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bring up(硬件术语bringup是什么意思)


  • 硬件术语bringup是什么意思
  • bring up 是什么意思
  • bring up , bring out , bring down , bring in 的区别
  • bring up 什么意思
  • “bring up”与“grow up” 有何区别
  • BRING UP的意思
  • bring in,bring up,bring out,bring about的意思和区别尽量详细一点,两天之内就要回答喔
  • bring up的用法


硬件术语bring up的意思是“使......启动、调试、唤醒、让......跑起来”。

硬件术语bring up:

1、bring up作为计算机专业术语的解释如下:cause to load(an operating system) and start the initial processes。因此它的意思是“使......启动、调试、唤醒、让......跑起来”。

2、bring up的英式读音和美式读音都是[brɪŋ ʌp]。

3、bring up作为硬件术语时一般用在句首,较少用在句中,其组成的句子通常为祈使句。

4、bring up的近义词为 boot、reboot。

5、bring up的例句:


Go over to your PC and bring up it.



Bring up the other CPU cores.



Bring up the hard drive,because it was bad. 



Bring up the motherboard now!



bring up作为非计算机术语时的意思:


I bring my children up to be trusting, honest and helpful.



Please bring up this point at the next meeting.



He’s bringing up some thick, rusty colored stuff.


bring up 是什么意思

教育,培养v. 养育看例句,意思都全拉1. These are matters that you can bring up in committee. 这些问题你可在委员会中提出。 2. Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt. 她出生后不久父母双亡,是由姑母抚养大的。 3. He was brought up on a charge of drunken driving. 他被控醉后开车而出庭受审。 4. His work in maths needs to be brought up to the standard of the others. 他的数学功课需要赶上别人的水平. 5. We need to bring up more tanks. 我们需要多调些坦克到前线. 6. His remark brought me up short/sharp/with a jerk. 他的话我听后一下子楞住了. 7. Working in the slums brought her up against the realities of poverty. 她在贫民区工作, 使她正视贫困的现实. 8. She brought up five children. 她养育了五个孩子.

bring up , bring out , bring down , bring in 的区别


bring up 什么意思

bring up的英文意思是:提出,养育,谈到,呕出。bring up的英式发音是[briŋ ʌp] ,美式发音是[brɪŋ ʌp] 。 


bring up的用法

1、She brought up four children 


2、His grandmother and his father brought him up 


3、He was brought up in North Yorkshire 


4、We’d been brought up to think that borrowing money was bad 


5、I was brought up a Methodist. 


6、Instead of staying in the here and now, you bring up similar instances from the past. 


7、I had the terrible feeling of being left behind to bring up the baby while he had fun. 


8、Many women still take career breaks to bring up children. 


“bring up”与“grow up” 有何区别

grow up


bring up


I grew up in China.我在中国长大.

I was brought up by my parents.我是父母带大的.

都是动词词组 grow up不及物,bring up及物并且是 主语对谓语的一种行文.


bring up 意思:养育; 提出; 谈到; 呕出

发音:英 [briŋ ʌp]  美 [brɪŋ ʌp] 


1、Many dieticians believe it is possible to bring up a healthy vegan child. 


2、This should bring up a marquee around the planet. 


3、You may bring up the matter at the meeting for consideration this afternoon. 




bring about 引起;[航]使掉头

bring forward 提出;提前;结转

bring up 提出;教育;养育;呕出;[航](船等)停下

bring in 引进;生产;增加

bring into v. 使开始;使进入某种状态

bring out 出版,生产;使显示;说出

bring forth v. 产生;发表

bring back 拿回来;使…恢复;使…回忆起来

bring down 降低;打倒,打死;击落

bring on 导致;引起;使…发展

bring along 带来;使……发展

bring in,bring up,bring out,bring about的意思和区别尽量详细一点,两天之内就要回答喔

bring:vt. 带来、引来、促使、引起、提供、导致;bring的反义词是take

bring in:引进、生产、增加,网络上会引申为收获的意思。例句:Only production systems can bring in the test conditions for the concurrency and scalability requirements.

