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sponsorship(Corporate Sponsorship是什么意思)


  • Corporate Sponsorship是什么意思
  • 请问sponsorship literature是什么意思
  • employment sponsorship是指什么
  • 赞助是什么意思
  • 主办人用英语怎么说
  • 什么是英国的Tier 4 sponsorship
  • sponsorship是什么意思
  • Sponsor是什么意思啊啊
  • sponsorship

Corporate Sponsorship是什么意思

Corporate Sponsorship企业赞助例句:1.Corporate sponsorship has been proving hard to drum up in these troubled economictimes. 而在如今困难的经济环境下,也很难吸引到企业赞助。 In places like cleveland and detroit and the parts of new york without corporatesponsorship, rust is still just rust. 然而在诸如克利夫兰和底特律以及部分纽约地区这样的地方,如果没有与之相关的企业赞助,铁锈恐怕也就只能是铁锈了【附】corporate 英[ˈkɔ:pərət] 美[ˈkɔ:rpərət] adj. 法人的,团体的,社团的; 公司的,总体国家的; 〈古〉团结的; 共同的,全体的; [例句]He was a corporate accountant right?他是个公司会计对吧?sponsorship 英[ˈspɒnsəʃɪp] 美[ˈspɑ:nsərʃɪp] n. 赞助; 发起; 倡议; 保证人;

请问sponsorship literature是什么意思

sponsorship是资助、赞助的意思,literature 是资料的意思。所以sponsorship literature的意思是主办单位的宣传资料

employment sponsorship是指什么

employment 指“受雇”, 也就是“就业”,sponsorship 是动词词根 sponsor(资助)加后缀表示“性质/状况”的 -ship构成的派生词。employment sponsorship 意思是就是指“属于雇佣资助的性质”,也就是“就业赞助”。




拼音:[ zàn zhù ]

引证解释:邹韬奋 《经历》十二:“我所得到的深挚的友谊和热诚的赞助,已是很难得的了,但是经常方面还需要有相当的办法。”


一、赞同[ zàn tóng ]


叶圣陶 《倪焕之》二二:“一阵热烈的掌声,表示出于衷心地赞同这个办法。”

二、扶助[ fú zhù ]


巴金 《家》三一:“他自愿地从父亲的肩头接过了担子,把扶助弟妹的事情作为自己的生活的目标。”


1.entrepreneur2.sponsorship: [ ’spɔnsəʃip ] n. 发起(主办,倡议,赞助)3.enterpriser: [ ’entəpraizə(r) ] n. 企业家, 干事业的人,工商业投机家4.sponsor: [ ’spɔnsə ] n. 保证人,赞助者v. 发起,赞助词形变化: 形容词:sponsorial 名词:sponsorship 动词过去式:sponsored 过去分词:sponsored 现在分词:sponsoring 第三人称单数:sponsors

什么是英国的Tier 4 sponsorship

英国Tier 4是一种签证的类别。属于计分制签证。申请Tier 4签证,会比较容易些。不需要提供收入证明等等材料。只要担保金存进银行28天后,就可以用于签证。


sponsorship美 [’spɑnsərʃɪp] 英 [’spɒnsə(r)ʃɪp]n.资助;主办;赞助款;倡议网络赞助式广告;发起;赞助商vt. 发起, 主办, 倡仪; 做...的保人, 资助 例句:1.It encompasses securing sponsorship and stakeholder buy-in and any funding necessary to complete the project.它围绕着获得赞助和涉众买进以及完成项目的任何必要资助。2.The exhibition was sponsored by the Society of Culture. 这个展览会是由文化学会主办的。



1、n. 保证人;赞助者;发起者;主办者

2、v. 发起;赞助;倡议









1、Your sponsor may assist in organising this insurance.


2、Mr. Robert Brown was announced as the sponsor.






意思:n. 赞助;光顾;任免权

例句:I am sorry to say that my patronage ends with this.




意思:vt. 建议;暗示;使想起;表明;要求

例句:I suggested to him that we should tackle the problem another way.



是问你在将来是否需要获取工作签证的担保,我听说如果你是中国人的话,就填no就可以了. 下面是对这个所谓的签证担保的解释,挺多我翻不了了,你自己看看: Employment Sponsorship Permanent Residence through Employment Sponsorship: One of the most common methods for obtaining permanent resident status in the United States is through an offer of permanent employment by a U.S. employer. Before applying for permanent resident status (either at a U.S. consulate abroad or at the local Immigration office), an immigrant visa petition must first be filed with and approved by the regional office of the Department of Homeland Security’s - Citizen & Immigration Service (CIS). This web page provides a basic summary of the various categories for employment sponsorship. The law provides strict guidelines as to the specific requirements necessary for an offer of employment to fall within each of the categories. The alien must also meet certain criteria to qualify for a particular category. First Preference Category (labor certification is NOT required): Priority Workers: Outstanding professors and researchers. Although the labor certification process altogether can be avoided , the alien has to prove that either he/she is found best qualified ( in the case of a tenured teaching professor ) or he/she was the minimally qualified worker available under the normal labor certification process ( in the case of other professors and researchers ). Further requirements are : - being “outstanding“: That means that the alien must fulfill two out of six requirements given by a list. - having teaching or research experience for at least three years. - presenting a job offer for an appropriate position. Individuals of “extraordinary ability“ in the arts, sciences, education, business, or athletics. For this category, neither a labor certification nor a job offer is required. The individual has just to show his/her “extraordinary ability“: That means that he/she must belong to that small percentage of persons who are at the very top of the field of endeavor, e.g. having received a major, internationally recognized award, like the Nobel Prize. Certain multinational executives and managers. This type of visa doesn’t require a labor certification or specific educational credentials at all. It is just demanded that the alien permanently worked with a U.S. business’ parent, subsidiary, affiliate, or home office abroad for at least one year within the preceding three years as executive or manager. Second Preference Category (labor certification required, unless waived in the national interest): Individuals with “exceptional ability“ in the sciences, arts, or business. This “exceptional ability“ can again be shown by fulfilling three requirements given in a special list of six. Professionals holding advanced degrees, a degree beyond a four-year baccalaureate). For this category it should be noted that the CIS allows work experience as a substitute for an advanced degree; however, a U.S. baccalaureate or a foreign equivalent remains necessary. s sufficient work experience, five years of progressive work in the specialty may be enough. Waiver in the national interest The job offer requirement and, therefore, the labor certification can be waived in the national interest. It has to be considered on the facts of each case, if an alien comes to the U.S. for the purpose of working in the national interest. The definition of ’national interest’ is quite complicated and has been the focus of several lawsuits. Third Preference Category (labor certification required): Professionals holding a minimum of a bachelor’s degree; Skilled workers with at least two years of training or experience; Unskilled workers with less than two years of training. Fourth Preference Category This category is quite complicated and is rarely used, it includes: Religious workers; Other ’special’ immigrants. Fifth Preference Category Investors in new commercial enterprises. (No offer of employment is required for this category. It is dependent upon a direct investment in the U.S. economy of $1,000,000, or $500,000 if invested in a targeted area.) Besides, the following requirements are established for this category: - creating at least ten full-time jobs for U.S. citizens or immigrants ( five if an investment of $500,000 is considered to be sufficient ). - having a “commercial enterprise“: This allows any kind of business organization like corporation, general or limited partnership, joint venture etc. - having a “new“ business: This includes the creation of an original business, the purchase, restructure or reorganization of an existing business or even the expansion if it results in a 40% increase. - having invested with lawfully acquired money, but not necessarily money from abroad.


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