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prescribed(prescribed fire什么意思)


  • prescribed fire什么意思
  • prescribed studio是什么
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prescribed fire什么意思

prescribed[pris5kraib]v.指示, 规定, 处(方), 开(药)prescribed[prI5skraIb]vt., vi.-scribed, -scribing开药方;处方命令;规定The law prescribes what should be done.法律规定什么是该做的。What punishment does the law prescribe for corruption?法律规定对贪污行贿该处以什么刑罚?The doctor prescribed total abstinence.医生嘱咐病人戒酒。fire[5faiE]n.火, 炉火, 火灾, 失火, 闪光, 炮火, 热情, 激情vt.点燃, 烧制, 使发光, 给(炉子等)加燃料, 放枪, 激动, 《口》解雇vi.开枪, 射击, 着火, 烧火, 激动fire[5faIE(r)]n.火,火焰set on fire放火He set fire to the dry grass.他点燃了干草。The grass caught fire.草燃着了。The grass was on fire for a short time.草烧了一会儿。炉火;烽火There is a fire in the sitting room.客厅里有炉火。Put some more coal on the fire.给炉火再添些煤。暖气炉;煤气炉;电炉射击;炮火cease fire停火open fire射击,开炮hang fire迟缓发射The fire of this article is concentrated on the government policy on foreign affairs.这篇文章集中火力抨击政府的外交政策。兴奋,热烈,热情The boy is full of fire.这孩子充满热情。

prescribed studio是什么

The Master of Design is a one-year program. Over the course of three semesters, beginning in May of every year, students take 42 credits of prescribed Studio and Liberal Arts and Sciences courses, and complete a graduate thesis/degree project. 由此可见,这个prescribed studio其实是两个意思。prescribed 指定的, studio 设计工作室 liberal arts and sciences coures 文理科。意思是指定的设计工作和文理科课程,明白了吗?



英[prɪˈskrɪpʃn]    美[prɪˈskrɪpʃn]    

n.    处方; 药方; 医生开的药; 开处方; 开药;    

[例句]You will have to take your prescription to a chemist.




英[prɪˈskraɪb]    美[prɪˈskraɪb]    

v.    给…开(药); 让…采用(疗法); 开(处方); 规定; 命令; 指示;    

[其他]    第三人称单数:prescribes 现在分词:prescribing 过去式:prescribed过去分词:prescribed    


prescriben.规定,指定遵守。vt.&vi.开药方;指示。例句:The doctor prepared to prescribe a receipt.医生准备开个处方。Books must be kept according to a prescribed form.必须按照规定的形式记账。


prescribed[英][prɪ’skraɪbd][美][prɪˈskraɪbd]adj. 规定的,法定的; v. 规定; 开药方( prescribe的过去式和过去分词 ); 指示; 指定遵守; 例句:1. You took all the pills prescribed you?你吃了开给你的所有的药?2. Were you prescribed an antibiotic?你有按处方服用抗生素吗?3. And you ate everything at once? In the prescribed quantities?你一次就全吃了?按照规定的量?4. I’ve prescribed her some pills.我给她开了些药.5. Who prescribed these for you?谁给你开的药?


  prescribe英 [prɪˈskraɪb] 美 [prɪˈskraɪb]  vt.指定,规定; 指定,规定;  vi.建立规定,法律或指示; 开处方,给医嘱;  [网络]指示; 处方,开药; 开处方;  [例句]It appears that those provisions are drafted in a technologically neutral manner and do not prescribe any particular form of communication.  这些条文是以在技术上不偏重任何一方的方式草拟的,未指定任何特定的通信方式。  [其他]第三人称单数:prescribes 现在分词:prescribing 过去式:prescribed 过去分词:prescribed 形近词: escribe superscribe proscribe

prescribed solution 是指什么

prescribed solution规定解Patients unable to take the tablets should be prescribed the sirolimus oral solution and instructed in its use.不能口服片剂的患者应给予西罗莫司口服液,并指导给药。

prescribed the medicine是什么意思

prescribed the medicine开处方药The doctor prescribed the medicine for you医生给你开了药


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