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1. 关于it的短语有哪些

as it is 事实上; 象现在这样 as it was 事实上; 象现在这样 as it were 似乎, 可以说是 at it 干个不停 (又)干那种事(指令人讨厌的事) be for it [口]一定要受惩罚; 一定要倒霉 be in it [俚][常用于否定句]参加; 有获胜希望 be it 在某方面是个了不起的人物 好极了 Be it so (=So be it! Let it be so!) 就这样吧! 好吧! be with it [美俚]机灵的; 知内情的; 市面灵通的; 时髦的 It is that [口]是这样, 就是嘛。

It was that [口]是这样, 就是嘛。 not much in it(=little, nothing in it) (比赛时)实力差不多, 不相上下 Now for it ! 机不可失, 时不再来。

off it 不大舒服 what it is 事实真相; 原因, 理由 what it was 事实真相; 原因, 理由。

2. 关于It的六种基本句型和例句

1. 陈述句的强调句,强调陈述句中的某个成分。

为了强调句子中的有些成分,要用强调结构It is(was)+被强调部分+that(who)+其他部分。被强调的成分可以是主语、宾语、状语,但不能是定语表语和谓语。

这种类型的强调句主要注意一下几个方面: 1)It在这一结构中作主句的主语,所以即使被强调部分是复数名词,也要用is或was. e.g. Tom and Mark often come to see me. It is Tom and Mark Who often come to see me. (强调主语) 2)如果被强调部分是时间、地点、方式或原因也不用when, where, how, why, 而用that;强调人时可用who,也可用that. e.g.(1)They set out the day before yesterday. It was the day before yesterday that they set out (强调时间状语) (2)We put off the sports meet because of the rain. It was because of the rain that we put off the sports meet(强调原因状语) (3)It was because she was ill that they didn’t ask her to do the job. (强调原因状语从句) 3)被强调部分如果是原句的主语,who或that后面谓语的人称和数应和原句的主语一致。 — Personally, I think it is the salesmanager, rather than the salesgirls, ____ to blame. —I agree with you. A. is B. that is C. are D. who are 2. 一般疑问句的强调句,只需把is(was)提前。

e.g. (1) Was it in 1939 that the Second World War broke out? (2) Is it Professor Wang who teaches you English? (3) —Was it two months ago _____ you luckily got an opportunity to spend your holiday in Canada? — _____. John was the lucky dog…… A. when; Not I B. when; Not only C. that; Not all D. that; Not me 3.特殊疑问句的强调句,强调特殊疑问句中的疑问词。 e.g. (1) Where did you find the wallet? Where was it that you found the wallet (2) When shall we meet? When is it that we shall meet? 从上面的例子中我们可以看出,特殊疑问句的强调句是由“特殊疑问词+was(is) it that +陈述句”构成的。

但是当含有特殊疑问词的强调句型用在宾语从句中的时候,上述句型应改为‘特殊疑问词+it was( is) that +陈述句“,即采用陈述句语序。 e.g. (1) — where was it ____ the road accident happened yesterday? — In front of the market. A. when B. that C. which D. how (2) I really don’t know _____ you returned the book to me. A. when it was that B. when was it C. when was it that D. when it was 4. 有时可用It might be ……that ……,和It must have been……that……的句型表示强调。

e.g. (1)It might be his father that you are looking for. (2)It must have been his brother that you met. 5. 强调not……until结构中由until引导的短语(或从句)表示时间状语的句型是:It is(was) not until……+that……+其他部分。 e.g. 1)He didn’t marry until forty. It was not until forty that he married. (2)Mr. Yang did not leave the lab until he got everything ready for the experiment. It was not until he had got everything ready for the experiment that Mr. Yang left the lab. (3)_____ he realized it was too late to return home. A. Not until dark B. It was until dark that C. It was not until dark that D. It was dark that注意:如果not……until放在句首时就要用部分倒装句式,它的语序和在not……until结构中由until引导的短语(或从句)表示时间状语的句型中的语序不同。

6. 强调词it与先行词it的区别。 强调词it与先行词it的区别可以通过恢复原句的方式来判断,即如果把it is……that……去掉后剩下的成分仍然能组成一个完整的句子,这就是强调句型,否则就不是。

It is there that accidents often happen. → Accidents often happen there. 以上就是强调句型,被强调成分是状语,把it is……that……去掉,还原成后来的非强调句。 It is clear that not all boys like football. 上面的句子如果去掉it is……that……后就成了Clear not all the boys like football.很显然这不是一个完整的句子,因此不是强调句型,而是由it作先行词引导的一个主语从句。

7. 其他的一些强调句型: It is/was+时间段+since从句,It +时间段+before从句,It is/was+时间点+when从句。 1)It is/was + 时间 + since …,从……已多久了。

在这个句型中,主句通常用一般现在时,since从句用过去时,表示一个时间点。 e.g.(1)It is five months since I arrived in New York. 我到纽约已五个月了。

