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  • 咖啡英文怎么写
  • HTML5中,如何为图片制作放大镜效果
  • magnify与exaggerate都有“夸大”之意,那么在这个意思上,二者区别是什么
  • 地球超人国语的片头片尾曲谁知道啊
  • 英语作文我为自己骄傲带翻译
  • magnified与amplified 意思与用法相同吗




1、coffee and cakes 微薄的收入

2、kentucky coffee tree phr. 美国肥皂荚

3、coffee mug phr. 大咖啡杯

4、coffee senna phr. 望江南

5、coffee urn phr. 煮咖啡壶

6、ice coffee phr. 冰镇咖啡

7、arabian coffee phr. 阿拉伯咖啡

8、drip coffee phr. 滴漏咖啡

9、rio nunez coffee phr. 中果咖啡

10、mogdad coffee phr. 望江南,石决明


1.Objects made of or work done in wood,especially wooden interior fittings in a house,as moldings,doors,staircases,or windowsills.

2.Freedom from passion,bias,or emotion;objectivity.

3.The uniformitarian principle, like any other scientific “law“, rests on the objective circumstance

4.An unlimited line,half - line,or line segment serving to orient a space or a geometric object,especially a line about which the object is symmetric.

5.Her brown russet short-gown sets off a shape, which time, perhaps, might be expected to render too robust, the frequent objection to Scottish beauty

6.My object will be, if possible, to form Christian men, for Christian boys I can scarcely hope to make. --Thomas Arnold, American humorist

7.At the heart of it, magnified by the curved surface, there was a strange, pink, convoluted object that recalled a rose or a sea anemone

8.Self-assessment results,benchmarking, competitor analysis, opportunities for improvement, and resources needed to meet the objectives.

9.“But Mr. Heathcliff was quite cordial, papa,”observed Catherine, not at all convinced,“and he didn’t object to our seeing each other.”

10.A variety of occupations, of objects, and of company, which could not be procured at barton, would be inevitable there



这里我给出一个实现这个想法的示例。该示例实际上就是运用HTML5 canvas中对画布进行裁剪与保存画布状态的相关知识实现的。



《!DOCTYPE html》



    《meta charset=“utf-8“》





      《div id=“result-stub“ class=“well hidden“》

            《canvas id=“canvas“ width=“345“ height=“345“》





window.onload=function() {



           canvas = document.getElementById(’canvas’),

           img = new Image(),

           context = null,

           dataUrl = null,


           isMagnified = false,





  init = function() {

      img.onload = function() {


  context.drawImage(img, 0, 0);


      dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL();


       img.src = ’fist-pump-baby.jpg’;


       isMagnified = false;



         magnify = function() {




              context.lineWidth = 10;// 线条宽度

              context.shadowColor = ’#000’;// 阴影的颜色黑色

              context.shadowBlur = 15;// 模糊级别为15

              context.shadowOffsetX = 5;// 形状与阴影的水平距离5

              context.shadowOffsetY = 5;// 形状与阴影的垂直距离5





                        context.moveTo(230, 230);

                        context.lineCap = ’round’;

                        context.lineWidth = 30;

                        context.lineTo(285, 285);










                                    Math.PI * 2,





                        var magnified = new Image();

                   magnified.src = dataUrl;


                        context.scale(1.5, 1.5);

                        context.drawImage(img, -40, -40);









                                    Math.PI * 2,






                        isMagnified = true;






$(’canvas’).click(function() {

                        if (isMagnified) {



                        else {






    《script src=“jquery.js“》《/script》






1、magnify 本意指放大,也指赞美;夸大;是及物动词。词义中性,表达程度一般,不如exaggerate强烈。




They do not grasp the broad situation and spend their time magnifying ridiculous details.



He thinks I’m exaggerating.


However, far too often we exaggerate its impact and indulge in fearmongering with imagery ofdevastation of biblical proportions. 



1、 magnify指用光学仪器使物体看上去显得变大;也指事实上把某物增大,有时用于夸张意味。强调放大。用作夸大的含义不如exaggerate常用。

Ned likes to magnify his achievements.


