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diagnosable(working it out是什么意思)


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working it out是什么意思

working it out意思是:工作了以下双语例句:1.I got a lawyer working it out in juarez. 我找了个律师到华雷斯解决这事了。2.It said it had demanded that heg immediately improve its working conditions, and that it would carry out on-site investigations this month of all 105 of its chinese suppliers. 三星电子表示,公司已要求海格国利电子立即改善工作条件,还表示本月将对所有105家中国供应商进行现场检查。3.Indeed, the dsm-5 working group on addictive disorders wasn’t convinced either. That’s why it is not going to be included as a diagnosable disorder in the new dsm 5, out next year. 确实,第五版dsm手册的研究成瘾性精神障碍工作小组也没有被说服,这就是为什么明年将出版的第五版新版dsm不会将网络成瘾列为可诊断的障碍。4.And I’m just not sure it’s working out for him. 但我不知道这是否适合他。5.It prevents you from working toward viable goals for yourself and your information unit, because it condemns you to always “putting out fires,“ and it condemns you to giving up the concrete accomplishments of today in favor of the nebulous promises of a vague tomorrow. 它让你不能为了切实可行的目标而工作,因为它使你注定“按下了葫芦起了瓢”,它使你放弃了很多现实的成就转而寄希望于对模糊的明天的含糊承诺。


save the children、Save Our Children、Heal the Kids。

save,英文单词,介词、名词,及物动词、不及物动词,作介词时意为“除...之外”,作名词时意为“救援,人名;(法)萨夫;(意、保、西、罗、塞、瑞典)萨薇 (女名),萨韦”,作及物动词时意为“节省;保存;储蓄;解救”,作不及物动词时意为“节省;挽救”。


1、So I should save my money.


2、What should we do to save the earth ?


3、Daniel: Do you have the workers to save me if anything should happen?

丹尼尔: 如果发生什么情况,你们会有工作人员来救我吗?


diagnosable [计] 可诊断的[例句]Not every psychologist would agree that internet or video-game dependency is a legitimately diagnosable problem.并不是所有的心理学家都同意网瘾或电子游戏瘾是一种合法的可诊断的问题。


