第一类 记忆混淆
1. 漏字母 (单词拼写遗漏字母, 这是最常见的错误类型)
误 正 误 正
leadship leadership goverment government
forhead forehead affaire affair
necesarynecessary permision permission
quarel quarrel excelent excellent
interupt interrupt satelite satellite
adress address presure pressure
tempraturetemperature committe committee
personaly personally comand command
cariage carriage mirior mirror
befor before bargin bargain
familar familiar centry century
intrest interest offical official
balon balloon arest arrest
pilow pillow patern pattern
2. 多字母 ( 受一些思维定势的影响,在单词中插入多余的字母)
误 正 误 正
atomosphere atmosphere nineth ninth
regularily regularly againest against
similiar similar habbit habit
alltogether altogether fourty forty
Thurseday Thursday lightening lightning
3. 错字母 (书写单词时无意识地拼错字母)
误 正 误 正
splended splendid canel cancel
professer professor moniter monitor
grammer grammar camal camel
chock choke conssultent consultant
expence expense guidence guidance
independant independent acter actor
scenary scenery technicel technical
standerd standard passege passage
ordinery ordinary parden pardon
4. 颠倒字母 (由于记忆不清, 或受其它单词的干扰, 将单词中的字母排列顺序颠倒)
误 正 误 正
morden modern sieze seize
ture true forirgn foreign
destory destroy slience silence
clam calm Wedensday Wednesday
recieve receive secratery secretary
tatol total cigeratte cigarette
cheif chief bicsuit biscuit
5. 词义混淆 (因部分单词意思相似或读音相似而产生相互干扰)
A词 B词 A词 B词
access assess stick strict
flesh fresh grasp gasp
late lately wonder wander
sign sigh effect affect
adopt adapt through thorough
medal metal chicken kitchen
expect except quality quantity
charge change course cause
quite quiet battle bottle
dairy diary angel angle
sweet sweat contest context
site sight champion campaign
floor flour incident accident
loose lose vocation vacation
award reward wrist waist
attract attack doubt double
6. 词性混淆 ( 记忆单词时没有注意单词的词性)
动词 名词 名词 形容词
believe belief reality real
weigh weight absence absent
attract attraction width wide
assist assistant length long
protect protection height high
recover recovery religion religious
mix mixture nature natural
explain explanation peace peaceful
graduate graduation importance important
exist existence humor humorous
fail failure science scientific
prove proof poverty poor
sell sale difficulty difficult
advise advice honesty honest
lose loss noise noisy
recover recovery hunger hungry
discover discovery freedom free
serve service differencedifferent
breathe breath danger dangerous
safety safe
第二类 相互干扰1. 拼写干扰 (受其他单词拼写的干扰, 想当然地认为这个单词也这样拼写)
干扰词 误 正
decide devide divide
high hight height
safety truely truly
sixty/fourteen fourty forty
believe recieve receive
electricity univercity university
village collage college
enemy enegy energy
Frenchmen Germen Germans
American Canadan Canadian
written writting writing
came welcame welcome
social sociaty society
taught braught brought
anger angery angry
extra extramely extremely
center centrel central
value valueble valuable
2. 发音干扰 (没有注意一些单词的读音和拼写不一致的现象)
误 正 误 正
stomack stomach breakfirst breakfast
privite private seperate separate
oppozite opposite colar collar
bucher butcher voyige voyage
hankerchiefhandkerchief blankit blanket
bery bury Chrismas Christmas
wistle whistle campain campaign
exibition exhibition autum autumn
第三类 规则不熟悉 1. 构词规则 (对构词法缺乏了解, 没有注意一些特殊的拼写规则)
误 正 误 正
simplely simply usaly usually
luckyly luckily happyness happiness
angryly angrily fishman fisherman
westen western westword westward
noisey noisy arrivel arrival
fameous famous twentith twentieth
2. 语法规则 (如在给动词加ing或ed, 或形容词, 副词加er, est时, 不注意双写重读闭音节末尾的辅音字母)
误 正 误 正
studing studying regreting regretting
begining beginning swiming swimming
permited permitted occured occurred
refered referred biten bitten
riden ridden throwed threw
thner thinner hotest hottest
数字 基数词 序数词1 one first2 two second3 three third4 four forth5 five fifth6 six sixth7 seven seventh8 eight eighth9 nine ninth10 ten tenth11 eleven eleventh12 twelve twelveth13 thirteen 14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 ninteen13~19的序数词都是基数词直接加th20 twenty twentieth往后,二十几就是twenty加上几,比如23就是twenty-three,序数词twenty-third,其基数词和序数词形式跟前面一样。
one two three four five一 二 三 四 五six seven eight nine ten六 七 八 九 十eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen十一 十二 十三 十四 十五sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty十六 十七 十八 十九 二十twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five二十一 二十二 二十三 二十四 二十五twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty thirty-one二十六 二十七 二十八 二十九 三十thirty-one thirty-two thirty-three thirty-four thirty-five三十一 三十二 三十三 三十四 三十五thirty-six thirty-seven thirty-eight thirty-nine forty三十六 三十七 三十八 三十九 四十forty-one forty-two forty-three forty-four forty-five四十一 四十二 四十三 四十四 四十五forty-six forty-seven forty-eight forty-nine fifty四十六 四十七 四十八 四十九 五十fifty-one fifty-two fifty-three fifty-four fifty-five五十一 五十二 五十三 五十四 五十五fifty-six fifty-seven fifty-eight fifty-nine sixty五十六 五十七 五十八 五十九 六十扩展资料:关于四位数年份的读法有下列几种情形:1)一般情况下,将表示年份的四个数字按前后分为两组,每一组的数字都按基数词来读。例如:1865年读作 eighteen sixty-five1998年读作 nineteen ninety-eight2)如果前两个数字为非“零”数字,后两位数分别为“零”,则先读出前两位数,然后将后面的两个“零”读为 hundred。
例如:1900年读作 nineteen hundred1800年读作 eighteen hundred3)第三个数字为“零”(其他数字不是“零”)的年份的读法应当将该“零”读为O[u]。
例如:1809年读作 eighteen O nine4)关于千年的一些读法。2000年读作 two thousand2008年读作 two thousand and eight(或twenty O eight)1008年读作 one thousand and eight(或ten O eight)另外,还有一些非四位数的年份,它们有两种读法:一种是按照基数词的方法来读,另一种是一个一个数字来读。例如:531BC读作 five three one BC(或five hundred and thirty-one BC)since the “1950s” 译作:在20世纪50“年代”之后时间的读法有以下一些特点:1)可以直接按照表示时间的数字来读。例如:10:56读作 ten fifty six8:30读作 eight thirty2)正点后的前半小时,通常说几点“过”(past)几分。
例如:9:25读作 twenty-five past nine2:16读作 sixteen past two3)正点后的后半小时,通常说几点“差”(to)几分。此时,所说的“几点”指的是“正点”后的下一个“正点”。例如:10:55读作 five to eleven8:40读作 twenty to nine4)英语中的15分钟也可以说成“一刻钟”(a quarter)。
例如:4:15读作 a quarter past four7:45读作 a quarter to eight45分钟读作 three quarters5)钟点的读法钟点的读法分英式和美式两种,我们应对此加以注意。