2、exaggerate 常用词,强调过于夸张或夸大,有点“过火”意味的夸大。如:

These figures exaggerate the loss of competitiveness.



《地球超人》主题曲原版为《By Your Powers Combined, I am Captain Planet!》   歌词如下:  Captain Planet, he’s a hero  Gonna take pollution down to zero   He’s our powers, magnified   And he’s fighting on the planets side  Captain Planet, he’s a hero  Gonna take pollution down to zero   Gonna help him put us under,   Bad guys who like to loot and plunder   “You’ll pay for this Captain Planet!“  We’re the planateers, you can be one to   Cos saving our planet is the thing to do!  Looting and polluting, Is not the way,   Hear what Captain Planet, has to say   The Power is Yours !!    中文版  《地球超人》主题曲中文版由时任“聪明屋”栏目的主持人刘纯燕、何炅演唱。  歌词如下:  地球超人 无敌英雄   把地球污染 全部清除   联合力量 威力无穷   为保卫整个星球奋勇斗争   地球超人 无敌英雄   把地球污染 全部清除   谁在污染 谁在掠夺   齐心协力把污染赶走   地球在流泪 我们来保护   拯救整个星球就是我们的义务   污染又掠夺 没有出路   地球超人他大声宣布   威力属于你们



I am proud of myself because I am who I am. I may not have the sentimental temperament, strange imagination, affectionate writing, but I firmly believe that I have a possibility, the possibility of overcoming everyone, including beyond their own.

When I was in grade one, two and three, I did not attract attention in my class and my academic performance lingered in the middle and lower reaches. Slowly, I am unwilling to continue to lag behind, in unremitting efforts, the results by leaps and bounds.

The students’ exclamation is incessant, the teacher also impressed me with new eyes. But the difficulties did not go away because of my efforts, but came back. 

I often work late into the night writing compositions. Although paid a lot for this, but the composition level is still not much improvement.

One afternoon in the fifth grade, Miss Yang suddenly called me into the office, lightly said the words, I was suddenly shocked, the teacher even let the general level of my composition on behalf of the class to participate in the school’s composition contest!

Although it is a great honor, BUT I feel that I do not have the ability, want to excuse, can look at the teacher that look forward to the eyes, I hesitated. Finally, after a strong ideological struggle, reluctantly accepted the “heavy“ burden.

The match was set at five o ’clock, with only 30 minutes to go. As the minutes went by, I became more and more nervous, with a bean-sized leak on my forehead. Sweat, I constantly wipe, sweat soaked through my clothes.

His legs were shaking slightly and his feet were too heavy to move. Sitting in the chair, my heart is like fifteen buckets of water -- butterflies in my stomach. I took deep breaths, trying to free myself from the tension.

After taking a few deep breaths, my heart gradually calmed down, a thought flashed in my mind: what is difficult to be afraid of? 

Most of the time, the so-called difficulties are just magnified a hundred times in the imagination. In fact, difficulties and troubles are to scare themselves. Suddenly, I woke up and walked briskly to the conference room.

After getting the topic, I carefully examine the topic, carefully conceived, and arranged an outline, picked up the pen, usually accumulated good words and good sentences have jumped into my mind.

xiaoxiao sprinkling, unexpectedly wrote a full three pages. The composition I thought unbeatable won the second prize.

I also learned: there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome, just because of a lack of confidence, the fruits of success are irrigated with hard work and confidence, do not magnify the difficulties in the imagination!

I am proud of myself, I overcame the difficulties; I am proud of myself, confident smile on my face permanent. No matter what time, no matter how difficult I meet, I will not be affected by it, I can only keep the confidence that belongs to me, I am proud!

I will always say to you: I adore myself, I am proud of myself to overcome difficulties!













magnified与amplified 意思与用法相同吗

magnified--enlarged to an abnormal degree 放大的,加剧,夸大的,放大图像(放大多少倍也用这个)amplified--侧重于增强,详述,放大电子设备的声音等


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