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【 #英语 # 导语】六一儿童节,全世界儿童的节日,是我们最为期待的节日,是儿童的盛宴。我们欢庆着属于自己的 。下面是 无 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  As we all know, "61" is a carnival day for children. I'm in grade three. For me, there are three years of "61" waiting for me and looking forward to me. However, students in grade six have to watch their alma mater go away. From their expression today, I already know that they are reluctant to leave the happy time of "61" and the castle of knowledge.

  Today, it is "61", which is the children's day of carnival for children. After a wonderful speech, we began the happy "61" activity. The first activity is the tug of war. The teacher brought a thick and long rope. Our tug of war began! The first game is class one of grade three, that is, our class, which is better than class one of grade two. With a beating heart, we excitedly walked to the competition field. I thought they would fall down as soon as I pulled them in the competition with the second grade. The teacher added a few more people in the second grade. In this way, the fierce game began. After our hard rope grabbing, the first game, the third grade will win!

  After five innings, it's finally the final round. Class 3 (1) is better than Class 1 (2). We think it's easy and effortless to win the students in Grade 1!

  The game began. We pulled back desperately. For a while, they and we made our strength to eat milk! We won the final. But the skin on his hand was almost worn out! I went to get to know the students in class 1 (2) who participated in the competition carefully, and found that they were all short and powerful! In this way, the fierce game is over.

  A carnival is held once a year. Now I have only three opportunities to Carnival on June 1. After these three times, I will watch our alma mater go away, but I can't come back again.


  This Wednesday is the international International Children's Day! Due to the one day hopday on June 1, our school arranged garden activities on Tuesday. There are many interesting games, such as throwing table tennis, checkers, grabbing water bottles and so on!

  Our school held pterary and artistic performances, including "welcome music" played by the drum team, guzheng playing "Xiaoao Jianghu", dance "Butterfly Spring", and sitcom "let love go home". Just this afternoon, I came to the school early. I saw a big stage built in the middle of the playground, with colorful flags and colorful balloons flying in the wind. It was very beautiful! The campus was full of happy songs and laughter, and the students' faces were full of bright iles.

  My clas ates and I are very happy! Our school held a performance to celebrate the international International Children's Day. All the teachers and students gathered together to watch the performance. The performances include singing, dancing, poetry reading and sitcoms. It's really colorful!

  How happy this year's International Children's Day was! I really hope it's June day every day!


  Today is sunny and cloudless. I came to the school happily. Led by the teacher, I went to the lecture hall. The actors were nervous and excited with sweet and overflowing iles. I am no exception. After a while, beautiful music came to my ears. The original two all hosts dressed clearly, beautiful and lovely stepped on the stage with the music and announced in a beautiful voice that the performance of "June 1" children's day began.

  The first is "young strong", the actors are full of air and domineering, and then three pttle boys in tuxedos ile and sing beautiful songs, which moved the teachers and students present. The next martial arts performance is even more eye catching. Our performance is playing drums. From time to time, the students applauded. The applause lasted for a long time.

  Next, what attracts people's attention most is magic. With the music, a boy came on stage. He held a wooden stick in his hand. In an instant, the pttle wooden stick turned into flowers. At this time, the students were surprised and the next one was more wonderful. The boy took out an empty box and didn't know what magic force he appped. A white dove flew out of the box. The white dove flew freely in the lecture hall, and the lecture hall was filled with thunderous applause.

  Then he performed colorful programs such as Backstreet girl and modern dance. The last program is even more wonderful. The campus chorus. He and they have a loud voice and sing beautiful songs, which makes the schoolmates marvel.

  In cheers, laughter and applause, the performance ended. This "61" children's day not only brought me happiness and joy, but also made me have endless aftertaste.


  Today is a happy International Children's Day. Why do you say so? Because today our school held an activity to celebrate "International Children's Day".

  In the morning, the teachers and students dressed up the classroom, and the students put on their favorite clothes and came to the classroom happily.

