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6个流程,全面提升就餐体验,让餐厅叫座又叫好!| 餐饮树,下面是青岛谋略思维管理咨询给大家的分享,一起来看看。








a. 对于不常来的顾客:“欢迎光临”;

b. 对于带着孩子来的顾客:“欢迎光临,和大家一起来玩啊,真好啊。”或”欢迎光临,小朋友真乖啊。”

c. 对于事先预定的顾客:“欢迎光临,正在等您呢。”或“欢迎光临,路上没堵车吧。”


























a bit of 有一点儿

例句:Put a bit of sugar in the coffee, and it will taste better.咖啡里加点儿糖,味道尝起来更好。(大连中考题)

辨析:a bit of 与 a bit

1.a bit 修饰动词、形容词、副词和比较级。

2.a bit of 修饰不可数名词,a bit of的另一种形式是bits of。

*a couple of 两个;一对;几个

例句:You should spend a couple of hours getting ready for the interview.你应该花几个小时为面试做准备。(上海中考)

辨析:a couple of 与 a pair of

1.a couple of 指两个互有关系的人或物,其修饰的名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数

2.a pair of 指使用时彼此不能分开的两件东西构成的物品,其修饰的名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数

a few 一些,少数几个

例句:“What are you going to buy?”“I’m going to buy ______ bananas.” “你打算去买什么?”“我打算去买一些香蕉。”(福州中考)

辨析:a few,few, a little,little

a few + 可数名词,用于肯定句

a little + 不可数名词,用于肯定句

few + 可数名词,用于否定句

little + 不可数名词,用于否定句

*agree with (sb) 同意;赞成

例句:His deeds do not always agree with his words. 他的言行并非总是一致。

辨析:agree on,agree to,agree with (sb)

agree to 主要用来表示一方提出一项建议、安排、计划等,另一方同意协作。

agree on [upon] 主要指双方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议。

agree with ①表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等 (即持同一观点);②表示“ (食物、天气、工作等)对…适宜”;③表示“与…一致”。

a good many 很多、大量;相当多;

例句:A good many things had happened since we left.自从我们离开以来,发生了许多事。

用法:只能用来修饰可数名词 。

a group of 一群

例句:A group of adults, highly succeeded in their jobs, went to visit their old professor.一群在自己工作上极度成功的成年人,去拜访他们的老教授。(山东烟台中考)

a kind of 一种

例句:Anger is a kind of feeling . 愤怒是一种情感。(湖南岳阳中考)

用法:kind指品种,说“一种”事物常用a kind of 作定语。a kind of animal一种动物,a kind of car一种小车。

辨析:1、a kind of:(某类中的)一种,作定语,后面加名词。

2、kind of表示“有一点儿”“有几分”“相当”。后面加形容词。

3、all kinds of:全部种类,后面加名词复数。谓语动词用复数。

*a little 一点儿;少量的

例句:I'm a little tired. Let's take a short rest. 我有点累了。让我们休息一会儿。

a lot of 许多,大量

用法:a lot of等于lots of,并且只能用于肯定句中;a lot of既可修饰可数名词复数,也可修饰不可数名词。

例句:English is spoken by a lot of people.许多人说英语。(黄冈中考)

a moment ago 刚才

例句:I see her go upstairs a moment ago. 我刚才看见她上楼去了。 图 3

a number of 许多;大量的

例句:A number of (ie some) problems have arisen. 已经出现了一些问题。


a number of 意思是“一些,若干”(= some),后接可数名词复数或代词,谓语动词用复数形式。

the number of 意思是“……的数字/数目”,后接可数名词复数,谓语动词用单数。

*a pair of 一双

例句:Mother bought her a pair of tennis shoes.


*a piece of 一片;一块

例句:Would you please give me a piece of paper? 能给我一张纸吗?

above all 首先;最重要的是;

例句:Above all,he was a good and tireless writer. 首先,他是位优秀的、不知疲倦的作家。

according to 按照;根据

例句:Please arrange the books according to size.请按大小将书分类。

across from 在……对面

例句:The museum is across from the post office.博物馆在邮局对面。(宜宾中考) 图4 、图5

add to 增添,增加,增进

例句:I have nothing to add to my earlier statement. 我对我先前说的话,没有什么补充的。

辨析:add to意为“增添,增加,增进”。


add up to意为“加起来总共是/累计得”,该短语不用于被动语态。

after a while 过一会儿;不久

例句:Don't worry, your brother will come back after a while. 别担心,你兄弟一会就会回来。

after all 毕竟;到底;终究

例句:After all, children eat the same way as their parents.毕竟,孩子们和他们父母吃的方式一样。(北京中考)

again and again 反复地;再三地

例句:The actress was bowing her thanks again and again.女演员正在一次又一次地谢幕。

agree on 对 ... 意见一致

例句: Will you agree on what I said just now?您同意我刚才说的话吗?

辨析:agree on /upon “对……取得一致意见”指两方或多方就某个问题取得了一致的意见或达成了某种协议。

agree to “同意、应允”通常用于同意某件事情(我们可以同意我们自己有不同看法而并不赞同的事情)。

agree with “同意、赞同”常常表示同某人意见一致,也可表赞同某件事情。还有“(气候、食物等)适合”之意。

*aim at 瞄准;针对;致力于;旨在

例句:We aim at doubling our production.我们的目标是将生产增加一倍。

*all in all 总的说来

例句:He has his faults, but, all in all, he is a good helper.他虽有缺点,但总的说来,他是一个好帮手。

*all kinds of 各种类型的;各种各样的

例句:Sandy collected pictures of all kinds of butterflies. 桑迪收集了各种各样的蝴蝶图片。(江苏中考) 图6


all one’s life一生;终生

例句:Friends are the biggest treasures in our life! 朋友是我们一生最大的财富!

all over the world 全世界

例句:Radio Beijing sends the news all over the world.北京广播电台向全世界播送新闻。

all the same都一样,仍然

例句:He's a bit naughty, but I like him all the same.他有点顽皮,可是我还是喜欢他。

all the time 一直;总是

例句:I've kept on thinking about that all the time. 我一直惦记着这件事。

all the way 一路上;自始至终

例句:He drove all the way through to New York.他一直开到纽约。

*all year round 全年

例句:The climate of Kunming is enjoyable all year round.昆明的气候一年四季都令人愉快。

along with 与……一起;加之

例句:These visitors came along with some business men.这些旅客是和一些商人一起来的。

and so on 等等

例句:This March, the H7N9 virus (病毒) hit Shanghai, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and so on.