  贤重出演一个表面冷血,内心善良,从不流露内心的杀手  政玟出演一个有钱有势,又很有头脑的成功人士  圭钟出演一个一心为父报仇的的可怜的孩子  李泰林(女主角)出演一个对幕后毫不知情的职业女性  刀疤是所有的幕后黑手,很变态的杀人魔王  另一个男的是为刀疤做事的人,是个傀儡吧  剧情详解:  一开始刀疤派傀儡去和政玟谈判,政玟丝毫不懈,很坚定的就回绝了,傀儡很生气。  傀儡回去向刀疤汇报,刀疤觉得有这有意思了,还没几个人敢和他作对,又吓唬傀儡,要切他的手指,但只是吓他,切的只是雪茄,警告他再办不好事下次就切他的手指。(因为这里切雪茄太明显了,若是想要演切他的手指完全可以演的更逼真一些。)  刀疤因为政玟不合作想要彻底干掉他,他之前留一手,在和政玟谈判时照了他的一些照片,于是把政玟的这些照片发给杀手贤。(杀手和雇主之间交易一般不见面,只会发信息,所以之后政玟才有机会利用贤,刀疤不会对他手下留情。)  贤接到消息后在政玟工作的地方埋伏好,准备杀害他,却不知圭钟也在埋伏准备杀害政玟。(圭钟亲眼所见,自己的父亲因不愿与刀疤合作,被刀疤杀害了,而政玟又一直和刀疤有合作,而且在他父亲死后,政玟登上了本来应该是属于父亲的位子,是自己父亲死了的最大受益人,认为政玟也是刀疤的傀儡之一,又因为自己无法接近刀疤,杀政玟一方面可以报一部分仇,又可以引刀疤出来,一举两得,所以才和贤相撞)  当贤和圭钟瞄好政玟时,两人在不知道对方存在的情况下同时开了枪,有一人(看似是圭钟)打到了那女的身上。政玟知道那女的死时因为自己有仇家,对那女的很抱歉。这时,看到政玟和那女的同时倒下的贤和圭钟都很吃惊,但容不得过多的考虑,圭钟先离开了现场,贤因为不想伤害无辜,悄悄将那女的带走,想要让她养好伤,另一方面又防止她报警将她软禁。  给她包扎,每天给她做饭吃。那女的一开始认为贤是要害她,想要逃跑,所以打了贤,贤表面无感情,但还是很生气,毕竟自己被误解了。女的关在一个房间里也不停的摔东西。  政玟被送进医院没几天就里醒了,他想到一定是傀儡派贤来杀他的,若是留在这一定再次有人杀自己的,在这之前他要找到傀儡,还要救出他的女朋友。  于是政玟将傀儡绑架到了汉江边上,浇了他一身汽油,并点着了一根烟,让傀儡招出带走他女朋友的杀手贤的联系方式。  政玟利用贤在酒吧杀了傀儡,贤还被傀儡手下追杀,因此手受了伤,这一切都在政玟的策划下。  一直跟着贤,看到贤受着伤还拿项链也有所触动。那女的也因为贤的善良爱上了贤,心疼贤。  后来又跟踪贤到了贤家楼下,知道自己的女朋友就在贤家里,为了调虎离山,政玟又把自己中枪住院的照片通过网路传给了贤,(因为政玟业务不想伤害无辜,所以才给了贤自己的照片)贤就因此跑去医院杀政玟,贤一出门,正珉就冲进贤家去救那个女的,那女的看到政玟还活着而且来救自己,一方面高兴,另一方面又不舍的贤。  正在政玟要拉那女的走的时候,圭钟出现,并打倒政玟,把那女的劫持了,开车走。(圭钟觉得以那女的为人质可以引来政玟,政玟又可以引来刀疤,所以圭钟挟持那女的可以成功引着他们到了停车场,然后一起解决所有仇人。)  这时,知道自己被骗了的贤开车拼命往家赶,又以杀手锐利的眼光看到了那女的的求救,也同政玟一起追车圭钟。  圭钟最终他们引到停车场,三人下车,政玟将枪指向一直要杀自己的贤,圭钟指向自己的仇人政玟,而贤把枪指向了绑架那女的的圭钟。那女的下车不理解这一切,身边的人怎么是这个样子,一时接受不了。  这时,刀疤带人也到了。刀疤是因为政玟追到这,看到这情景准备把他们全杀了。  三个人看都刀疤,都暂且放下这件事,一起对付刀疤。因为贤的心一直在那女人身上,所以凡是对那个女人有威胁的人就是他的敌人,于是一阵乱枪,杀了许多人。就在这时,子弹没了,贤想只要杀了刀疤就行了,为了那女的的幸福,贤空手杀刀疤,刀疤开枪射中了贤,那女的要躲避一切跑走了,刀疤去抓那女的,想要让政玟死的更痛苦。  圭钟在乱枪中发现自己的敌人一直只是刀疤,最后圭钟和刀疤对枪。  一阵对枪,两人越来越靠近,都没敢开枪,因为一旦开枪自己也可能会死。  圭钟想到自己死去的父亲,就先开了枪,但子弹没了,刀疤因而洋洋得意,放松了警惕,但其实奎的枪里还有最后一颗子弹,于是,奎一枪打死了刀疤……

Purdue University(普渡大学) CS PhD multiple opening - Yongle Zhang

我将于2021年加入Purdue University Computer Science Department,诚招全奖博士生,先提前感谢大家的attention。美国Purdue University(普渡大学)计算机系Yongle Zhang招收系统软件(systems)、分布式系统(distributed systems)方向的全奖博士生,2021年秋季入学。 1. 招生类型全奖博士生1-2名2. 学校普渡大学是美国理工科老牌名校,其计算机系是全美国第一个计算机系,并且一直排名全美前20名(USNews)。根据CSRankings,在系统软件(systems)方向,普渡大学常年位居美国前十名。Purdue University Computer Science Department is the first computer science department in the United States. Purdue University Computer Science Department ranks 10th in software systems in the U.S. according to csrankings 3. 导师简介Yongle Zhang is an incoming tenure-track assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at Purdue University. He is currently a final-year Ph.D. at University of Toronto, advised by Prof. Ding Yuan. His research interest is in systems software with a focus on improving the reliability and availability of complex, real-world systems. In particular, the group is currently working on cutting-edge tools that help developers with failure detection and diagnosis in production cloud systems, as well as design and implementation of diagnosable software systems.His works have been published in top systems conferences including OSDI and SOSP, deployed in top tech companies, and covered by academic media such as The Morning Paper. He has been invited to give talks at top universities and research institutes worldwide including University of Michigan, Yale University, Peking University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Institute of Computing Technologies, etc.