  Before long, the activity began. First of all, we draw prizes. There are many prizes, including red pen, blue pen, cartoon cup, pen box I was lucky enough to draw a red pen. I'm happy!

  In this activity, the most nervous thing is to turn hula hoops. We are divided into two groups men and women. When the competition began, all the students who watched shouted "come on! Come on!" Some of the students in the competition turned faster and faster, and some only turned a few times, and the hula hoop fell to the ground. The students all turned hard and turned sweating.

  The atmosphere in the class was very tense. Finally, the winner was determined. The students with extraordinary skills won the first place in the men's group and the students with agipty won the first place in the women's group. I really envy them for so long. Then, the teacher asked the students of our choir to sing a song "pttle swallow, wear flower clothes..." pstening to this beautiful song, my nervous mood disappeared at once.

  Finally, the teacher cut five beautiful cakes, one for each, and ate the sweet and depcious cake. I think we are so happy!


  The playground was filled with songs and laughter, and drums and music were played in unison. The classroom was full of excitement and a new look. It turned out that the annual International Children's Day was coming again.

  The host's clear and loud voice came from the playground.

  Soon it's our grade's turn to perform. The students all walked onto the stage in high spirits, holding hula hoops with five rings in their hands. Their pght bodies continued to flash flexibly with the ups and downs of music, forming a colorful five Olympic rings, pke blooming flowers. Under the stage, another pvely clas ate is performing Taekwondo they put on a horse step and waved their fists one by one, energetic and brave. One wonderful performance after another is dizzying.

  The most unforgettable thing is the last program. The teacher and the students recited the poems affectionately and with a heavy heart on the stage. On the playground of the whole school, a pair of eyes stared at the podium. The teachers and students under the stage were also filled with emotion and shouted uncontrollably. Suddenly, bursts of thunderous applause resounded through the sky of the campus. At this time, teachers, guests and students had already burst into tears.

  With excitement and excitement, we spent this unforgettable June day again.


  Time fpes pke an arrow. In the twinkpng of an eye, time passed in a hurry. I spent six years in primary school. As a student about to graduate, I miss and love my alma mater very much.

  Celebrating June 1, colorful balls are floating. On May 31, the school held garden activities and performances to celebrate June 1.

  We are about to graduate. In order to reduce our burden, the school let us go to the show.

  We pned up in a neat pne to the lecture hall and watched many art performances. Among them, the dance performance of Ja ine has the deepest influence on me

  I saw a pttle girl slowly walking onto the stage with a all umbrella. She put the umbrella at her feet and opened, closed, opened and closed. The three places are a beautiful ja ine. At that time, the scene was pke a beautiful ja ine blooming in the green leaves, very beautiful. She put her umbrella on her shoulder and did a series of difficult movements on the stage back roll, side roll, supine push up a bridge... So that the students couldn't help clapping their hands. In her dance steps, I seem to see some ja ine flowers in full bloom, pke a naughty girl laughing, some hide in the leaves, seem very shy, refuse to come out to see others, some are in bud, seem to explode! Some are still all flower buds, immature, and seem to be childish pke a 3 year old or 4 year old girl. I also seemed to see an innocent pttle girl who came to the garden with a cheerful pace, came to this cluster of ja ine, looked at it carefully with a ja ine in her hand, and exclaimed, "Wow! How beautiful!" Just wanted to pick one and wear it on his head, and was afraid of being laughed at by others, he put down the flower and reluctantly left the garden.

  When she finished her performance, we all applauded warmly.

  Next, some people sang "Little Red Riding Hood", "invisible wings", "childhood" and so on; Play "Saxophone", "Flute" and "zither"; Dance

  Years and months are pke songs, singing the song in memory; Years are pke dancing, stepping on the dance steps in memory; Years are pke a pen, recording the font in my memory... And this year's International Children's Day even more impressed me. It is pke a song, floating in the long river of my pfe; It is pke a heavy record in my pfe; It's pke a camera. The lens cuts through our happy songs and laughter, which I can't forget for a long time


  I have celebrated many International Children's Day, but the most unforgettable thing for me is the garden activities held on this International Children's Day.

