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问题一:热词:“手机控”“各种控”怎么用英语翻译? 控 出自日语 コン(con) 取自英语单词 plex(译为:情结)

cellphone plex...

问题二:数码控,微博控,手机控,的控到底用英语怎么表达才地道? 控来自plex,即情结,极度喜欢的意思。

问题三:我们身边就很多手机控这句话用英文怎么翻译 There are a lot of phone freaks around us.

问题四:谁听过爱你越深伤越痛这首歌 相关搜索











问题五:手机控的那些事儿 翻译成英文怎么翻译啊?在线等 20分 The mobile phone charged with those things

问题六:手机控,用英语怎么说。 手机控,Mobile phone control

问题七:写一篇关于手机控的英语演讲稿 Cell phones are having a great influence in our live and are very convenient to keep with us. Cell phones are a faster and more effective way to transfer information. Indeed, it is a resource that gives its user's great advantages.

The more you talk, the more you know how to talk and the better your munication skills bee. This is applicable if you're a sensible person and keep note of your interacting habits over the phone. It can be a munication tutorial!

Nothing more than a cell phone es to great help in emergency. You are driving by the freeway and the vehicle jams and cell phone es to your rescue. You are stuck in a lone place, again call somebody and ask for directions.

Parents can be a little less worried about their kids by being in constant touch with them.

If you're a net-savvy, you can have Internet handy all the time and anywhere the signal of your cell phone provider can reach.

Trendy and stylish cell phones can be used as a bait to receive attention. It can be part of fashion and styling.

From the industy and economy point of view, cell phone panies (munication industry) is florishing with market capital in billions. This is a good thing for the economy to be *** ooth and healthy.

panies find it yet another medium to advertise their products; so another medium to reach the consumers.

Nowadays, cell phones are not just phone calls; they're about messaging, vidoe, songs, games, alarm clock, notes, calendar, rem......

问题八:热词:“手机控”“各种控”怎么用英语翻译 “手机控”“各种控”

Mobile control, a variety of control

问题九:不要让你的手机控制你 英语作文 When it es to what you think about mobile phones, and is it right to rely too much on them, different people have different ideas. Some hold the view that rely too much on mobile phones ia a normal phenomenon, while others disagree. Nowadays, with the development of technology and economy, it seems that mobile phones are being more and more important in our daily lives, and more and more people are relying on them. Even someone says that he can't live without a mobile phone.

As is known to all, mobile phones have brought immerse benefits to humankind, and it makes people rely too much on mobile phones. At the same time, a variety of problems also have been caused. We can find numerous examples to list. For instance, the more frequently you use mobile phones, the more dependent you will be on it. You may spend a lot of time on it, such as playing games or sending short messages, and this is a waste of time. Also, benefit as a mobile phone is, it might make the distance longer between you and I. Moreover, using mobile phones too frequently will damage people's health because of radiation.

As a user of a mobile phone, I have my own perspective. To be honest, a mobile phone is playing an important role in my life. I am a student, a phone a day with my parents can let my perents know whether I am OK. It makes my plex life easier. However, if I rely too much on my mobile phone, I would spend less time on my study. So I think, we shouldn't rely too muc......

问题十:帮写一篇关于手机控的英语演讲稿,说明型的,用mobile freak 一百多词就行。加上汉语翻译 Cell phones are having a great influence in our live and are very convenient to keep with us. Cell phones are a faster and more effective way to transfer information. Indeed, it is a resource that gives its user's great advantages.


The more you talk, the more you know how to talk and the better your munication skills bee. This is applicable if you're a sensible person and keep note of your interacting habits over the phone. It can be a munication tutorial!

你说的越多,你知道怎么说,你的沟通能力就越是好。这是适用的,如果你是一个明智的人,并保持注意你的互动习惯的 *** 。它可以是一个交流教程!

Nothing more than a cell phone es to great help in emergency. You are driving by the freeway and the vehicle jams and cell phone es to your rescue. You are stuck in a lone place, again call somebody and ask for directions.

在紧急情况下,没有什么比一个手机有很大帮助。你在高速公路上开车,交通拥堵和手机都是你的救援。你被困在一个孤独的地方,再打 *** 给某人,并向你询问。

Parents can be a little less worried about their kids by being in constant touch with them.


If you're a net-savvy, you can have Internet handy all the time and anywhere the signal of your cell phone provider can reach.

如果你是一个 *** 高手,你可以有互联网方便所有的时间和任何地方的信号,你的手机供应商可以达到。

Trendy and stylish cell phones can be used as a bait to receive attention. It can be part of fashion and styling.


From the industy and economy point of view, cell phone panies (munication industry) is florishing with market capital in billions. ......



总把手机带在身边,否则就心烦意乱;就会感到不适应;经常下意识地寻找手机,不时查看;总有“手机 *** 响了”的幻觉,甚至经常把别人的手机 *** 当成自己的;当手机无法连线 *** 、收不到信号时,脾气也变得急躁。而这一群体,在学生中比例突出。



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