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in term of 和in terms of的区别,instagram(三个常用词组的辨析)

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内容导航:1、三个常用词组的辨析2、in term of 和in terms of的区别



in terms of… 就…而言,它的后面经常接名词短语,动名词短语或者what/how等引导的从句,雅思考官是这个词组的铁粉,

例句:these children are often spoilt,not in terms of love and attention because working parents do not have time for this, but in more material ways.


regardless of … 中文意思和no matter差不多,但用法更加灵活,可以加名词,动名词,或从句。

they are allowed to have whatever they want, regardless of price,and to behave as they please.

for the sake of : in order to help; improve or bring advantage to…; for the purpose of helping…, for the purpose of improving…

I won't criticize you for the sake of your father.

On the one hand,On the other hand是对比关系,不要后面分别接的句子写成都是支持或反对某一种观点。朗文词典告诉我们:“used when comparing two different or opposite facts or ideas”

on the one hand,they work slowly. On the other hand,they always finish the job.


2、in term of 和in terms of的区别

in term of 和in terms of的区别

两者的区别:in term of 意思是根据(就…而言);按照(在…方面),这个词组来源更多的是网络;

in terms of意思是在…方面;从…角度看;根据…来说,是科学写作中的常用词,更正式一些。在《朗文英文当代大词典》里,也是只有 in terms of 而没有 in term of 。in term of 例句:In term of law, they is equally authentic。

就法律条款而言,它们具有同等的效力。The requirements could be described in term of use cases。需求可以使用用例的形式进行描述。Please quote your price In term of pound sterling。请您报盘时用英镑报价。

in terms of例句:

It can not be measured in terms of money。这是不能用金钱衡量的。

Were at a critical juncture in terms of his domestic program。就他的国内计划而言,我们正处于一个紧要的关口。

He stood out in terms of competence from all his fellows 。他在能力上远远胜过其他同事。

in term of 和in terms of的区别

两者的区别:in term of 意思是根据(就…而言);按照(在…方面),这个词组来源更多的是网络;

in terms of意思是在…方面;从…角度看;根据…来说,是科学写作中的常用词,更正式一些。在《朗文英文当代大词典》里,也是只有 in terms of 而没有 in term of 。in term of 例句:In term of law, they is equally authentic。

就法律条款而言,它们具有同等的效力。The requirements could be described in term of use cases。需求可以使用用例的形式进行描述。Please quote your price In term of pound sterling。请您报盘时用英镑报价。

in terms of例句:

It can not be measured in terms of money。这是不能用金钱衡量的。

Were at a critical juncture in terms of his domestic program。就他的国内计划而言,我们正处于一个紧要的关口。

He stood out in terms of competence from all his fellows 。他在能力上远远胜过其他同事。

in term of 和in terms of的区别

区别是意思有不一样的地方,不可混用。而且在科学写作中,in terms of常用,更正式一些。在 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (朗文英文当代大词典)里,也是只有 in terms of 而没有 in term of 的, in term of 的来源更多是网络,也说明了这个词组的不专业。

in terms of:按照(依据,用...词句,用...来,通过);根据;用…的话;就…而言;以…为单位。

1.It is difficult to express it in terms of science.


2.Basically I think he would be someone who complemented me in terms of character.


3.They have found that, in terms of both salary and career success, the sky is the limit.


4.There is a convergence between capitalist firms and co-operatives in terms of business strategy.


5.It can not be measured in terms of money.


in term of:就……而言;依据,按照;在…方面

1.In term of money, hes quite rich, but not in term of happiness.


2.Thus, the process is viewed in term of two interrelated efforts, inventory flow and information flow.


3.The optical storage mechanism was analyzed in term of the fluctuation curves of grating growth and decay.


4.The uncertainty of flux measurement has been studied in term of the theory of error transfer, and also the influence extent of flux measurement has been analyzed from the parameter of equation.



in terms of something:if you explain or describe something in terms of a particular fact or event, you are explaining or describing it only in relation to that fact or event.

describe/measure/evaluate etc something in terms of something

Femininity is still defined in terms of beauty.

It’s a mistake to think of Florida only in terms of its tourist attractions.

It’s too early to start talking in terms of casualties.

in terms of what/how/who etc

Did the experiment find any differences in terms of what children learned?

in terms of what/how/who etc

In the end, there is little change in terms of what children learn.

Another philosophical stance views children in terms of what they know-their strengths.

He sees it in terms of what might be.

Mainstream modernism has often measured its modernity in terms of how far it dispenses with nature / naturalism.

If you really want to get the job think only in terms of what you can do for your future employer.

How it works Simply follow the programme as laid out in terms of how often to walk and for how long.

And it is also good to think in terms of what bad things could happen.

We should have the communications people thinking in terms of how the President can articulate what the future might be.

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