apart from 此外;除……之外

例句:Apart from the money in the drawer, I am penniless.除去抽屉里的钱我是身无分文。



except for意为“除„„之外”,用于引述细节以修正和补充句子的主要意思。前后名词性质不同。

apart from具有多重意义,既可表示besides,也可表示except或except for。

arrive at 到达某地

例句:You must arrive at the airport two hours early. 你必须提前两小时到达机场。

辨析:arrive at 后接小地点

arrive in 后接大地点

as a natter of fact 事实上;其实

例句: As a matter of fact, I've never been there before. 事实上我从未到过那儿。

as a result (of) 因此;作为……的结果

例句:He was late as a result of the snow. 由于大雪他迟到了。

as a whole 整个来说;总体上

例句:We must consider those matters as a whole. 我们必须全盘考虑这些事。


例句:John is as bright as Bob. 约翰和鲍博一样聪明。


as for 至于;关于

例句:As for my past, I'm not telling you anything.关于我的过去,我什么都不会告诉你。

as if 好像

例句:It looks as if it will rain before long. 看起来一会儿就要下雨了。

用法:as if一般可由as though来代替。可在look, seem等系动词后引导表语从句。

*as long as 只要;既然

例句:The river is as long as that one.这条河和那条河一样长。

as many as 和……一样多;多达

例句:My father loves me as much as my mother does. 我父亲和我母亲一样爱我。

辨析: as many as 后接可数名词复数

as much as 后接不可数名词

as soon as一……就……

例句:As soon as she saw a snake on the mud, she started crying at the top of her voice。.


as usual像往常一样

例句:As usual, there weren't many people at the meeting. 像往常一样,来开会的人不多。

as well as 也,又;还;和……一样好

例句:Do you believe some special dogs can do things as well as man? 你相信有些特别的狗能做和人一样的事吗?(南通中考)

用法:当as well as连接两个成分作主语时,其后谓语的单复数形式通常要与前面一个主语保持一致。

*ask… for…请求;恳求(给予)

例句:He asked his parents for a bicycle as his birthday present.他向父母要一辆自行车作为生日礼物。

ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事

例句:The doctor asked me to stay in bed. 医生让我卧床休息。 图 8

*at all 完全;根本

例句:I have no time at all to write to you. 我根本没时间给你写信。

*at first首先;最初

例句:At first I didn't know what had happened.起先我不知道发生了什么事。


at home在家

例句:You can stay at home and watch TV. 你可以待在家里并且看电视。 图9

at last最后,终于

例句:What did the man decide to buy at last? 这个男人最后买了什么?(杭州中考)

辨析:at last 只能指时间位置,不能指时间顺序,而且在语义上是指经过周折,等待,耽搁的“终于”,“最后”。


*at least至少;不少于;起码

例句:He has been there at least twice. 他至少去过那儿两次。

at night在夜里

例句:It was too late at night when an old man came to a small town. 老人在夜里很晚的时候来到小城。(海南中考)

*at once立即;马上

例句:He stopped playing the piano at once. 他立刻停止了弹钢琴。

*at present 目前;现在

例句:At present, more and more people are crazy about travel ling.现在,越来越多的人痴狂于旅行。(东营中考)

at table 在进餐,在吃饭

例句:It is impolite to blow your nose at table.在吃饭时擦鼻涕是不礼貌的。

辨析: at table 指在吃饭这一状态。

at the table 指在桌子旁,不一定在吃饭。

at that moment 就在那时

例句:At that moment my heart was full of joy and thankfulness.此时,我的心充满了欢乐与感激。

at the age of 在……岁的时候

例句:She was orphaned at the age of ten. 她在十岁时成为孤儿。

*at the beginning of 在……开始

例句:In America, at the beginning of the term, students must select their courses and teachers first.


辨析:at the beginning of...意思是“在...刚开始的时候”,它只描述事情的起初情况,并不强调后来的情况与开始时相反。

at first“刚开始的时候/起初”,它一般用于描述一件事情的发展的前后进程,而且强调事情发展的前后特点不一致,且用于过去时居多。

at the end of 在……的结尾;在……结束时

例句:Put a question mark at the end of that sentence.在那个句末划一个问号。

at the moment 此刻;正在那时

例句:I couldn't summon up his name at the moment.


at the same time 同时

例句:At the same time, you must choose the teachers. Different teachers have different teaching methods. 同时,你必须选择老师。不同的老师有不同的教学方法。(烟台中考)

at the sight of 一见……就

例句:His mouth watered at the sight of the food.


at the top of 在……顶端

例句:He is at the top of the class.他居全班之首位。(哈尔滨中考)

辨析:at the top of “在……顶点上、在……上”。at 表示点,在句子中用作状语,反义短语常为 at the bottom of “在……底部”;

on (the) top of 中的on 表示部位上的接触,意思是“在……之上、在……上面”。反义短语常为at the foot of “在……脚底下”。

图10 、 图 11

*at times 有时;偶尔

例句:She can be really irritating at times.她有时候真让人恼火。

at weekends 在周末

例句:He likes to go climbing at weekends. 他喜欢在周末做登山运动。

at work在工作

例句:Do you have to wear a suit at work? 你们上班得穿西装吗?


be able to 能够做某事

例句:Soon computers and other machines(机器) will be able to remember you by looking at your eyes! 不久电脑和其他机器能够通过盯着你的眼睛看记住你。(宝鸡中考)

辨析:be able to 主要指具体做到了某件事的能力,经过努力而成功做成某事其形式主要是靠be 发生变化。

can泛指一般的能力,而且只有两种形式,即can, could。

be about to 即将;将要

例句:Take your places, please, we are about to start. 各位请入席,我们就要开始了。

be afraid of 害怕;恐怕

例句:In order to speak English better, we shouldn’t be afraid of losing face.为了说好英语,我们不应该害怕丢脸。(哈尔滨中考)

辨析:be afraid of 后接名词、代词,表示“害怕某人或某物”,接动名词,表示“担心或害怕某种情况发生”,是客观上发生的。

be afraid to do sth. 表示“害怕做某事”,也就是主语对做某事内心感到恐惧。是主观上的原因害怕去做。

be against 反对;违反

例句:It will be against my principle to lie to you. 对你说假话是违背我的行为准则的。

be allowed to do 被允许做

例句: I think I should be allowed to do the things that I’m interested in.我想我应该被允许做我感兴趣的事情。(黄冈中考)

be angry . 生气

例句:Don't be angry over such trivial matters. 别为这些琐事生气。

be asleep 睡着

例句:I pretended to be asleep but in fact I was awake.我假装睡着了,其实我是醒着的。

图 12

be away离开

例句:I'll take care of your children while you are away.你不在时我会照顾你的孩子的。

be bad for对……有害

例句:It is bad for your eyes to play computer games.玩电脑游戏对你的眼睛有害。(广东中考)

be born 出生

例句:My friends Henry was born on June 10th 1997. 我的朋友亨利出生于1997年6月10日。(重庆中考)

辨析:be born on后面接时间,而且是具体到哪年哪月哪天。

be born in 后接时间则只接哪年或哪年哪月,也可以接地点。

be busy with 忙于某事

例句:Are you busy with your homework now?你现在在忙着你的家庭作业吗?(山西中考)

用法:后接名词或代词,相当于be busy (in) doing sth.。

be careful小心

例句:Be careful with your machine, you'll be hurt.小心你的机器,不然就会受伤。(黑龙江中考)

be close to 与……亲近;接近

例句:She feels good to be close to the nature.她喜欢亲近自然。

be confident 对……有信心

例句:One has to be confident in himself. 一个人一定要对自己有信心。

be covered with 被……覆盖着

例句:In a few years’time, those mountains will be covered with trees.几年的时间,这些山将数目林立。(宜昌中考)