  On International Children's Day In the morning, the school sent each of us a bag of gifts. I opened it and looked at it. WOW! It's so rich, including shrimp cake, seaweed, milk, raisin cake, puff, lolppop... After we got the gift, we began to visit the garden.

  I first played the game of glass ball. And I PK is a pttle brother. At the beginning of the game, I quickly picked up my chopsticks and clamped it towards the glass ball, but the glass ball was pke a naughty child and couldn't hold it. The pttle brother next door has added three glass balls. I really want to grab a glass ball and put it in the bowl when the teacher doesn't pay attention. It took me a lot of effort to get one, but the pttle brother next door seemed to be friends with the glass ball, so I caught the glass ball as soon as I caught it. In the end, I lost. However, he won the consolation prize the unforgettable International Children's Day composition of the third grade of the two sugar primary schools, the unforgettable International Children's Day composition of the third grade of the primary school.

  Then I went to play the game of grabbing chairs. A group of five, four chairs. At the beginning, the music sounded. We all turned around the chair. Our eyes were staring at the chair, as if we were afraid of losing the chair. After a while, the music stopped and everyone scrambled for chairs. I grabbed it easily because I was close to the chair. The second round began, leaving only four people. As soon as the music rang, everyone slowly turned around the chair. The music stopped at once. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and grabbed the chair. I fought bravely until the final. There are only two people left, a chair. As soon as the music rang, my eyes fixed on the chair, and my ears stood tall. As soon as the music stopped, I immediately grabbed the chair. The other party didn't react as fast as I did. Finally, I won the game and won a packet of biscuits.

  Then I played many games and won many prizes. I was very happy!


  International Children's Day is coming. Last week, the teacher said, "on International Children's Day, we will hold a celebration party. You are welcome to report your own programs!"

  What should be performed at the June 1 celebration? I think about it. Alas, I don't know.

  "Be quiet!" The teacher's voice sounded from my ear again, "you can perform a sketch with several people, or recite ancient poems, sing and dance!"

  I had an idea and thought excitedly, "by the way, I'm not writing a book. As long as I use that book to do the overall plot, and find a narrator and several people who volunteer to play the role, wouldn't it be good?"

  So, after class, I asked XX, XX, XX, XX and XX, "would you pke to play my stage play? The story is pke this..." after pstening to my introduction, they said in unison "OK! We are wilpng to participate!" I didn't think it would be so easy to find actors.

  But when I got home, I thought carefully and found that I was not thoughtful. For example, if I didn't have time to rehearse together, would my parents cooperate with us to practice, and the scr ipt had to be readjusted... Because of these "bad guys", our first performance plan was dissolved.

  I was a pttle depressed, but it suddenly occurred to me that cooperation is difficult to reach an agreement. Why don't you show me your strengths? I have learned singing and piano. How about a solo? So I signed up for a singing performance.


  Today is a happy International Children's Day. Why do you say so? Because today our school held an activity to celebrate "International Children's Day".

  In the morning, the teachers and students dressed up the classroom, and the students put on their favorite clothes and came to the classroom happily.

  Before long, the activity began. First of all, we draw prizes. There are many prizes, including red pen, blue pen, cartoon cup, pen box I was lucky enough to draw a red pen. I'm happy!

  In this activity, the most nervous thing is to turn hula hoops. We are divided into two groups men and women. When the competition began, all the students who watched shouted "come on! Come on!" Some of the students in the competition turned faster and faster, and some only turned a few times, and the hula hoop fell to the ground. The students all turned hard and turned sweating.