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a lentivirus (a member of the retrovirus family) that can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a condition in humans in which the immune system begins to fail, leading to life-threatening opportunistic infections. Previous names for the virus include human T-lymphotropic virus-III (HTLV-III), lymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAV), and AIDS-associated retrovirus (ARV).Infection with HIV occurs by the transfer of blood, semen, vaginal fluid, pre-ejaculate, or breast milk. Within these bodily fluids, HIV is present as both free virus particles and virus within infected immune cells. The four major routes of transmission are unprotected sexual intercourse, contaminated needles, breast milk, and transmission from an infected mother to her baby at birth( Vertical transmission). Screening of blood products for HIV has largely eliminated transmission through blood transfusions or infected blood products in the developed world.HIV infection in humans is now pandemic. As of January 2006, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the World Health Organization (WHO) estimate that AIDS has killed more than 25 million people since it was first recognized on December 1, 1981. It is estimated that about 0.6 percent of the world’s population is infected with HIV. In 2005 alone, AIDS claimed an estimated 2.4–3.3 million lives, of which more than 570,000 were children. A third of these deaths are occurring in sub-Saharan Africa, retarding economic growth and increasing poverty. According to current estimates, HIV is set to infect 90 million people in Africa, resulting in a minimum estimate of 18 million orphans. Antiretroviral treatment reduces both the mortality and the morbidity of HIV infection, but routine access to antiretroviral medication is not available in all countries.HIV primarily infects vital cells in the human immune system such as helper T cells (specifically CD4+ T cells), macrophages, and dendritic cells. HIV infection leads to low levels of CD4+ T cells through three main mechanisms: firstly, direct viral killing of infected cells; secondly, increased rates of apoptosis in infected cells; and thirdly, killing of infected CD4+ T cells by CD8 cytotoxic lymphocytes that recognize infected cells. When CD4+ T cell numbers decline below a critical level, cell-mediated immunity is lost, and the body becomes progressively more susceptible to opportunistic infections.Eventually most HIV-infected individuals develop AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). These individuals mostly die from opportunistic infections or malignancies associated with the progressive failure of the immune system. Without treatment, about 9 out of every 10 persons with HIV will progress to AIDS after 10-15 years. Many progress much sooner. Treatment with anti-retrovirals increases the life expectancy of people infected with HIV. Even after HIV has progressed to diagnosable AIDS, the average survival time with antiretroviral therapy (as of 2005) is estimated to be more than 5 years. Without antiretroviral therapy, death normally occurs within a year. It is hoped that current and future treatments may allow HIV-infected individuals to achieve a life expectancy approaching that of the general public


//你没给格数据怎么表达了,我只能用接口表示你的网格了。import java.util.Vector;public interface Diagnosable{ boolean isBad();}public Class Diagnostor{ private Diagnosable grids; public Diagnostor(Diagnosable grids){ this.grids=grids; } public Diagnosable findBadGrids(int row,int col){ Vector《Diagnosable》badGrids=new Vector《Diagnosable》(); boolean visited=new boolean[grids.length][grids.length]; findBads(row,col,badGrids,visited); return badGrids.toArray(new Diagnosable); } private void findBads(int r,int c,Vector《Diagnosable》badGrids,boolean visited){ visited[r][c]=true; if(grids[r][c].isBad()){ badGrids.add(grids[r][c]); int r1=r》0?r-1:r,c1=c》0?c-1:c,r2=r《grids.length-1?r+1:r,c2=c《grids.length-1?c+1:c; for(r=r1;r《=r2;r++){ for(c=c1;c《=c2;c++){ if(!visited[r][c]){ findBads(r,c,badGrids,visited); } } } } }}//我这个类写的是你用格二维数组做参数构造出这个对象后,以行号列号为参数调用getBadGrids就能取到所有邻近坏格组成的一维数组。当然直接取其length就是坏格个数了。要求你的格类应实现Diagnosable接口,也就是说提供一个boolean型号方法isBad()。而且格以二维数组形式存储。 ========================补充============================hanzsim@yahoo.com.cn


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