That must be Van Gogh’s sunflower there, where all the people are crowded around. 那边有很多人挤在一起,一定是梵高的《向日葵》在那儿。 The bird pecked seeds out of the sunflower. 那只鸟用喙从向日葵中啄出种的。 Sunflowers are large flowers with yellow petals. 向日葵是长着黄色花瓣的大花。
向阳而开的花 开起来就像阳光般灿烂 颜色里已经充满阳光的味道。 于是天阴下雨 都不再重要 不抬头 也知道 你在照耀。 向日葵失去了太阳就是失去了旋转地目的和方向。 那些绚烂到 垂垂死去的色彩 和 盛开了一季的阳光 最后 黯淡了只剩下 向日葵 的一片空白。 向日葵虽小 可它带着太阳的爱。 向日葵 是忧伤的花朵。 是阳光底下最明媚的忧伤 因为明媚 所以属於太阳。 ta就像向日葵一样 但却没有可以依赖的太阳。 你用彩笔绘出一片烂漫的葵花 但愿我们珍惜那些天真的笑脸。 向日葵的垂首 是因为它背负的爱太沉重 向日葵。很美。 可是她的爱只给了太阳神。 强忍着泪微笑面对太阳留下那一抹红颜笑, 向日葵只是用微笑诠释那心中隐藏的悲伤。 我们都是倔强坚强的向日葵 日日夜夜不知疲惫的追寻心中的太阳。 那些曾经的模样 随风飘散 在时间的洪流中 相握的手已不再温存。 向日葵的夜晚 总是孤独的。 因为需要独自承受 没有温暖 没有陪伴。 孤独的向日葵 一个人看日出 一个人看日落 一个人走路 一个人快乐 一个人哭泣 却没有一个可以安慰的眼神。 这样的它痛并快乐着 微笑哭泣着,这样的坚强。 惟有勇敢的向日葵能够承受这样的孤独。 这样的更迭。 微笑不是我们的真实, 流泪不是我们的心情。 为什么我们想要的爱情 没有真诚。 为什么我们想要的温暖 没有永恒。 太阳是它唯一信仰。 因为它叫 向日葵。 你是我的向日葵 我却不是你的太阳。 听说有一个地方。 开满了向日葵 候鸟永远飞不去南方。 就是前方。 踮起脚 轻触阳光。 细细数着 天边彩虹每一道光。 对了 就是那个地方。 夏天的向日葵不说心事 伤感的字 乱了理智 无法掩饰。
2.关于向日葵的句子或文章 英文
That must be Van Gogh’s sunflower there, where all the people are crowded around.
The bird pecked seeds out of the sunflower.
Sunflowers are large flowers with yellow petals.
A season of flowers, sunflower to warm eyes. 一个花开的季节、用向日葵来温暖眼瞳。
The Sun, the never understand the sadness of sunflower. 阳光、永远不懂向日葵的忧伤。Sunflower until you die, it will only toward the Sun. 向 日 葵,直 到 死 去 的 那 天 、也 只 会 向 著 太 阳 。
Sunflower, there’s only one Sun. But a Sun, but they have so much sunflower. Be regarded as unfair. 一朵向日葵,只有一个太阳。 而一个太阳,却拥有这么多葵花。
算不算不公平。Sunflower will never Yin, facing the Sun lover 向 日 葵 永 远 不 会 阴 面 向 着 它 爱 的 太 阳 上、英文下是他的中文翻译。
A season of flowers, sunflower to warm eyes.
The Sun, the never understand the sadness of sunflower.
Sunflower until you die, it will only toward the Sun.
向 日 葵,直 到 死 去 的 那 天 、也 只 会 向 著 太 阳 。
Sunflower, there’s only one Sun. But a Sun, but they have so much sunflower.
Be regarded as unfair.
Sunflower will never
Yin, facing the Sun lover
向 日 葵 永 远 不 会
阴 面 向 着 它 爱 的 太 阳
这是纯学术介绍:In general Sunflowers have blossoms composed of yellow, orange or red rays of petals fanning around disks with smaller yellow, brown, blue or purple petals. The wild Sunflower grows to be about 2 peds tall, while certain cultivated varieties will grow to reach 6 peds if properly supported. The solitary blossom is supported by a green stem that in some cases is only barred from being a trunk by the fact that it has no woody tendancy.The blossom has disk florets in the centre and ray florets on the margins. The disk florets have a brown or even purple color. The marginal florets start out small and fat but they thin out as they extend. The diameter of a Sunflower head is 0.2 peds across wild, though the cultivated varieties have far larger diameters, as the larger flower has been selected for. The very centre of the flower, late in the season will contain characteristic Sunflower seeds that are rather like a cat’s eye in shape. They are usually off-white, cream or brown in colour with veins of purple blue, black or brown running through them. The flowers get their collective name from both their huge fiery blooms, whose shape and image is often used to depict the sun, especially in elven paintings. The elves call them Séean’efér (Séean’efér, literally “Globes of Fire”), but to both elves, halflings and men, these huge cheerful plants have nothing but positive connotations. They also get their name from their sun loving habit. Sunflowers thrive in full sun, and will not tolerate shade. The stem and leaves grow toward the sun, and the flower is always tilted toward it. So in open, exposed areas the plant, very very slowly follows the sun as it moves from east to west, they thus can be used by outdoors types to judge not only the season, but the time of day, like a very crude clock.Sunflower leaves are as broad as a man hand span at the base, tappering to an elegant point. They are dark green and rather thin. They grow on opposite pairs on the lower stem and alternate pairs on the upper stem.All the types of Sunflowers are very similar in appearance and keep the same breeding seasons. The common Sunflower is that archetypal Sunflower bloom, and the most cultivated. Petals are either yellow or orange in colour, with an inner halo of small petals often in a variety of colours. The Southern Sunflower looks very similar, but its petals are always bright red in colour and its foilage has a more waxy feel to them. This is a layer of thickened cuticle which prevents water evapourating from the leaf’s surface. As a result it is far more drought resistant. The last variety is sometimes called the “Little Fire” and is technically the most northerly of the species. It has a far smaller flower disc than its cousins, and large petals are yellow or orange with white verigation. It has smaller, thinner leaves and a slightly smaller growing habit, reaching no more that 1.6 peds in height. 下面是首诗,我还蛮喜欢的:The Wild Sunflower At early dawn, like soldiers in their places,Rank upon rank the golden sunflowers stand;Gazing toward the east with eager faces,Waiting, until their god shall touch the landTo life and glory, longingly they wait,Those voiceless watchers at the morning’s gate.Dawn’s portals tremble silently apart;Far to the east, across the dewy plain,A glory kindles that in every heartFinds answering warmth and kindles there again;And rapture beams in every radiant faceNow softly glowing with supernal grace.And all day long that silent worship lasts,And as their god moves grandly down the west,And every stem a lengthening shadow castsToward the east, ah, they love him best,And watch till every lingering ray is gone,Then slowly turn to greet another dawn.~Albert Bigelow Paine~。
We can get delicious sunflower seeds from it. So I like sunflower every muchThe sunflower is kind of beautiful plant. It can grow everywhere in spring and summer. Its flower like a round face. It is yellow when it blossom. It always faces the Sun。