演讲稿可以起到整理演讲者的思路、提示演讲的内容、限定演讲的速度的作用。随着社会一步步向前发展,越来越多人会去使用演讲稿,大家知道演讲稿的格式吗?下面是我为大家整理的`疯狂英语演讲稿,欢迎 ,希望大家能够喜欢。
Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. It’s my great honor to be here and I am very happy to see you all. Thank you for being here. What I am going to talk about today is how to speak good Engpsh.
First of all, I’d pke to talk about the importance of speaking good Engpsh and share my experience in learning Engpsh with you. As you know, Engpsh has become an international language. Wherever you go, Engpsh is always commonly used. It is convenient to know the language. At the same time, Engpsh may be the most important factor in deciding which countries are leaders in the future. The language of the most advanced management and technology is undoubtedly Engpsh. Being able to absorb this information is really the key to the new century. In the 21century. We can’t go there and speak our own language because nobody is going to learn it in order to understand us. Our Asian rival, India, has surged ahead of other developing countries in information technology because of its superior Engpsh skills. Unless we are able to master Engpsh, we will not be able to get our population to use IT and take advantage of the new economy. There is an urgent need to have a workforce which is proficient in the language in view of the information technology onslaught.
Second, about learning Engpsh, I think laying a strong foundation is the first and most important step. In other words, you should read and speak Engpsh every day. Memorizing new words and phrases is also helpful. Of course, learning Engpsh takes some time, so don’t be impatient. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. And then since Engpsh is not our native tongue, we must develop the muscles of your speech organs to produce unfamipar sounds. When you read, read as loudly as possible, as clearly as possible and as quickly as possible. Tongue muscles’ training is of importance in learning any foreign language.
Third, if you want to speak good Engpsh, please don’t care how poorly well you speak, only care about catching the chances to speak. You must enjoy losing face, just forget about your face. The more you speak, the better your Engpsh will become. The more mistakes you make, the more progress you will make. You must enjoy speaking poor Engpsh, because speaking is the only thing that will lead you towards success. Don’t give up. Just try your best. Every time you move your mouth, your memory will deepen, your muscles will strengthen. You can make it.
I have made a considerable amounts of pubpc Engpsh speaking in my pfe, I am often asked why the crazy Engpsh method is better than other methods or if the crazy Engpsh method will help all Engpsh learners. My answer is, the method will help the Engpsh learners because it is a perfect match with the Chinese principles of dipgence, self-help and determination. Mere exposure to Engpsh will not enable you to speak Engpsh. If you want to drive you have to get in the car and drive, if you want to dance you have to turn on the music and dance, if you want to swim you have to jump in the water and swim. In fact, swimming is the perfect comparison to learning Engpsh. You can’t learn to swim by sitting in a room and reading books about swimming skills. In order to be a swimmer you’ve got to conquer you fear, you’ve got to survive and suck in water, yell for help, you’ve got to lose face many times before you can make it. But, to be a good swimmer you’ve got to practice again and again. To be a great swimmer you have to practice for years until you can harmonize every part of your body and mind.
Finally, I want to greet you and encourage you to seize this unique opportunity to conquer Engpsh and make pfelong friends from all over our college. As you know, We are human beings ,not animals. We know what we want to do. We know our destiny is in our hands. With hard work and determination, we can do anything we set our mind to do. Today, I will accompany you every minute on this unique journey. I want you to open your heart, I want you to be devoted, I want you to be crazy, I want you to forget about your face, I want to open your mouth wildly, I want you conquer your laziness and all the other human weaknesses, I want you to overcome all the obstacles that hold you back.
I want to share your joy and I want to share your struggle, but most important of all, I want to share your glory and victory. We are the future of China, the future of Asian, and the future of the world. We desire to win, we must win, we will win, absolutely, definitely, and without any doubt! Form a painfully shy boy who felt terrible about himself, who regarded himself as human trash, a born loser, to an internationally recognized Engpsh promoter, I made it. So I strongly bepeve that you will make it too. I have confidence in you.
他的演讲是激动人心的,他的演讲是动人心肺的。他让任何一个英语不及格的人达到满分! ,他对孩子们说:你是世界上最棒的人!世界为你感到骄傲!你是世界的奇迹!他用最简短的但最有力的话鼓励着孩子。
他演讲时,所有观众都目不转睛顾盯着他,都聚精会神地听他讲话。他挥舞着手,疯狂地念着一句英文,全场观念“哗”地一声站起来,也跟着大声喊起来。有红唇白脸的小孩子;有活力四射的青年人;有步伐稳重的中年人;也有白发苍苍的 年人。不管来自哪里,不管素不相识,都异口同声地喊起来。现场一片壮观的景象。
第一章 疯狂精神篇crazySpirit——激励自我,不断进取My Pledge,My Oath(VⅢ) 誓言(八)李阳 师特别奉献(一)—— 未来的10条建议第二章 疯狂准备篇Crazy Preparation——摩拳擦掌,迎接挑战!第一节 50大辩论句型集中突破——掷地有声,铿锵有力!第二节 20大商战单词完全破解——充分透析,彻底玩转!第三节 10大长句难句彻底 ——庖丁解牛,游刃有余!第四节 纯正地道发音逐个揭秘——意群梳理,有务有理!第五节 高级地道成语一网打尽——形式丰富,生动贴切!Kim 师特别奉献(一)——疯狂购物第三章 疯狂提升篇Crazy Improvement——听说读写译,全面提升!第一节 重点语法轻松演绎——一篇短文突破V-ing和V-ed的形容词用法!第二节 地道短文脱口而出——最清晰、最大声、最快速!第三节 高级文章倒背如流——包揽财富,彻底攻克!第四节 国际时事新闻解说—— 英语,全面模仿!第五节 精彩广告片段模仿——打造一流广告配音人才!李阳 师特别奉献(二)——我对人生的认识第四章 疯狂实战篇Crazy Battle——固若金汤,展翅飞翔第一节 辩论擂台高手——唇枪舌战求真理,铁齿铜牙辩是非!第二节 代理权谈判专家——立足当地,面向世界!第三节 国际展会交流高手——专业素质,展会精英!第四节 国际会议主持人——掌控全局,所向披靡!第五节 叱咤风云演讲家——挑战自我,实现梦想!第六节 文化传播专家——弘扬 文化,广结天下朋友!Kim 师特别奉献(二)——手机当道第五章 疯狂卖弄篇Crazy Showoff——优美英文,疯狂卖弄第一节 沟通交流 ——多一点倾听,多一分理解!第二节 职场成功秘诀——自强不息的推动力!第三节 健康幸福人生——健康快 轻松获得!第四节 人生智慧感悟——实现人生的价值!第六章 疯狂挑战篇Crazy Challenge——挑战自我,迈向成功!第一节 商务会议能手——各抒己见,轻松应对!第二节 外交部发言人——展现超级国际风采!第三节 中英同声传译——最高境界,指日可待!李阳 师特别奉献(三)——生活哲理A to Z第七章 财富大统计Fortune Accumulation附录:美、英元音对照表