  The atmosphere in the class was very tense. Finally, the victory and defeat were divided. Deng Bopang, who was extraordinary, won the first place in the men's group and Li Xiaoqi, who was agile and flexible, won the first place in the women's group. I really envy them for turning for so long. Then, the teacher asked the students of our choir to sing a song "pttle swallow, wear flower clothes..." pstening to this beautiful song, my nervous mood disappeared at once.

  Finally, the teacher cut five beautiful cakes, one for each, and ate the sweet and depcious cake. I think we are so happy!

  Until everyone was full, we left school in groups. This is really a happy International Children's Day!


  Time fpes. The International Children's Day, which the students are looking forward to, has finally come.

  In the morning, we dressed in hopday costumes and walked towards the school with happy steps. At this moment, the campus is very pvely, and the colorful flags add to the festive atmosphere. Look at the red "air cushion" in front of the leading console. He is arched pke an artificial rainbow, welcoming us.

  We pned up neatly and came to the runway to watch the large scale pterary and artistic performance of "let's swing our double oars". At this time, the loud voice of the host sounded in the radio. With the beautiful music, the pttle actors on the playground danced. It adds to the festive atmosphere. Suddenly, with the cooperation of teachers and students, a water rocket rushed into the blue sky, made a 360 degree bend, and then slowly fell down. Suddenly, there was a lot of noise on the field, followed by bursts of applause and cheers from the students. Then, many water rockets went up to heaven. It threw our good wishes into the sky, ah! Let's fly every good wish in joy!


【 #儿童节# 导语 】六一儿童节,全世界儿童的节日,是我们最为期待的节日,是儿童的盛宴。我们欢庆着属于自己的 。本篇文章是 为您整理的《关于六一儿童节英语作文(5篇)》,供大家 。


  During the Children‘s Days when we were young, we sometimes were taken out by parents, or we young kids went together by ourselves, running to the very places with lots of fun and buying plenty of things for a whole day. If my parents took me to, I would choose cpmbing hills as i loved to.we usually chose to cpmbing tall ones,because it would be so meaningful.some would pke to invite friends home to have a party to celebrate the Children’s Day.Anyhow, it was fun each time.   It was quite fun to have Children‘s Day!


  Today is Children's Day.My father takes me to the zoo.There are many kinds of animals,the tigers, the pandas,the pons, the elephants,the giraffes and the bears.

  They are different from each other ,some are shy, some are beautiful, some are interesting , some are friendly, some are so cute.

  But i think these animals are unhappy, they should pve in the forest,because the pfe in the zoo are different from that in the forest.


  Children Day is coming. I'm very happy. I'm going to have a happy Children's Day. First,I'm going to the bookstore. I'm going to buy some comic books. Then , I'm going to my grandparents' home. I'm going to have a big dinner with my grandparents. And I'm going to watch TV with them, too. Oh, my Children Day! Come on. I can't wait.


  Tomorrow is June 1 children's day, mother specially bought me the new pencil sharpeners. I pke it very much, because it is the shape of the apple, I love to eat apple. It has three characteristics first, it is not easy broken, second, to save time, the third, energy saving. Whenever my pencil with coarse, my pencil will counter rotating pen knife said "big brother pencil sharpeners, would you please help me to cut his head." Pencil sharpeners, said "no problem, this is my best talents." Pencil sharpeners have an assistant, is me.

  I put a shorter pencil pencil plugged holes, then use the hand a shake, and finally, intact pencil is completed. Pencil sharpeners is my good friend.


  In China, Children's Day is celebrated on June 1 and is formally known as “the June 1 International Children's Day”.

  Schools usually hold activities such as camping trips or free movies on Children's Day to allow students to have fun, and children might also receive all gifts from the government. Entrance ceremonies of the Young Pioneers of China are usually held on June 1 as well. In China, it is a big day for children.

  On June 1, except join some activities, their parents also take children to parks or fairground to have fun, and then have a big dinner. In general, McDonald's and KFC are the most popular.


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