(2)It is five months since I was in New York.我离开纽约已经五个月了。 注意:例句中five months是作为一个整体看待的,所以用it is.在这类句子中,终止性动词表示从动作发生时算起;如果是状态动词或持续性动词,则从动作或状态结束时算起。

2)It is + 时间+ before …。在这个句型和上面一个句型中,时间都是时间段,如years,five days,twenty minutes等。

不过主句的时态多用一般将来时或一般过去时,从句的时态要根据主句的时态进行变化。Before前的主句如果是肯定的,翻译成“在……之后才……” 主句如果是否定的,翻译成“不久就……” e.g.(1)It was long before he gave an answer. 过了好久他才答复我。

(2)It was not long before he worked out the difficult 。

3. 形式宾语“it”的句型,造10个句子

It 代替宾语从句时:

1.I think it very important that we take part in the discussion.


2.Didn’t I make it clear to you that I was not coming?

( 我不是向你明确表示过我不来了吗?)

It 代替动名词短语时:

1.We thought it no use doing that.


2.Our teacher thinks it no good learning without practice.


It 代替不定式短语时:(像楼上的一种形式)

1.He feels it his duty to help others.


2.The new medicine makes it possible to treat this terrible disease.


1. Do you think it hard to speak English like a native speaker?

2. I think it best that you should stay here.

3. She found it interesting to learn English.

4. He thinks it difficult to finish the home by nine o’clock.

5. Internet makes it easy for people to communicate with each other.

4. 10个it所指代的句子


He saw the grey Land-Rover down the bypass. It was more than a hundred yards from him


She could, if she wanted, compel him, through a court of law, to support the child after it was born


He was through with sports, not because he had to be but because he wanted it that way



It was nice to see Steve again


It has been said that stress causes cancer


Of course, as it turned out, three-fourths of the people in the group were psychiatrists


It’s three o’clock in the morning


It was very wet and windy the day I drove over the hill to Mill


‘Who is it?’ he called. — ‘It’s your neighbor.’


It’s really the poor countries that don’t have an economic base that have the worst environmental records

5. 用it造十个句子


1. It was kind of her sister to invite him to stay a little longer.

2. It was a pity that you couldn’t pass the final exam.

Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see who it is.有人在按门铃。去看看是谁

What’s this?这是什么?

It’s a book.这是一本书。

What a long way it is from Beijing to London! 从北京到伦敦真远

It’s best to plant trees in spring because it’s warmer.春天是植树的最佳时节,因为天气更暖和

It was I who met him in the park last week. 是我上星期在公园遇到他的。

The frog is not a warm-blooded animal. It is a cold-blooded one.青蛙不是温血动物,它是冷血动物。

My pen is missing. I can’t find it anywhere. 我的笔丢了,我哪儿也找不到它了。

I won’t be back tonight. Please tell my wife about it .我今晚不回来了,请你向我妻子说一声。

I was disappointed with the film. I had expected it to be much better. 我对这部电影很失望,我曾盼望它更好。

Tom’s mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but it didn’t help.汤姆的妈妈不停地告诉他要努力,但这没起作用。

-Who is knocking at the door? —谁在敲门?

-It’s me. —是我。

I had a talk with the student. It was very helpful to her. 我和那个学生谈了次话,对她非常有帮助。

It happened during my stay in the United States. 事情发生在我在美国的时候。

-Whose exercise book is that? —谁的作业本?

-It’s his . —是他的。

-What’s the time? —“几点了?”

-It’s half past ten. —“十点半”(指时间)

It is late autumn now. 现在是深秋。(指时间)

6. 形式宾语it的句型造10个句子

I find it impossible for me to learn English well.

He thinks it difficult to finish the home by nine o’clock.

Internet makes it easy for people to communicate with each other.

I think it great to travel to Paris.

She found it interesting to learn English.

Do you think it hard to speak English like a native speaker?

I find it difficult to do the job well.

I think it best that you should stay here.

We think it no use complaining.


7. 关于it人物的句子




8. it作形式宾语的句子有哪些


你所说的it 作形式宾语有几种形式:

It 代替不定式短语时:(像楼上的一种形式)

1. He feels it his duty to help others.


2. The new medicine makes it possible to treat this terrible disease.


It 代替动名词短语时:

1. We thought it no use doing that.


2. Our teacher thinks it no good learning without practice.


It 代替宾语从句时:

1. I think it very important that we take part in the discussion.


2. Didn’t I make it clear to you that I was not coming?

( 我不是向你明确表示过我不来了吗?)

9. 关于it作形式宾语的句子

make sth to the public,表示“告知公众、让公众知道”

to the public这里可以先忽略,

They haven’t made it where they are to hold the conference.

they主语,haven’t made谓语,it形式宾语,where引导的句子是真正的宾语。


They haven’t made [where they are to hold the conference] to the public.




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