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读法:英 [dɪ'kriːs] 美 [dɪ'kris]

1、v. 减少,减小,降低

2、n. 减少,减小;减少量;减少过程


1、Decrease Indent 减小缩进 ; 减少缩进

2、linear decrease 直线下降 ; 线性下降

3、sharp decrease 大幅下降 ; 大幅减少 ; 急剧下降

4、Decrease Selection 减少选择项目 ; 减小选择项目 ; 减小选择

5、exponential decrease 指数递减

6、dramatic decrease急剧下降



读法:英 [dj'kri衧] 美 [dj'kris]

1、v. 减少,减小,降低

2、n. 减少,减小;减少量;减少过程


1、Decrease Indent 减小缩进 ; 减少缩进

2、linear decrease 直线下降 ; 线性下降

3、sharp decrease 大幅下降 ; 大幅减少 ; 急剧下降

4、Decrease Selection 减少选择项目 ; 减小选择项目 ; 减小选择

5、exponential decrease 指数递减

6、dramatic decrease急剧下降



读法:英 [?#643;T衪n] 美 [?#643;T衦tn]

1、vt. 缩短;减少;变短

2、vi. 缩短;变短


1、Shorten Lifespan 缩短寿命

2、shorten to 压缩到

3、shorten pull 缩短划水路线

4、shorten process 缩短工艺

5、shorten draw 拉缩

6、effectively shorten 有效缩短


We can develop many hobby to relief the stress.


I am very disappointed not to be able to go to see a film with my friends, to play my favorite musical instrument, or to watch TV with my family in the evening. I have to sit at desk and do my homework, which can not be finished until midnight, I'm tired of doing much homework, get bored at taking so many exams, and lose interest in studying.

Teachers, please get rid of homework and examinations. Examinations are nothing but anxiety-makers. Homework is nothing but interest-killers.

Teachers, we can learn more outside the classroom. Classroom gives us limited kinds of information. We can only learn some dead knowledge from the books.Teachers, please set us free, and let us learn more outside the classroom

from the environment, from TV, from private study or from our friends.

My dear teachers, can you hear me? Please lighten the burden on students.


wasting food is worse than killing.

  however, in our life, we often see people throw away the clean food to the dustbin; or people order too much food in restaurants without packing the leftovers back home.

  every year, millions of people are starving to death, and numerous farmers are working so hard in the fields to plant the crops and harvest them.

  when we waste the food, please think about those starving children in Africa and even in poor countryside in China.


Waterisveryimportanttothehumanbeings.Butnowmanyriversandlakesarepolluted.  Andwhatshallwedo?  Wecandolikethesethings:  Firstwemustprotectthefactoryformpouringwastewaterintotheriver  Secondweshouldstoppeoplefromthrowinglitterintotheriver.manykindsoflittermaypollutetheenvirenment.  Finallywecantellthevisitorshowimportantthewateris.  Afterdoingthesethings,Ithinkwaterwillbecomeclearersoonerorlater.


Food has become cheaper and food production has increased thanks to enlarged manufacturing capacity, the use of fertilizers and better machinery. However, some people believe that this will do harm to the health of humans and the local community as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


We know that the child's pressure is very large, so in order to make the children's homework, I suggest that the teacher can arrange some practical homework, such as dancing intern or sing a song to the parents, these are also a childOur homework李.


I think the most important harm of mobile phones is often easily overlooked. Now our daily life cannot be separated from mobile phones. Mobile phones often store most of our personal information, including correspondence address, home address, favorite food, places we often go to, etc. Once personal information is stolen, most of our privacy will be exposed. Moreover, we always need to fill in personal information for APP registered accounts. Illegal operators often sell our personal information to sales companies or even fraud companies, which is even extremely harmful to our privacy.





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