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1. 年龄:对另一半的年龄有要求,例如“年龄在30岁至35岁之间”。

2. 身高:对另一半的身高有要求,例如“身高在170cm以上”。

3. 学历:对另一半的学历有要求,例如“本科及以上学历”。

4. 职业:对另一半的职业有要求,例如“有稳定的工作”。

5. 家庭背景:对另一半的家庭背景有要求,例如“家庭和睦,父母健在”。

6. 性格:对另一半的性格有要求,例如“性格开朗、善良”。

7. 兴趣爱好:对另一半的兴趣爱好有要求,例如“喜欢旅游、音乐、运动等”。

8. 婚姻状况:对另一半的婚姻状况有要求,例如“未婚”。



征婚者的“简历”真实有特点才能吸引别人的注意,(1)实事求是,真实可信:启事中介绍的自身情况必须绝对真实,不容半点虚构和夸饰,不能把自己的条件说得完美无缺。否则应征人把你各方面都想象得十全十美,以很高的标准来看待你,而实际接触之后,只要稍不如意,姻缘就可能断裂。(2)口气缓和,留有余地:有的启事不太注意这一点,往往以较强硬的口气提出不容协商的要求,比如,一定要求对方是何种职业、何种文凭、年龄不得超过多少、身高不得低于多少等,让人感到征婚者手中有一把精确的尺子,丝毫不留余地,这往往会引人反感。可将自己的要求以委婉的口气和方式提出,比如说,你有优势的职业、较高的文化和高雅的爱好等,当你介绍了自己的情况以后,别人自然会加以考虑,响应者多半会 属于你所要求的那一类人,无需硬性规定。(3)文字精练,内容丰富:要象电报稿一样反复推敲,尽可能用精练的词句,表达丰富的内容,使应征人能通过一则小小的启事,尽可能地多了解你。拟稿时还要注意,不要用虚语套语。如能别出心裁,将启事写得新颖、朴实、别具一格,成功率还会提高!


男人征婚和女人征婚,标题分别如下: 男人【嫁给我是你的需要】 女人【百花丛中你选谁】










游,就算不能去环游世界但是也可以去很多地方走走看看.希望我们的未来是夫妻加情人加知己的有爱情基础的家庭关系.还有我相信一个道理, 如果两个人从一开始的相恋到最终殿堂,必定是双方用完美的眼光接受了不完美的对方。


不管怎么些,宗旨是:真诚! 首先,自我介绍,包括:姓名、籍贯、学历、工作情况、身高等,择优写,但是不要掩盖事实。 其次,征婚理由。为什么要征婚?不要说到了年纪该结婚了,可以说自己渴望爱情,渴望得一女神可以终身相伴等等; 最后,爱情宣言。跟非诚勿扰一样,要有自己的婚姻观、爱情观,这样才会给女人安全感, 与偶房有车可以提,不要故意夸大,追求爱情跟追求女人是不一样的。爱情与物质无关,女人有的跟物质有关。 用心写,不需要口才,文笔,用真诚哦! 祝你好运!


Tips for Writing Funny Personal Ads on Social Media Platforms

When it comes to finding love or companionship, people nowadays are turning to unconventional methods to stand out from the crowd. One such method is using humor to create funny personal ads on social media platforms. One popular platform for this purpose is WeChat Moments (朋友圈), which allows users to share their thoughts, experiences, and even find potential partners. In this blog post, we will provide you with some handy tips on how to write a hilarious personal ad that will make you the center of attention in your social circle.

Understanding Your Audience

The first step in crafting a funny personal ad is understanding your audience. Who are you trying to attract? What kind of humor appeals to them? Taking the time to figure this out will help you tailor your ad to match their interests and sense of humor. Remember, the goal is to make them laugh and catch their attention, so knowing what makes them tick is crucial.

Highlight Your Unique Qualities

In a sea of personal ads, it's essential to stand out. One way to do this is by highlighting your unique qualities. Are you a master chef who can turn a simple dinner into a five-star feast? Maybe you have a talent for telling hilarious jokes that leave everyone in stitches. Whatever it may be, let your potential partners know what sets you apart from the rest. Don't be afraid to show off a little!

Create a Catchy Headline

The headline is the first thing people will see, so make it count! A catchy headline can grab attention and entice people to read more. Think of something witty and original that sums up your personality or what you're looking for in a partner. For example, "Master of Laughter Seeking Sidekick for a Lifetime of Adventures" or "Sarcastic Foodie Seeks Sous Chef for Messy but Delicious Journey."

Incorporate Humor into Your Description

Now that you've captured their attention with a captivating headline, it's time to make them laugh with your description. Inject humor into your writing by telling funny anecdotes, sharing amusing experiences, or using clever wordplay. Be playful and lighthearted, but also make sure your description reflects who you genuinely are. Authenticity is crucial when it comes to finding a meaningful connection.

Keep It Short and Sweet

While humor is essential, it's important not to overdo it. Keep your personal ad concise and to the point. Nobody wants to read a lengthy autobiography. Highlight your best qualities, add a dash of humor, and leave them wanting more. Remember, the goal is to grab their attention and make them curious to know more about you.

Add a Dash of Romance

While the main focus of your personal ad is humor, don't forget to include a touch of romance. After all, you're looking for a partner, not just a friend to share a laugh with. The key is to strike a balance between humor and showing your sincere intention to find a meaningful connection. Express your desire for companionship in a fun and witty manner.

Be Honest

Honesty is the foundation of any successful relationship. While it's important to showcase your funny side, it's equally important to be honest about who you are and what you're looking for. Don't feel pressured to hide behind a comedic facade. Be genuine, and let your potential partners get to know the real you.

Proofread and Edit

Before hitting the "post" button, make sure to proofread and edit your personal ad. Typos and grammatical errors can detract from your humor and make your ad appear sloppy. Take the time to review your ad, fix any mistakes, and polish it until it shines.


Writing a funny personal ad for your social media platforms, such as WeChat Moments, can be a fun and effective way to find potential partners. By understanding your audience, highlighting your unique qualities, and injecting humor into your description, you can create an attention-grabbing ad that sets you apart from the rest. Just remember to be honest, keep it short and sweet, and proofread before posting. With these tips in mind, you're bound to make a lasting impression and attract the right kind of attention in your search for love and companionship.









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