辨析:be covered with 强调状态

be covered by 强调动作

图 13 图 14

be different from与……不同

例句:Life in the 21st century will be different from life in the 20th century.二十一世纪的生活将和二十世纪的不同。

be excited about 对……感到兴奋;激动

例句:The three students will be excited about their summer plans.这三个学生对他们的暑假计划感到很兴奋。(三亚中考)


be familiar to 对……熟悉

例句:The singer is familiar to every one of us.这位歌唱家是我们大家熟悉的。

辨析:be familiar to 通常由物作主语,是某物、某事为某人所熟悉。

be familiar with 通常由人作主语,一般是指某人熟悉某人、某物。

be famous as作为……而出名

例句:Edison was famous as a great inventor.爱迪生以一位伟大的发明家而著名。

辨析:be famous as 当主语是表示人的名词时,表示“以某种身份而出名”;当主语是表示地点的名词时,表示“以什么样的产地/地方而出名”。

be famous for 当主语是表示人的名词时,表示“以某种知识、技能、作品或特征而出


be fed up with 厌倦

例句:I am fed up with his laziness and carelessness. 我受够了他的懒惰和粗心

be filled with充满

例句:These words caused the boy's eyes to be filled with tears.因为这些话男孩的眼睛里满是泪。(南京中考) 图 15

be fond of 喜欢

例句:He was fond of drawing when he was a child. 他还是个孩子时就喜欢画画。

be free免费,自由,空闲

例句:Because her father will be free this Sunday. 因为她父亲这周日有空。(昆明中考)

be friendly to 对……友好.

例句:He pretended to be friendly with me.他假装对我友善。

be from 来自于

例句:The lovely girl is from Class 6. Her name is Alice. 这个可爱的女孩来自6班。她的名字叫爱丽丝。(北京中考)

用法:意思上等同于come from。

be full of 充满着

例句:Our new school life will be full of fun.我们的新学校生活将充满着乐趣。(南通中考)

辨析:be full of 侧重于状态

be filled with 侧重于动作和装的东西

be going to 打算(计划)做某事

例句:The examination is over,what are you going to do tomorrow?考试要结束了,明天你打算做什么?(河南中考)

be good at善于,擅长……

例句:I find that I’m not good at writing compositions.我发现我不擅长写作文。(咸宁中考)

be good for 对……有益 ;对……有帮助

例句:Enough sleep is good for health.充足的睡眠对身体有益。(哈尔滨中考)

用法:其反义词为be bad for 对……有害。

be in agreement 意见一致

例句:We are in agreement with their decision. 我们同意他们的决定。

be interested in 对……感兴趣

例句:She is interested in science and good at it. 她对科学感兴趣并且擅长于此。(安徽中考)

be late for 迟到

例句:Don't be late for your interview, or you won't get the job.面试不要迟到,否则你就得不到工作了。

be like像……

例句:Could you imagine what the world would be like ?你能想象世界将会是哪样吗?

be lost迷路;丢失

例句:My little dog is lost.All of my friends are helping me to look for it.我的狗丢了。我所有的朋友在帮我找它。(吉林中考)

be mad at 生……的气

例句:My mother is mad at me because I didn’t finish my homework.因为我没有完成家庭作业我妈妈对我很生气。(内江中考)

用法:程度比be angry with 要深一些。

be made of 由……制成的

例句:The floor was made of wooden blocks. 地板是用木块拼成的。

辨析:be made of “由…构成”,能看出原材料。

be made from “由…构成、制成成品”,被制成的东西看不出原材料或发生的是化学变化。

be made in "于…制造",指的是产地。

be on 上映;上演;处于……状态

例句:These pictures will be on show next week. 下周将公开展出这些画。

be pleased to 高兴做某事

例句:I’m so pleased to meet you.很高兴见到你。(上海中考)

be pleased with 对……感到满意

例句:You might be very pleased with the results.你应该对结果非常满意。(孝感中考)

用法:与be satisfied with 同义。

be popular (受……)欢迎

例句:Professor Smith is popular among the students. 史密斯教授很受学生的欢迎。

be proud of 为……而自豪/骄傲

例句:Be proud of what you've achieved.为你取得的成就自豪吧!

be ready for 为……准备

例句:We will be ready for helping you at all times.我们时刻准备帮你。(无锡中考)

辨析:be ready for 强调状态,准备好了。

get ready for 强调动作,为…作准备。

be short for 是……的缩写;是……的简称

例句:WTO is short for World Trade Organization.WTO是世界贸易组织的缩写。

be short of 缺乏

例句:We are short of time. I must ask you to be brief. 时间不够,所以我必须请你发言简短些。

be similar to 与……相像

例句:My new dress is similar to the one you have.我的新衣服和你的那件相似。

be sorry for 为……而难过;为……而不安

例句:Never give up, or you'll be sorry for yourself!不轻言放弃,否则对不起自己!

be strict with对……要求严格

例句:The coach must be strict with the players.教练一定要对球员严格要求。

辨析:be strict with 后加表示人的名词或代词。

be strict in 后加事物。

be suitable for 对……合适

例句:Packing should be suitable for sea voyage.包装要适合于海运。

be supposed to 应该;被期望做某事

例句:What time will we be supposed to arrive there.我们应该什么时候到达那里。

be sure about 确信;对……有把握

例句:To cross the river,one has to be sure about stones at the bottom.摸着石头过河。


图 16

be sure 肯定……

例句: He is sure to call you up. 他准会给你打电话的。(中山中考)

辨析:.be sure of 侧重指主语对某抽象事物的确信无疑;

be sure about 侧重指主语对某具体事物的确信无疑。

be sure to do 表示说话人对句子主语作出的判断,认为句子主语“必定”、“必然会”、“准会”如何如何。

be surprised at 对……感到惊奇

例句:I was surprised at the trees that grew quite well.我惊讶于树长得很好。(宜昌中考)

be surprised to 惊奇地做某事

例句:They were surprised to find that he'd already left.他们惊奇地发现他已经走了。

be terrified of 极度恐惧的;非常害怕的

例句:Lily is very shy and she is always terrified of speaking. 莉莉非常害羞她一直害怕演讲。(重庆中考)

be tired from 因...而疲倦

例句: His father was tired from long work.他父亲因长时间工作而疲惫不堪。

be tired of 对……厌倦;厌烦

例句:You'll soon be tired of the game.很快你就会对这种游戏感到厌倦的

be used for 用来做

例句:More land will be used for building new towns and houses.更多的土地将会被用来建造新城镇和房子。(济南中考)

be used to 被用来做

例句:The knife can be used to cut meat. 刀能用来切肉。 图 17

辨析:be used to do 被用来做什么(表被动)

be used to 接名词或doing,表习惯于什么/习惯于做什么(指现在,to是介词)

used to do 过去常常做某事(暗示现在已经不这样了)

be willing to do 乐意做某事

例句:I am willing to do anything in reason.合情合理的事我都愿意做。

用法:其反义词为be unwilling to do不乐意做某事

be worried about 为……担心

例句:You do not need to be worried about her.你不必为她担心。

be worth doing 值得做

例句:Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. 任何值得做的事就值得做好。

be yourself 做你自己;不做作

例句: Be yourself and don’t let anybody push you around. 做你自己不要受人摆布。(武汉中考)

because of 因为;由于

例句:Because of large population, there’s less living space for each family.由于人口众多,每个家庭的生存空间更少了。(广州中考)

