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Today, 24 October, marks the 77th anniversary of the United Nations Day. On this day, we celebrate the entry into force of the United Nations Charter, which took place in 1945.


As one of the founding members of the UN, Belgium takes this occasion to reaffirm its support to an efficient, dynamic and rules-based multilateral system with the United Nation at its core. As a strong supporter of the UN, Belgium eagerly adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SGD’s) at the UN in 2015. Since then, international cooperation and global solidarity have become even more important and necessary due to the global crises of climate change, COVID-19 and humanitarian conflict we face today. It is for this reason that Belgium will continue to enhance and deepen the collaboration on multilateral issues with international institutions and other countries, such as the People’s Republic of China.

Multilateralism is in Belgium’s DNA



As the capital of the European Union and the seat of several European and other multilateral organizations, Brussels incarnates Belgium’s constant striving for stronger multilateralism and closer cooperation between countries. As a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council for the period 2023-2025, Belgium will be able to put this vision into practice and participate in the Organization even more actively. Multilateralism is in Belgium’s DNA, and it has always been the foundation of Belgium’s foreign policy, as well as the guiding principle of the work we do at the Belgian Embassy in Beijing. Multilateralism is key to international stability, stronger democracy and greater well-being for all.


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