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In the morining, I hava some milk and bread for breakfirst.Then I  watch tv and listen to muisc.I paly football on the playground at afternoon.



I'm Mike. I usually get up at 6:30. I will take 30 minutes to do morning exercises. At 7:00 a.m I will have my breakfast. Half an hour later, I start to go to school. I often arrive school at 7:50. And the first class begins at 8:00 a.m. I have four classes in the morning, and two classes in the afternoon.

My favourite class is English, and I don't like physics at all. After school, I often play football with my classmates on the playground.

And I go back home at 6:30 p.m.


we have a good time

in the morning, mother woke me up and told me that today happened to be my grandmother’s birthday, so we needed to buy a gift for her and had a big supper with other relatives. after i finished washing and dressing, my parents with me went to the shopping mall to buy a present on our car. i picked up a beautiful tea spot, because my grandmother liked drinking tea. when we came to my grandmother’s home, they had prepared the delicious food, we gave our best wishes to my grandmother and chatted along. we had a good time and grandmother was very happy.

手机打的 大写就原谅一下吧 望采纳


A:What time do you usually get up?

B:I usually get up at 6:00.

A:Now,what time do you usually run?

B:I usually run at 7:00.


五、下面是Tom上学日一天的活动时间请你根据所给的时间和内容,用英语写一下Tom一天的活动 英语作文!急啊,速度

Tom usually gets up at 6:15 .Then he takes a shower. At 7:00,he eats breakfast. After that, he gets to school at 7:30. Classes start at8:00. He has four classes in the morning. In the evening,he does his homework at 7:00. He goes to bed at9:00



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