用法:because of 后接名词或代词,不接从句。

before long 不久以后

例句:It looks as if it will rain before long. 看起来一会儿就要下雨了。 图18

辨析:before long 意为“不久”、“很快”(=soon),可用于将来或过去时态。

long before 意为“很久以前”,与过去时态连用。

beg sb. pardon 请某人原谅;请再说一遍

例句:I beg your pardon; I did not catch your remark. 对不起,我没听清你在说什么。

begin with 以……开始

例句:Let's begin with a simple subject. 我们从简单的题目开始吧。

believe in(sb.) 相信(某人)

例句:Some people believe in God and others don't. 有人相信上帝; 有人则不相信。

用法:believe in后接sb.时,为相信/信任某人,believe后接sb.时,为相信某人所说的话。

belong to 属于

例句:Smiling does not belong to human alone.微笑不仅仅只属于人类。(南京中考)

between…and… 在……和……之间

例句:What is the age difference between her brother and sister? 她哥哥和妹妹之间有什么年龄差别吗?(河北中考)

borrow…from… 从……借来……

例句: Jane, can I borrow a dollar from you?简妮,我能借你一美元吗?(绵阳中考)


both…and… 既……又…… , ……和……

例句:M.r Smith and Mr. Martin were both badly ill. 史密斯先生和马丁先生都病得很重。(宁波中考)

both of 两者都

例句:Both of us are very brown after the holiday.度假后我们两人的皮肤都变黑了。

break down (机械)损坏;拆散(某物)

例句:My car broke down and had to be towed to a garage. 我的汽车出故障了,得拉到修理厂去。

break in 强行进入;打断(说话等)

例句:Please do not break in on our conversation.请不要打断我们的谈话。

break into 强行进入;破门而入

例句:Did a burglar break into your house last night?昨晚有个窃贼闯进你家吗?

break off 突然中止;中断

例句:Let's break off work for a few minutes. 我们把工作暂停几分钟。

break out (战争、灾难等)突然发生

例句:Fire broke out during the night. 夜间突然发生了火灾。 图19

break up 粉碎;散开;分手

例句:They decided to break up the partnership. 他们决定终止合作关系。

bring in 引来;引进

例句:We need to bring in a lot more new business.我们得吸引更多的新业务。

bring out 使显现;使表现出

例句:Newborn babies bring out the woman in her. 新生的婴儿唤起了她女性的特性

bring up 养育;培养;提出

例句:Please bring up this point at the next meeting.请把这一点在下次会议上提出来。

build up 建立;建设

例句:These good eating habits and running help to build me up.这些好的饮食习惯和跑步能帮助我强健身体。(广州中考)

buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物

例句:He was too poor to buy shoes for his family. 他太穷,无钱给家人买鞋穿。

by accident 偶然地;意外地

例句:Many things were invented by accident. 许多东西都是偶然发明的。(株洲中考)

by and by 不久;后来

例句:It's very likely to clear up by and by. 很可能不久要放晴了。

by boat 乘船

例句:This island is accessible only by boat.这个小岛只能坐小船去。

用法:by+交通工具表示 乘坐/骑……,如:by air/bike/bus/car乘飞机/骑自行车/乘公共汽车/坐汽车

图20、 图21、图22

by chance 偶然地;碰巧地

例句:I meet him in the street by chance.我在大街上偶然碰见了他。

by hand 手工

例句:Things made by hand are usually more expensive. 手工的东西通常更贵。(宁夏中考)

by mistake 错误地

例句:I've poured coffee into your cup by mistake. 我错把咖啡倒在你的杯子里了。

by now 到如今;到此为止

例句:The building must have been built up by now. 那幢大楼此时一定已经建成。

by oneself 独自

例句:Own destiny should create by oneself.自己的命运应由自己创造。

by the end of 到……时为止

例句:By the end of this week, I will have finished most of the work. 到本周末为止,我将会完成大部份工作。

辨析:by the end of用于表示时间的场合,往往含有“不迟于”的意味。后接将来的时间,就用一般将来时;后接现在的时间,就用现在完成时;后接过去的时间,用过去完成时。

at the end of用于表示具体事物或场所的场合,它也可以用来表示比喻意。

in the end的涵义是“终于”、“最后”,其义相当于 at last。

by the time 到……时候

例句:By the time Bill arrived in a little town, every hotel room had been taken.当比尔到达小镇时,每个宾馆的房间都客满了。(西藏中考)

by the way 顺便说

例句:By the way, have you seen her lately?顺便问一下,你近来见过她吗?

by then 到那时

例句:The store will have closed by then. 到那时商店早关门了。

by turns 轮流;交替

例句:The shop assistants had to have their days off by turns. 店员要轮流休息。


call at 短暂访问(某地); (火车、船)停靠

例句:We will call at a more seemly time.我们会在更适合的时候来拜访的。

用法:call at后接地点作宾语,表示拜访某地。call on后接的是人,表示拜访某人。

call for 需要;要求;接(人);大声喊叫

例句:Shall we call for a taxi?我们要不要叫辆的士?(上海中考)

call in 召集;打电话;顺便拜访

例句:I may call in some time this coming Sunday.我可能在这个星期天的某个时候顺道拜访你。

call up 给 ... 打电话; 使想起; 召集; 征召

例句:Forgive me so early to call up you please.请原谅我这么早给你打电话。 图 23

用法:call up 后可直接加宾语,如果宾语是代词,必须放在call和up中间。

calm down (使)平静;镇静

例句:So please take a deep breath and calm down.请深呼吸然后平静下来。(哈尔滨中考)

can’t help doing 忍不住做

例句:We couldn't help laughing after hearing the joke. 听了那个笑话,我们都忍不住大笑起来。

can’t…too 再……也不为过;越……越好

例句:One can’t be too careful in matters like this.在这种问题上再小心也不为过。

can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事

例句:He can't wait to put on his new shoes. 他迫不及待地穿上新鞋子。

care about 关心

例句:Everyone on earth should care about and protect the earth! 地球上的每个人都应该关心和保护地球。

用法:care about和care for在表示“关心,担心,”等意思的时候,用法是一样的,基本可以通用。

carry on 坚持下去;继续下去

例句:We'll carry on our conversation tomorrow.我们明天将继续进行会谈。

carry out 施行;实现

例句:Which city was the first city to carry out the policy? 哪个城市是第一个施行政策的?(自贡中考)

catch a bus 赶公共汽车

例句:We're just in time to catch a bus.我们正好赶上了汽车。

catch up with 赶上

例句:Work hard and you will catch up with your classmates.努力学习,你将会赶上你的同学。(孝感中考)

change into 变成

例句:The ugly caterpillar will change into a beautiful butterfly. 丑陋的毛毛虫会变成美丽的蝴蝶。 图 24

chat with 和……聊天

例句:I'd like a private chat with you. 我想跟你私下谈谈。

check in 登记;报到;记录

例句:What time do we have to check in for our flight?我们何时办理登机手续?

