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人教版 | 七年级英语上册Unit 4单元检测试题,下面是一枝寒梅初中英语数学给大家的分享,一起来看看。


Unit4 Where is my schoolbag?

Ⅰ. 单项选择。

1. —Where’s your picture?

—_______the wall of my room.

A.In B. On C. Under D. Between

2. I like to watch football games ______ TV.

A. on B. at C. in D. from

3. ______ are in the room.

A. I, you and he B. You, I and he

C. He, you and I D. You, he and I

4. -Where’s my soccer ball?

 -________ under the bed.

A. It B. Is C. It’s D. Its

5. —_____ you give me _____ rice?

-Yes. Here you are.

A. Are; any B. Can; some

C. Do; some D. Can; a

6. -________ behind ________?

 ―My alarm clock.

A. What’s, the chair B. Where’s, the chair

C. What are, the chair D. Where are, a chair

7. I’m very tidy, _______ my brother isn’t.

A. or B. and C. but D. /

8. Where are ________ pens? Are ________ in the bag?

A. my; they B. /; they

C. your; you D. his; them

9. Do you know the ________ between them?

A. difference B. different C. difficult D. difficulty

10. There is a map ______China______ the wall.

A. of; on B. of; in C. of; of D. for; on

11. Look at the picture ________ the right.

A.in B.on C.at D.next

12. Please look at the photo ______ page 20.

A. in B. to C. on D. under

13. I’m Kate, _______ my sister is Gina.

A. for B. and C. or D. to

14.-Who is the girl ______ the hat? -She is my sister.

A. at B in C. on D. of

15. You know this book is between ____ and ______.

A. you; me B. he; you C. my; your D. I; he


1. —What’s in that box?

—Oh, ___________ Lucy’s cat. But I don’t know ____________ name.

A. it’s; its B. it’s; it’s C. its; its D. its; it’s

2. —Thank you very much. — _______.

A. Thanks a lot B. Oh, yes, thank you

C. That’s all right D. That’s right

3. —Here is a nice photo of Tom’s family. Look! _________ are those boys?

—Oh, I think they are Tom and his brother, Tony.

A. What B. Who C. Where

Ⅱ. 完形填空。

This is 1 bedroom. It’s a nice room. You can see a bed, two 2 , a chair and a baseball on the floor. What 3 see on the wall? You can see 4 and a kite on the wall. You can also (还) see a window 5 wall. Where’s 6 light (灯)? It’s on 7 table. Some plants are on the table, 8 . Where 9 his pencil-box and books? They’re on the other (另一个) table. You can see a clock 10 it. Under the chair is his baseball. It’s a nice bedroom.

1. A. Li Lei B. of Li Lei C. Li Lei’s D. of Li Lei’s

2. A. tables B. table C. book D. chairs

3. A. you can B. can you C. can D. you

4. A. the picture B. picture C. pictures D. of picture

5. A. in the B. in C. on the D. on

6. A. a B. the C. some D. an

7. A. one B. the one C. a D. the

8. A. to B. too C. and D. or

9. A. are B. is C. am D. do

10. A. in B. at C. under D. on

III. 阅读理解。


Hello, everyone! This is my bedroom. That is my green bed. It’s very lovely. Isn’t it? Can you see the pink pillow? It’s my pillow. I like it very much. The dresser is beside (在……旁边) the bed. It’s brown. And a clock is on the dresser. It’s pink and purple. There is a computer on the desk. I like to use the computer very much. I often use it to do my homework. Oh, this is my desk. It’s blue. My books are under the desk. The desk is beside the chair. My chair is blue, too. Ah, my baseball! It’s on my chair. I like my bedroom very much!

1. Where is the dresser?

A. Next to(靠近) the bed.

B. Behind the bed

C. Near the desk.

2. Is the clock on the dresser?

A. No, it isn’t.

B. Yes, it is.

C. I don’t know.

3. What color is the desk?

A. Green. B. Red. C. Blue.

4. Where are the books?

A. Under the desk.

B. Behind the desk.

C. Near the desk.

5. Is there(有) a baseball in the room?

A. No, there isn’t.

B. Yes, there is.

C. We don’t know.


Our school isn’t very big, but it is very beautiful(漂亮). There are a lot of trees in it. I’m in Class Two, Grade Seven. The walls of our classroom are white. There is a blackboard and some pictures on the wall. Our classroom is very clean(干净). There are 45 students in my class. Mr. White is our English teacher. He is fromEngland. I like English very much. Mr. White is very friendly(友好) to us. He likes China and he learns(学习) Chinese now. He can speak some Chinese. My father and mother are English teachers, too. They often help me with my English.

My classmates(同学) are very friendly. We are all friends. We like our school class.

6. There are _________ in my school.

A. many trees

B. 45 students

C. two classes

7. Mr. White is __________.

A. an American teacher

B. my teacher

C. American

8. My father is _________ teacher.

A. my B. a Chinese C. an English

9. I like _________ very much.

A. English B. my teachers C. my friends

10. Our school is ___________.

A. not beautiful B. not big C. behind my home


Lost and Found


Is this your book? Please call Tony at 5010000.


Is that your school bag? Please call Mary. Phone number 5013333.


My pencil box .Blue and white. Call Tom at 5014444.


My school ID card. My name is Mike. Please call 5016666.


A set of keys. Please call Jane at 5019999.


A dog. Black and white. At the school gate(大门). Call Jenny at 5018888.

11. Here are ________ notices (启事) in the Lost & Found box.

A. three B. four C. five D. six

12. You lost your keys. You may (可以) call ________.

A. 5016666 B. 5019999 C. 5013333 D. 5018888

13. You found a school ID card. Maybe (可能) it belongs to (属于) ________.

A. Mike B. Jenny C. Tony D. Tom

14. Jenny found ________.

A. a blue and white dog

B. a black and white box

C. a blue and white box

D. a black and white dog

15. ________ found the book.

A. Mike B. Mary C. Tony D. Jane

Ⅳ. 书面表达。


书包放置在桌子上,地图(map)在书包里,一串钥匙也放在书包里,一些钱(money)放在抽屉里,一碟CD和CD机(CD walkman)放在电脑旁边,一些水果和食品放在了冰箱上面……









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