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imaginative(imaginative capacity)


A creative and imaginative child is a great burden to the ordinary parents, and this is why a repressive society produces so few of them the weaker spirits are crushed, and the hardier ones often overreact。

imaginary是虚构的,假想的 imaginative是富有想像力的,形容人的。

imaginatively 副词 imaginative的副词形式 imaginative i#39m#230d#658in#601tiv 想象的,富有想象力的 The arts also let us live, imaginatively, within the world where they are produced艺术同样让。

funny是最常用的,形容人和事物都可以,一个滑稽可笑的回答就直接说a funny answer,这是中性的语境,如果是贬义的,就说a ridiculous answer comic和comical基本不用来表示滑稽的,而用来表示漫画或漫画人物的 imaginative没有。

imaginative(imaginative capacity) 第1张

1imaginative指“有想象力的接人” 2imaginary指“想象的虚构的接物”2burier是埋葬别人的人动词加后缀er一般指主动执行者,加后缀ee是被动对象比如employ v雇佣 employer n雇主 employee n。

1imaginative adj富于想像的有创造力的虚构的2imaginary adj虚构的,假想的想像的虚数的 3二者都是形容词,当“虚构的”讲时,意思几乎没有差别4imaginative有“想象力创造力”之意,而imaginary却没。

imaginative(imaginative capacity) 第2张


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