check out 退房结帐;检验;通过考核;盖章

例句:It will take less than 5 minutes to check out.退房最多只需5分钟。

cheer up 高兴起来;振作起来;使高兴;使振奋

例句:Cheer up! I'm sure you'll feel better tomorrow.振作起来!我肯定你明天会好些的

clean out 把 ... 打扫干净; 清光

例句:I plan to clean out all the old files by tomorrow.我打算明天清理旧档案

clean up 清除;收拾干净

例句:You should always clean up the room. 你应该经常清理房间。

辨析:clean up 意思是“打扫干净,整理好”,是对某物进行整理和打扫,使其变得更加干净。

clean out意思是“扫除,清除,打扫干净”,是将某物扫除掉,将其扔掉,从而达到干净的效果。

close down 关闭; 停业

例句:They have decided to close that branch down.他们决定把那个分公司关闭掉。

come across 碰到;遇到;无意中发现;被理解

例句:When you come across difficulties, you can say loudly you are very happy.当年遇到困难时,你能大声的说你很高兴。(莘县中考)

用法:come across不能分开使用,也不能用于被动语态。

come along 来到;发生;出现;进展

例句:Come along with us, if you like. 如果你想去就跟我们来吧。

come back 回来

例句:He'll come back soon. 他不久就回来了。(昆明中考)

come back to life 苏醒过来

例句:He hopes that she will come back to life one day.他希望她有天能够苏醒过来。(福州中考)

come from 来自于

例句:Where do the elephants come from? 这些大象才哪里来?(湖州中考)

用法:在意义上等同于be from。

come in 进来;获得名次;到达

例句:Hang up your horse and come in for a drink. 把马栓在桩上。进来喝一蛊。

come off 去掉;举行;发生;成功;从…掉下

例句:The tennis finals will come off tomorrow. 网球决赛将于明天举行。

come on 赶快;快点;加油

例句:The corn is coming on wonderfully. 谷物长势极好。

come out (花)开;发(芽);出版

例句:How often does Reader s Digest come out in the USA?在美国读者多久出版一次?(无锡中考)


come over 过来,顺便来访

例句:Please come over the street to that shop to buy some soy. 请过街到那个商店去买些酱油。

come true (梦想等)实现;(预言等)成真;应验;达到

例句:If you have a dream, try to make it come true!如果你有个梦,试着去让他实现。(无锡中考)

come up 上升;靠近;提升;提及;长出;上庭受审

例句:His new book did not come up to expectation. 他的新作没有达到预期水平。

come up with 赶上;提出;想出

例句:People can come up with some good ideas when walking on the shore.当人们在海岸边行走时能够想出一些好点子。(盐城中考) 图 25

communicate with 与……交流

例句:Li Lei usually uses QQ or e-mail to communicate with his friends.李雷通常用QQ或者邮件和他的朋友交流。(宁波中考)

compare to 与……相比(比较)

例句:He compared the girl to the moon in the poem.他在诗中把那姑娘比作月亮。

辨析: compare…to…意为“把…比作”,即把两件事物相比喻的同时,发现某些方面相似的地方。这两件被比喻的事物 或人在本质方面往往是截然不同的事物。


complain about 抱怨;发牢骚

例句:Users often complain about its bad voice quality. 用户经常抱怨其不好的音质。(无锡中考)

concentrate on 全神贯注于;专注于

例句:Just take a deep breath and concentrate on thinking. 仅仅深呼吸然后专注于思考。(上海中考)

congratulate sb. on sth. 因某事祝贺(某人)

例句:I congratulate you on this marvelous opportunity.恭喜你获得这样一个极好的机会。

continue doing sth. 继续做某事

例句:It is profitless to continue arguing.继续争论是无益的。

辨析:continue doing 继续做同一件事(还没完成)

continue to do 继续做另一件事情(已经完成一件工作)

count down 倒数;倒计时

例句:Waiting for the terminal of the count down.等待着倒计时的终点。

cut down 砍倒,消减

例句:Animals are losing their living areas because people cut down forests.因为人们砍伐了森林动物们失去了他们的生存领域。(宿迁中考)

cut in line 插队;加塞

例句:I get annoyed when some one cuts in line at a bus stop.当有人在公交车站插队时,我很生气。

cut off 切断;使隔绝;剪下;停止运转

例句:A generator may cut off if it is overtaxed.发电机要是过荷,它可能会停止运转。

cut out 切断; 删除; 停止; 取代; 裁剪

例句:The surgeon cut out all the diseased tissue. 外科大夫把坏了的组织都切除掉。图 26

cut up 切碎; 谴责; 扮小丑;摧毁,将…连根拔起

例句:Cut up the carrot before you put them into the pot.把胡萝卜切碎後再放进锅内。


day after day 一天又一天,日复一日

例句:Why do you hammer at the subject day after day?你为何日复一日地钻研那个科目?

辨析:day after day 日复一日 一天又一天地 把日子看成连续的,隐含着时间长久动作不间断,强调有重复性, 每 天都在重复一个独立事件。

day by day 逐日地;也是个连续动作,强调一个渐变过程。

day off 放假;休息

例句:The doctor told me to take a day off.大夫建议我休息一天。

deal with 讨论;处理,对付; 涉及; 与 ... 做生意

例句:American soldiers in Iraq are still having a lot of trouble to deal with.在伊拉克的美国士兵仍然有许多麻烦要处理。(黑龙江中考)


decide to do sth 决心做某事

例句:She decide to rent out a room to get extra income. 她为获得额外收入决定租出一个房间。

decorate……with 用……装饰

例句:Parents decorate the house beautiful with balloons and coloured paper.父母用气球和彩纸把房子装饰漂亮。(淮安中考) 图 27

depend on 依赖;依靠;取决于;随 ... 而定

例句:It is better to depend on statistics.它最好是取决于数据。(乐山中考)

die from 死于

例句:It is said that more than four million people die each year from smoking.据说每年多于四百万人死于吸烟。(菏泽中考)

辨析:die from 指死因不是存在人体之内或之上,而是由环境造成的(主要指事故等方面的外部原因)。

die of 指死因存在于人体之上或之内(主要指疾病、衰老等自身的原因)。

die out 消失;灭绝

例句:We must protect pandas well, or they will die out. 我们必须保护好熊猫,不然他们将会灭绝。(淮安中考)

differ from 不同于; 与 ... 有区别

例句:Our tastes differ from each other.我们的嗜好不同

pide into 分为, 分成

例句:The investigator will be pided into three groups. 所有的调查员将被分为三个小组。

辨析:pide into 指把整体“划分”成若干份。

separate from 指把原来连在一起或靠近的“分隔开来”。

图 28 图 29

do chores 处理琐事; 干家务

例句:They sometimes go to the farm to do chores.他们有时去农场做些零活。

do harm to 对 ... 有害

例句:Rumors do harm to friendship. 谣言对友谊有害。(常州中考)

用法:harm 前可有serious,little,much,no等词修饰。

do one’s best 尽最大努力,竭尽全力

例句:I will do my best to help you.我会尽力去帮助你。

do one’s homework 做功课,做家庭作业

例句:The fact that he didn’t do his homework. 事实是他没做家庭作业。(广东中考)

do well in在……方面做得好

例句:We believe we will do well in the exam. 我们相信我们能考好。(厦门中考)

