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宣三大清银币在当时原计划由天津、南京及湖北三地造币厂生产,其中,“宁、鄂两厂,定期先行开铸银圆。总厂则先铸铜币,以期早日实施新制”,故初期在天津总厂生产的数量相当有限。而1911年美国造币厂报告( Annual Report of the Director of the Mint,1911)内引南京美国领事报告:“当局准备新国币在南京厂生产800万枚,武昌厂生产200万枚……”显示确实如此。报告中还注明为区分生产地点,币上有以资识别的“记号”( ear mark,原意是在牛耳打上记号以表明所有人)。


大清银币版式多种多样,有长须龙(龙面的两个龙须较长)、短须龙(龙面的两个龙须较短)、反龙(相对曲须龙 龙身的朝向上是相反的)、大尾龙(算是“曲须龙”的一胎同胞兄弟)和曲须龙(龙面的两个龙须适中且弯曲)。今天主要介绍的是其中之一“曲须龙”。也就是最终选用的“国币”——大清宣三,乔治亲自设计其字面和龙面并进行雕刻。和其他四款样币相比,“曲须龙”可能少了一些夸张和革新,多了一些协调和传统,相信这是中西方雕刻师争执与妥协的结果,也是最终能通过“比稿”原因之一。事实上,“曲须龙”并不缺乏威严霸气,更是在细节上表现得更加细腻和精美,成为“国币”也就在情理之中了。



The silver coins of the Qing Dynasty in the third year of Xuantong were approved to be issued and circulated by sending samples, which is commonly known as "quxulong". In addition to the different dragon shape on the back, the obvious difference between the front and the four sample coins mentioned in the previous chapter lies in the slight fine strokes of the four characters of the "silver coins of the Qing Dynasty". After it was adopted, it was put into production. Jiangnan and Hubei factories began to manufacture new national coins in May of the third year of Xuantong, which is scheduled to be officially issued at the end of the year. Unexpectedly, on the evening of August 19 (October 10, 1911), Wuchang new army uprising, the war spread all over the country and the market shook. Zhang Renjun, governor of Liangjiang, who is in charge of the military and political affairs of Jiangsu, Anhui and Jiangxi provinces, sent an urgent telegram to the Qing government on August 26: "the turmoil in Hubei Province has greatly affected the official money Bureau of Yuning, and ticket holders are overwhelmed. The Nanjing provincial Mint has still caused more than 1 million new coins. Please order the Du branch to fly to the branch and allocate all the money to Daqing, the second branch of communications and the General Administration of Yuning for the use of banknotes", The instruction "the landing branch shall review and handle it quickly". On August 28, the Qing court ordered "the mint branch to allocate 500000 new coins to the General Administration of Yuning and the branch of communications for application". The first national coin of the Qing Dynasty, which was carefully planned for many years and finally came to fruition, was rushed out without any issuing ceremony.

Liangjiang governor was one of the highest ranking frontier ministers in the Qing Dynasty. He was in charge of military and civil affairs in Jiangsu, Anhui and Jiangxi provinces. In the early Qing Dynasty, Jiangsu and Anhui provinces were both under the jurisdiction of Jiangnan province. At the beginning, the governor was in charge of Jiangnan and Jiangxi, so it was called "governor of Liangjiang". Jiangnan Yuning official bank and money Bureau was founded in the 29th year of Guangxu. The general bureau is located in Jiangning (now Nanjing), and has successively set up branches in important cities in Jiangsu Province, such as Shanghai, Zhenjiang, Yangzhou, Haizhou, Suzhou, Wuxi and so on. Other provinces also have branches in Hunan, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangxi and other provincial cities and important cities and towns. The governor of Liangjiang urgently needs the current bank to stabilize the turbulent situation, and the imperial court can't care so much.

Qu Xulong's two formats of "a little" and "no point"

At that time, Xuansan Qing silver coins were originally planned to be produced by mints in Tianjin, Nanjing and Hubei. Among them, "Nanjing and Hubei mints regularly cast silver coins first. The General Factory first cast copper coins in order to implement the new system as soon as possible". Therefore, the number of silver coins produced in Tianjin General Factory was quite limited in the early stage. In 1911, the annual report of the director of the mint (1911) quoted the report of the US Consul in Nanjing: "the authorities are preparing to produce 8 million Singapore coins in Nanjing factory and 2 million in Wuchang factory...". The report also indicates that in order to distinguish the place of production, there is an "ear mark" on the coin for identification, which originally meant to mark the ox's ear to indicate the owner.

There are various types of silver coins in the Qing Dynasty, including long bearded dragon (the two beards on the face of the dragon are longer), short bearded dragon (the two beards on the face of the dragon are shorter), anti Dragon (opposite to the direction of the body of the curved bearded dragon), big tail Dragon (regarded as the first sibling of the "curved bearded dragon") and curved bearded dragon (the two beards on the face of the dragon are moderate and curved). Today, we mainly introduce one of them, "Qu Xulong". That is, the final "national coin" - Xuansan of the Qing Dynasty. George personally designed and carved its characters and dragon face. Compared with the other four sample coins, "quxulong" may be less exaggeration and innovation, and more coordination and tradition. I believe this is the result of the dispute and compromise between Chinese and Western sculptors, and it is also one of the reasons why it can finally pass the "comparison". In fact, "quxulong" is not lack of majesty and domineering, but more delicate and exquisite in details. It is reasonable to become a "national currency".



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