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导读 您好,今天帅帅来为大家解答以上的问题。racecar,race相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、1 V-T/V-I If you race, yo...


1、1 V-T/V-I If you race, you take part in a race. 参赛; 与…比赛例:We raced them to the summit.我们和他们一路赛跑到最高点。

2、2 V-I If you race somewhere, you go there as quickly as possible. 疾走例:He raced across town to the State House building.他急速穿过市区去州议会大厦。

3、3V-I If something races toward a particular state or position, it moves very fast toward that state or position. (向某种状态或位置) 快速发展; 快速运动例:Do they realize we are racing toward complete economic collapse?他们是否意识到我们正迅速走向彻底的经济崩溃?4.V-T If you race a vehicle or animal, you prepare it for races and make it take part in races. 使参赛 (多指车辆或动物)例:He still raced sports cars as often as he could.他仍然尽可能频繁地开着跑车参加比赛。

4、5.V-I If your mind races, or if thoughts race through your mind, you think very fast about something, especially when you are in a difficult or dangerous situation. (尤指在面临困难或危险时大脑) 急速运转例:I made sure I sounded calm but my mind was racing.我确保自己听起来很平静,但大脑却在急速运转。

5、7.V-I If your heart races, it beats very quickly because you are excited or afraid. (心脏因激动或恐惧而) 急速跳动例:Her heart raced uncontrollably.她的心脏难以控制地急速跳动起来。



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