用法:与be good at意思相近。

don’t worry 别担心

例句:Don't worry. I'll go to meet you soon. 别担心,我很快就会来看你。(福建中考)

dozens of 几十;许多

例句:We have dozens of things to do now.我们现在有很多事要做。

用法:dozen与具体数字连用时,既不加复数词尾-s,也不后接介词of;当它不与具体数字连用,而是表示不确定的泛指数时,则不仅要加复数词尾-s,而且要后接介词 of。

dream of 梦见;渴望(后跟动名词)

例句:And quite a few said they dream of going to the moon one day.很多人说他们梦想有天能去月球。(贵阳中考)

dress up 打扮,穿上盛装

例句:Her maid helped her to dress up for the party. 她的女仆帮助她穿上参加晚会的礼服。

drop by 顺便来访; 非正式访问

例句:I am just going to drop by the post office.我要顺路到邮局一下。

drop in 顺便走访(某人)

例句:Be sure to drop in on me when you can spare a moment. 等你抽得出空时别忘了顺便来看看我。

用法:相当于drop by。

drop off 减少;掉落;睡着;让...下车;

例句:Business dropped off sharply during the recession.在经济衰退期间,生意大大减少了。

drop out 退出;退学

例句:She has dropped out in the middle of the race. 她中途退出比赛。

dry up (使)干涸; (使)枯竭; 讲不出话来

例句:The Yellow River is beginning to run dry.黄河正在开始变得干涸。

due to 由于;因为

例句:Few companies needed new clerks due to the financial crisis.由于经济危机很少有公司需要新员工。(哈尔滨中考)

用法:due to 可引导状语、定语或表语,但多引导表语,不可置于句首。


each other 互相,彼此

例句:Friends should Help Each Other.朋友间应该互相帮助。(广州中考)

earn one’s living 谋生;以……为生

例句:she helps people to wash cloths to earn her living她以帮助别人洗衣服为生。

eat up 吃光;吃完

例句:You can eat up the rest of the food.你可以把剩余的食物吃光。


例句:You may come to my house either his week or next week.你要么这周来我家要么下周来。


end up 结束;告终;意外到达

例句:Wasteful people usually end up in debt. 挥霍浪费者最后往往负债。

enjoy oneself 过得愉快

例句:One can' t enjoy oneself if one is too tired.一个人如果太累了,就不会玩得尽兴。

用法:enjoy oneself =have a goof time 玩得开心;过得愉快

escape from 逃离, 逃脱, 漏出, 逸出

例句:What time did you find the tiger escape from the zoo?你是什么时候发现老虎逃出动物园的?(南京中考)

even if 即使;虽然

例句:Even if I fail this time, I would try again.即使我这次失败了,我还要再试试。

用法:even if=even though 即使, 纵然,引导让步状语从句,不能与but连用。

ever since 自从

例句:Ever since I was little, my favourite season was winter.从我小时候开始,我最喜欢的季节是冬季。(黄冈中考)

every day 每天

例句:He kept practicing for seven hours every day.他每天坚持锻炼7小时。(广州中考)

辨析:every day 是副词短语“每天”,在句中作状语。

everyday 是形容词,“每天的, 日常的, 平常的, 平凡的”,在句中作定语。

图 30

every one 每个人

例句:Every one bowed as the Queen walked into the room. 女王走进房间时,每个人都鞠躬致敬。

except for 除 ... 之外; 要不是由于

例句:The room was empty except for a broken wood chair.屋子里除了一张破木椅什么都没有

辨析:except for 用于表示对主要部分的肯定和对局部的否定,它不表示同类事物之间的关系。


eat up 吃完,吃光


encourage...to do sth 鼓励……做某事 或者……或者……

enjoy doning sth. 喜欢做某事,享受……乐趣

enjoy oneself 过得愉快

ever since 自从

every ten minutes 每隔十分钟

every day 每天

every other day 每隔一天

even if 即使,纵然

excuse me 对不起

except for 除了……以外

eye exercises 眼保健操


face to face 面对面

far away 遥远

far behind 落后

far from 远离

fall asleep 入睡

fall down 倒下;跌倒;从……落下

fall ill/sick 生病

fall in 在……失败,(考试)不及格

fall on top of 掉到了……上面

fall off 从……掉下来/摔下来

fall one’s exam 考试不及格

fall over 滑倒,摔倒

family name 姓

family tree 家谱

feel afraid 觉得害怕

feel at home 像在家里一样舒适

feel proud 感到自豪

feel lonely 感到寂寞

feel like doing sth 想要做某事

feel tired 感到疲劳

feel well 觉得舒服

feel worried 感到忧虑

field trip 野外旅游

fight against 为反对……而斗争

fill with 装满

fill in the blanks 填空

finish doing sth. 完成/结束……

find out 查出,查明,发现,了解

find it difficult to do sth 发现很难做某事

(sth)fit(sb)well 非常合身

fly a kite 好风筝

follow one’s example 仿照……的榜样

follow one’s instruction 听从某人的指导

for a moment 一会儿

for a walk 散步

for ever 永远

for example 例如

for long 很长,很长时间

forget doing sth 忘记做过某事

four times as…as…是……的四倍

form now on 从此以后,今后

from then on 从那时起

from…to… 从……到……

full name 全名

full of 装满


get back 返回,取回

get down 下来,落下

get dressed 穿衣服

get home 到家

get in 收集,进入

get into 搭乘(出租车)

get lost 迷路,丢失

get long/short 变长/短

get off 下车,取下,离开

get on 上车

get on…with sb 与某人相处……

get on well with sb与某人相处融洽

get married 结婚

get more exercise做更多运动

get out of 从……出来,把……拿出来, 从出租车(轿车)下来

get out of bed 起床

get ready for sth 为……作准备

get ready to do sth 准备做某事

get up 起床,起立

get warm 变暖和

get well 痊愈

get together 团聚

get to 到达(某地)

get to know 逐渐认识到

get to work 开始工作(学习)

give advice to 给……提建议

give sb .a call 给某人打电话

give back 归还,送回

give first aid 进行急救

give sb. a push 推某人一下

give sb. a talk 给某人做报告,发表讲话

give…a big hug 热情拥抱…

give… a hand 给予……帮助

give a warm welcome to… 热烈欢迎

give an operation 做手术

give up 放弃

give up doing sth. 放弃做某事

give up smoking 戒烟

given name 名字

go abroad 出国;在国外

go away 走开,离开

go extinct 灭绝

go back 回去

go past/by 走(路)过

go for a walk 去散步

go for walks去散步

go home 回家

go on 继续

go on doing sth.。 继续做某事

go on trips/a trip (去)旅行

go out for a walk去外散步

go over 复习go over 复习

go cycling/shopping 骑自行车/去买东西

go swimming/skating 去游泳/滑冰

go skiing/climbing 去滑雪

go through 穿过

go to bed 睡觉

go to hospital 去医院(看病)