bring up:提出、教育、养育、呕出、(船等)停下,网络上有培养的意思。例句:However, this does bring up an issue about your potential dark side.

bring out:出版、生产、使显示、说出,网络上有公布、出版、使显出的意思。例句:By looking for the best in others, you indirectly bring out the best in yourself.

bring about:引起、使掉头,网络上有带来、导致的意思。例句:How do you bring about innovation ?

bring in、bring up、bring out、bring about的不同点:


2、意思的区别来源是搭配使用的介词意思不一样,in:在...里、在…之内、在…之中,bring in 就是把带来的东西放在里面,即引进、增加的意思。

3、out:出、外出、外面的;bring out ,字面意思是把带来的放在外面的,或者把带来的带出去,即使显示、使显出、出版的意思。

4、up:向上,往上;bring up ,字面意思是促使、引起他往上、向上的。即教育、培育的意思。

5、about:关于、大约、在…周围;bring about  带来关于、在周围引起提供的,即引起、导致的意思。




还有关于bring的词组:bring along :把...一起带来 ;bring back :归还;bring on :引起 ;bring down :使 … 下降、倒下、击落;bring …to light :发现;将 … 公之于世;bring …to mind :想起 ......


百度百科 - in

百度百科 - out

百度百科 - up

百度百科 - about

bring up的用法

bring up养育;提出;谈到;呕出 养育;抚养;养大 When someone brings up a child, they look after it until it is an adult. If someone has been brought up in a certain place or with certain attitudes, they grew up in that place or were taught those attitudes when they were growing up. (1)She brought up four children... 她养大了4个孩子。(2)His grandmother and his father brought him up... 是他的祖母和父亲把他养大的。(3)He was brought up in North Yorkshire... 他是在北约克郡长大的。(4)We’d been brought up to think that borrowing money was bad... 我们从小就被教导借钱是不好的行为。(5)I was brought up a Methodist. 我是受基督教循道宗的教育长大的。1.Mr. Chairman, I should like to bring up the question of the reorganization of the committee. 主席先生,我想提出改组委员会的问题。 2. I don’t know how they manage to bring up four children—they’re as poor as church mice. 我不知道他们如何设法养育4个孩子——他们一贫如洗。 3. The regimental headquarters ordered the second company to take the lead and the fourth company to bring up the rear. 团部命令二连担任先头部队,四连殿后。 4. It was quite a job for her to bring up several children all by herself during the war. 在战争年代, 她一个人拉扯好几个孩子,真难为她了。 5. Bring the car up to the door, it’ll be easier to load. 把汽车开到门旁边,装货就方便了。 6. The horse is running away. Can’t you bring him up? 马跑开了,你勒不住吗? 7. It’s rather embarrassing; I don’t know how to bring it up. 这事有点碍口,不好说。 8. He gave much attention and thought to bring up his children. 他在教育孩子方面花了大量的心血。 9. There the birds nest and bring up their young. 这些鸟在那里筑巢并哺育幼鸟。 10. I’ll bring up this matter for my manager’s consideration. 我将提出此事请经理考虑。 11. The way we choose to bring up children is vitally important. 抚养子女选用何种方式是极其重要的。 12. I was brought up to always respect my elders. (bring up) 我从小就被教导要尊敬长辈。 13. You can’t bring up the whole well with one bucket. 你不能用一只桶一下子就把泉水都打上来。 14. The couple contrived to bring up their children on a small income. 这对夫妻设法以菲薄的收入把孩子抚养成人。 15. We need to bring up more tanks. 我们需要多调些坦克到前线。 16. I didn’t bring up Jesus Christ. He did. 不是对耶稣感兴趣,而是他。 17. Bring up the chairs, Annie. 把椅子拿过来!安妮。 18. These individuals, the opinion leaders, would bring up the messages for discussion by the group. 这些人就是所谓意见引导人,他们可能在参照体的成员中提出信息来加以讨论。 19. Once you get to the school, you should bring up her case with the authorities.“ 你到了学校,一定要为她向当局去争。” 20. Hung-chien patted her on the head and said, “Don’t bring up old scores. 鸿渐拍她头道:“旧话别再提了。


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