds,” Munu Mahawer, Indian Ambassador to the Sultanate told the Observer.


“I was stuck during the Covid-19 period here even as the condition of my mother, who is back-home suffering from last stage of cancer, got worsened. Now that I’m flying, I’ll be able to be with my mother in her last few days,” Shibi, a nurse who was one of the forefront warriors of the fight against Covid-19 in Oman told the Observer, and thanked all officials, NGOs and media for the return journey.

“我有椎间盘突出并且完全靠我自己艰难生活,多亏阿曼和印度当局协助我出行”Shaik Rafeeq一位坐轮椅的私营部门雇员说道。

“I had a disk prolapse recently and was struggling all alone and thanks to Omani and Indian authorities to have facilitated by travel,” Shaik Rafeeq, a private sector employee on a wheelchair said.

“我们的父母过来看我,但是他们的签证在疫情期间结束。现在,他们无需缴纳任何罚款就可以回家,感谢当局”Mohammed Afasal, 一位来自于Kochi的销售经理告诉观察员。

“My parents came on a visit to see us but their visas were over during the Covid-19 period. Now they are travelling back with no fines, Thanks to the authorities,” Mohammed Afsal, a sales manager from Kochi told the Observer.


There were a brief medical kit being distributed to these passengers by workers of KMCC and Indian Embassy

“我们很高兴为撤侨人员提供急救医疗和小点心包,这对他们来说使用手套,消毒剂等等都会很方便”Ahmed Rayees, 该组织的主席说道。

“We are glad to be providing an immediate medical and refreshment kit to these repatriates as it will be very handy for them to make use of gloves, sanitiser and the like,” Ahmed Rayees, President of the organisation said.

该航班之后在周二还有另外一家航班飞往金奈,印度Tamil Nadu州的首府,也是撤侨第一阶段中的一部分。

This flight service will be followed by another flight on Tuesday to Chennai, the capital city of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, as part of the first phase of repatriation.



回答时间:2022-12-19 23:59:44


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