go to school 上学

go to sleep 入睡,睡着

go to the cinema 去看电影

go to the movie 去看电影

go up 上升,增长

go wrong 走错路

good idea 好主意

good luck 好运

good manners 有礼貌

good night 晚安

grow vegetables 种菜

grow up 成长/长大


Happy New Year!新年快乐

Happy birthday!生日快乐

had better do(not) sth 最好(不)做某事

half an hour 半小时

hand in 交上,交进

hand out 发给,散发

hands up举手

harder and harder越来越难/硬/努力

hate doing sth.讨厌做某事

have a baby生孩子

have a class上课

have a cold感冒

have a cough (患)咳嗽

have a good/great/nice time 过得愉快,玩得高兴

have a good rest/talk好好休息/谈一谈

have a great/nice trip一次愉快的旅行

have a drink of喝一点

have a look(at)看一看

have a match/test进行比赛/测验

have/hold a meeting开会

have a picnic野餐

have a rest休息

have a seat坐下

have a swim游泳

have a talk谈话

have a walk散步

have a wash洗脸(手等)

have an exam考试

have an accident出事故

have an idea有一个主意

have breakfast/lunch/supper吃早餐/午餐/晚餐

have fun玩得愉快

have fun doing sth..做某事有乐趣

have gone to 已经去某地

have got有

have got a cough患咳嗽

have interest in对……感兴趣

have lessons/classes上课

have no idea不知道,不了解

have sports进行体育运动

have some medicine吃(服)药

have success in在……(方面)成功

have sb./sth. do sth. 让某人做某事

have sb./sth. doingsth. 让某人一直做某事

have sth. done 做某事;让某人做某事

have to不得不,必须

have trouble with在……(方面)有麻烦

hear from sb.收到某人的来信

hear of听说

help sb. (to)do sth.帮助某人做某事

help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事

help oneself (to sth.)请随便吃/用

here and there到处

high school 中学

high jump 跳高

hold on等一等(别挂电话);坚持,继续

hold a world record保持一项世界记录

hot dog 热狗

hour after hour一小时又一小时地,持续地

how about怎么样

how far/deep/tall/wide多远/深/高/宽

how long(时间)多久,多长;(长度)多长

how many多少

how much多少;多少钱

how often多久,多长时间一次(用于询问频度)

how old几岁;多在岁数

hundreds of数百

hurry up赶快,快点

hurry off匆匆离去;赶快去

hurt oneself伤着自己


if possible 如果可能的话

introduce…to 把……介绍给………

in a hurry 匆忙

in a minute 一会儿,立刻

in a short time 不久

in early/late November 在11月上/下旬

in bed (病)躺在床上

in Chinese / English 用汉语/英语

in danger 在危险之中

in fact 实际上

in front 前方;对面

in front of 在……前面

in good Chinese tradition 按照中国的好传统

in great need of 急需

in hospital 住院

in line 排成一行,成直线

in no time 立刻

in public 当众

in surprise 吃惊地

in the Anti-Japanese War 抗日战争

in the morning/afternoon/evening


in ten more years 再过十年之后

in the corner of 在……角落

in the end 最后,结果

in the day/daytime在白天

in the future 在将来

in the hat 戴帽子

in the middle of 在……中间

in the open air 在户外

in the sun 在阳光下

in the 1600s 在17世纪

in the world 在世界上

in the top/bottom left corner 在左上/下角

in time 及时,正好

in trouble 处于困难中;遇到麻烦

in two minutes 两分钟以后

It is time for sth. 该做某事的时候了

It is time to do sth。是做某事的时间了

It is said that… 据说

It is very kind of you. 你真好!

It is your turn now!现在轮到你了!


jump into 跳进

just a moment 等一会儿

just now 刚才;现在;立即,马上

just then 正在那时


keep alive 活下来

keep busy 忙忙碌碌

keep(on)doing sth. 继续做某事,不断做某事

keep healthy/fit 保持健康

keep sb. away from 使某人远离(不接近)

keep warm 保持温暖

kinds of 各种各样

knock at/on 敲(门,窗),敲击

knock into 将一物打进另一物中

knock into sb 撞在某人身上

knock over 打翻

know…by heart 记住。。。。。。;背诵


Ladiers’ room (妇女用的)公共厕所

last yea 去年

later on 过后;以后

laugh at 嘲笑

league member 共青团员

learn about 了解,获悉

learn a new safety rule 学会一条安全准则

learn from 从/向……学习

learn…by heart 记熟,背下来

leave a message 留下口信

leave school 离开学校,毕业

leave for 前往(某地)

