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  • 翻译几个句子.
  • computer-assisted是什么意思
  • 请英语高手帮忙 翻译我的工作经历 请不要使用金山词霸翻译
  • Pending Assisted Offers
  • wet fan assisted natural draft 如何翻译
  • assisted bag-drop 怎么翻译
  • 急急急 请将下面的语句翻译成英文


1.这里有许多不同种的方便伤残人士居住的房屋。这句话比较难翻译得顺口,我还是这给你解释一下什么是assisted housing吧。你一定知道user friendly的意思吧,assisted housing 就是houses that are uer friendly for the handicapped.


computer-assisted_百度翻译computer-assisted kəmp’ju:təəs’ɪstɪd kəmp’ju:təəs’ɪstɪd 计算机辅助 There ’s computer-assisted aggregation and human aggregation , in various combinations.现在有很多以不同方式组合的计算机辅助聚合工具和人工聚合工具。更多示例用法请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

请英语高手帮忙 翻译我的工作经历 请不要使用金山词霸翻译

人工辛苦翻译的哦!Working experience:1.July – November,2005 worked in Beijing IT Kexin Group as customer service. Mainly took in charge of explain the expansion of business, deal with the problems of customer and settle the archives.2.November,2005- Now worked in Zhan Wang Co. Ltd. in QinHuangDao Development Area as Sales Assistant. Mainly took in charge of collect and settle the information of customers and requirement by ways of telephone and internet. Draw out contact, made report forms every single month, seasons and years. Assisted sales manager to achieve the quoted price of cataract and coordinate the projects. Assisted the manager to dispose the sales assignment and track the customer project. Arranged the training of sales employee and coordinate the training record. Received the visitors and arranged daily works.

Pending Assisted Offers

晕啊,pending和offer同时出现肯定是和商业交易相关的。这里offer是出价,国贸里术语叫“发盘”。 Assisted Offers是afternic公司提供的一种智能服务,能自动化的帮你购买域名和竞价。(这里有对这个服务的介绍 when the offer had expired, it stayed in the ’Pending Assisted Offers’ bin still with no status change. That is to say that it didn’t move to the ’Assisted Offers Made’ bin on the ’My Offer History’ page.So far as I can tell, your company hasn’t actually done anything but take my money.

wet fan assisted natural draft 如何翻译

wet fan assisted natural draft水力鼓风机辅以自然通风意思可能是:光有水力鼓风机还不行,还要通过自然通风。..不过我不确定,,,你专业的 应该看得懂

assisted bag-drop 怎么翻译

assisted是帮助的意思 bag-drop,应该是根据情景翻译的引申含义 没有情景的话 直译不太好翻 因为正常的是并没有这两个名词合成短语的

急急急 请将下面的语句翻译成英文

Abstract: induction, assisted in the practice of teaching martial arts skills learning moves an important practice methods. In this paper, using experimental method of induction, assisted analysis of the importance of practice, and focuses on induction, assisted in teaching practice in how to use. Use of such exercises, the students can enhance the understanding of science and technology, the technical action in the “crucial“ part of strengthening exercises to reduce the difficulty of students, so that students faster and better by learning to master the technical movements, improving teaching quality. Each method is a practice to master in order to learn moves, induction, assisted in the training methods in many ways come to the fore, because it is more suitable for practicing martial arts techniques action. ,,,


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