leave…behind 留下,忘带

leave sb. by oneself把某人单独留下,


leave sb. alone 让(某人)独处

lend…to… 把……借给…

less than 少于,不到

let me see 让我想想看

lie down 躺下

like doing sth.喜欢做某事

like sb. to do sth. 喜欢某人做某事

like school 喜欢上学

listen to 听

live on 继续存在;继续活着

living room 起居室

long jump 跳远

long before 很久以前,早在……之前

look after 照顾;照料

look around 想四周看,四处张望

look at (注视着)看

look for 寻找

look forward to 期待

look into 往……里看;调查

look like 看起来像

look on…as… 把……看作……

look out 小心,当心

look out of 往(朝)外看

look over (医生)检查

look the same 看起来一样

look up 抬头看;查阅

lose one’s life 丧生

lots of 许多


make a decision 作出决定

make a mistake 犯错误,出差错

make a loud noise 发出很大的声音

make a sentence 造句

make a sound 发出声音

make a telephone call to.. 给。。。。。打电话

make faces 做鬼脸

make friends with 与……交朋友

make…into… 把……制成……

make money 挣钱,赚钱

make room for… 给……腾出地方

make sb do sth 使某人做某事

make sure 弄清楚,查明,务请请,确保

make breakfast/lunch/supper 做早/午/晚饭

make tea 沏茶

make the bed 整理床铺

make up one’s mind 下决心,拿定主意

medical care医疗护理

Mid-autumn Day 中秋节

middle school 中学

mind doing sth. 介意做某事

miss a lesson 错过一节课

miss school 不能上学

mobile phone 可移动电话

more or less 或多或少,差不多

more than 多于

move away搬开,搬走

move on 走开

move to 搬家到某地

much older 年龄大得多

multiply…by… ……乘以……

must be 一定,准是


nation flag 国旗

neck and neck 齐头并进;齐驾并驱

need to do sth. 有必要做某事

neither…nor… 既不……也不……

never mind 不要紧;没关系

next time 下次

next to 贴近,靠近

next day/week/month/season/year/Sunday


nobody else 没有别的人

no hurry 不要着急

no longer/more 不再

no problem 没问题

no sooner…than… 一……就……

not…any longer/more 不再

not…at all 一点也不,根本不

not at all 不用谢,不客气

not only…but also… 不但……而且……

not so…as… 不像;不如

not…until… 直到……才……

nothing else 没有别的东西

now and then 偶尔,间或


of all 在所有的……中

of course 当然,自然

on average 平均

on and on 继续不断地,不停地

on business 因公,因事

on Christmas Eve 在圣诞节前夕

on display 陈列;展览

on duty 值班

on earth 在地球上;究竟

on foot 走路,步行

on holiday 在度假

on land 在陆地上

on one’s bike 骑自行车

on one’s face 在脸上

on the/one’s way home 在(某人)回家的路上

on the/one’s way here 在(某人)来这儿的路上

on the/one’s way there 在(某人)去那儿的路上

on the/one’s way to+名词 在……的路上/途中

on Saturday night 在星期六晚上

on show 展览;被陈列着

on the edge of 在………边缘

on the farm 在农场

on the Internet 在互联网上

on the left/right (side ) 在左/右边

on the playground 在操场上

on the radio 以无线电形式,通过收音机

on the tree 在树上

on the train 在火车上

on the wall 在墙上

on time 按时,准时

on top of 在……顶上

on weekdays 在周日,在工作日

on/at weekends 在周末

once upon a time 以前,很早以前

one after another 一个接一个地。接连地

one another 互相,彼此

one by one 一个接一个

one more question 另一个问题

one more time 再一次

open up 开发

operate on sb. 给某人动手术

out of 在……之外;往外

over here 在这儿

over there 在那边


Party member 共产党员

pass on 传递

pay back 偿还

pay for 付钱,支付;付出代价

pay off 付清

pick up 拾起,捡起

place of interest 名胜

play a joke on… 和……开玩笑

play basketball/ping-pong/badminton 打篮球/乒乓球/羽毛球

play football/soccer 踢足球

play with 玩耍

plenty of 大量

point at/to 指向,指着

point out 指出

post office 邮政局

police station 警察局

practice doing sth 练习做某事

prefer to …rather than… 宁愿……而不愿……

prefer…to… 喜欢……而不喜欢……

present…to… 把……呈现给……

prevent…from doing… 阻止……做某事

protect…from 保护……/不受……侵害

pull out of 把……从……拉出来

push down 推倒

put away 把……收拾起来

put… into English 把……译成英语

put on 穿;戴上;上演

put up 举起;挂起;升起;张贴;竖起;建造

put…up from… 把……从……拉起来

put up one’s hands 举手

put off 推迟;拖延

put sth. Down 把……放下来

put…in the basket 投篮

put a bandage on…… 在……上面绑绷带



quarrel with sb. (和某人)吵架


railway station 火车站

raise one’s hands 举手

rather than 宁可;是……而不是……

reach home 到家

regard…as… 把……当作……

relay race 接力赛

return to normal 恢复正常

receive a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信

return to 回到(某处),恢复

right away 立刻,马上

right now 现在,刚刚

ring up 打电话给……

run after 追赶(某人)

run away 跑开,逃跑

run out of 用尽,结束

rush out 冲出去


say goodbye to 向某人告别

say to oneself 自言自语,心里想

see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事

see sb. doing sth . 看见某人在做某事

sell out 买光,售完

send away 撵走,开除,解雇

send for 派人去请,要求将某物取来或送到

send off 寄出,给某人送行

send sb. away form… 把某人从……赶走/撵走

send sb. away from school 退学


send an e-mail/a postcard/a letter 发送邮件/明信片/ 信件

send up 发射

set a world record 创造一项世界纪录

set an example 树立榜样

shout at 对……大声喊叫

show sb. sth. 把某物给某人看

slow down 慢下来

sit down 坐下

so far 到目前为止

so that 以便,结果

so…that… 如此……以致……

sooner or later 迟早

sound like 听起来像

speak to sb. 与……讲话

speak Chinese/English 讲汉语/英语

speak highly of 称赞

speak up 大声讲

spend (time/money) on/in doing sth. 在……花费(时间/金钱)

Spring Festival 春节

stand still 一动不动地站着

stand in line 站队

stamp collection 收集的邮票

stay at home 呆在家里

stay healthy 保持健康

stop fighting 停止打架

stop doing sth .停止做某事

stop to do sth .停下来去做另一件事

stop/keep/prevent sb. from doingsth.阻止某人做某事

such as 例如

some day (将来,过去)某天

sort…into… 把……分类成……

sitting room 起居室

show sb around 带领某人参观

shopping list购物单

shut down 把……关上


table tennis 乒乓球

take a look at 看一看

take/leave a message 捎/留口信

take a rest 休息

take after 长得像

take away 拿走

take care 保重,当心

take care of 照顾

take down 取下,记下来

take /have medicine 服药

take off 脱掉衣服;起飞;休假;拿开

take on 接受;雇佣;承受

take one’s temperature 给某人量体温

take one’s time 不急,慢慢干;用去某人的时间

take out 取出;把(某物)拿出来;把(某人)带出去

take an active part in 积极参加

take part in 参加

take pictures/photos 照相

take the train 乘火车

take…to… 带……去……

take a boat/bus 坐船/公共汽车

take a taxi 打的,乘出租车

take a photo/picture 拍照

take good care of 好好照顾

take exercise 做运动

take lessons (in) 跟人学习

take one’s place 代替某人的职务

talk about 谈论

talk to/with 与某人谈话

teach oneself sth 自学……

teach sb a lesson 给某人一个教训

Teachers’ Day 教师节

tell a lie 说谎

tell the truth 说实话

tell sb a story 给某人讲故事

thank goodness 谢天谢地

thank sb for sth /doing sth 因某事感谢某人

thanks to 幸亏,由于

throw a ball 扔球

throw away 扔掉

the day after day tomorrow 后天

the door to the world 通往世界之门

the others 其他的

the same as… 与…… 一样

the same (size) as… 和……同一(尺寸)

the day before yesterday 前天

the Great Wall 长城

the Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂

the Himalaya Mountains 喜玛拉雅山

the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会

the Palace Museum 故宫

the people人民

the Summer Palace 颐和圆

think about 考虑,想一想

think of 想到,想出,考虑

think of …as… 把……认为/当作……

think over 仔细

to one’s surprise 令某人惊讶

too many/much 太多

too…to… 太……以致不能……

translate…into… 把……译成……

traffic lights 交通灯

trip over (被……)绊倒

try on 试穿(衣服);试试看

try one’s best 尽某人最大的努力

try out 实验,试用

through and through 完全地;彻底地

turn around 转回身

turn right/left at the first/second crossing 在第一/二个路口向左/右拐

turn up 把(音量)调高

turn down 关小;调低

turn off 关掉(自来水,电灯,收音机等)

turn out 关掉(灯等)

turn on 开,旋开(电灯,无线电等)

turn …. Over 使……翻转

turn to 翻到

turn … upside down 把……翻转;倒过来

twice a week 一周两次

turn green/yellow/red 变绿/黄/红

turn into 变成

TV set 电视机


up and down 上上下下;来来回回地

used to 过去常常

UN=the United Nation 联合国

USA=the United States of American 美国

up to 达到

use up 用光;用完

use….to do… 用……做……


wait a moment/minute 请等一下

wait for 等待,等候

waiting room(医院的)侯诊室

wake up 唤醒,叫醒;醒来

wash away 冲走

watch TV 看电视

want to do sth 想做某事

want a ago 试一试

wear out 穿坏;穿旧;用尽

be worn out被穿坏/穿旧/用尽

what a pity 真可惜

what/how about…? (征求意见)……好不好?

well done 做得好

with a pity 带着微笑

with a one’s help 在某人的帮助下

with pleasure 十分满意

with the help of 在某物的帮助下

with the money 用这笔钱

work hard 努力工作/学习

work hard at 努力做……

work on 从事……工作;继续工作;研究

work out 制定出,详细拟订;计算;解决

worry about 担心;着急

would like(语气婉转地请示或询问个人的想法)想要

write down 写下,记下

write home 给家人写信

write an e-mail/ a postcard/ a letter to… 写邮件/明信片/信件


yell for 为……助威/加油

yesterday morning 昨天早上

Young Pioneer 少先队员

You are welcome!别客气(不用谢)


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