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  • activetise的意思是什么
  • activist是什么意思
  • 最后一段,那两句如何翻译,谢谢
  • ’极端环保主义者’用英语怎样翻译
  • active和positive都有积极的意思,在什么情况下用什么词
  • 麻烦帮我翻译一下英文
  • social activist是什么意思
  • activist


Do you mean:activities 如上(activity的复数) activist n.激进主义分子, 行动主义分子activate vt.刺激, 使活动 vi.有活力activity n.活跃, 活动性, 行动, 行为, 放射性


activistn.积极分子; 激进主义分子; 积极行动者; adj.激进主义的; 激进主义分子的; 复数:activists


最后一段译文: 在周六,持保守态度的活跃人士就他们认为是外交上的一次失败而在东京举行抗议集会。民意调查数据显示,日本民众对于首相的支持率已经下降。注:1.demonstrate的意思是“举行集会、游行等进行抗议”;2.opinion polls指“民意调查数据”;3. conservative activist直译为“持保守态度的活跃人士”;4.demonstrate against sth的意思是“抗议某事”或“因某事而举行抗议”。


radical environmentalist 前边一个单词是:激进的,极端的,后边一个单词时环保主义者。 也可以翻译成radical environmental activist environmental的意思是:环境的 activist:激进主义分子采纳哦


1、active是act的形容词,-ive后缀强调“具有某种性质”,从某种意义上讲它是与conservative相对的,这个词常用于描述行动或动作的主体(比如人或对象)。因此active就是指“以实际行动为特征的,实干的,主动做事的,好动的”active policyactivist(活动家)proactive(先发制人的,不需要别人监督或催促就能自己主动把事情做完或做好的)2、positive是跟negative相对的,是一个褒义词,指的是性质、方向、态度方面比“中性”要强一些、好一些in positive way


a or an able about above accept accident accuse across act activist actor add administration admit adult advise affect afraid after again against age agency aggression ago agree agriculture aid aim air air airplane airport album alcohol alive all ally almost alone along already also although always ambassador amend ammunition among amount anarchy ancestor ancient and anger animal anniversary announce another answer any apologize appeal appear appoint approve archeology area argue arms army around arrest arrive art artillery as ash ask assist astronaut astronomy asylum at atmosphere attach attack attempt attend automobile autumn average avoid awake award away 《B》baby back bad balance ball balloon ballot ban bank bar barrier base battle be beat beauty because become bed before begin behind believe bell belong below best betray better between big bill biology bird bite black blame blanket bleed blind block blood blow blue boat body boil bomb bone book border (be born (bear): 〔生于]borrow both bottle bottom box boy boycott brain brave bread break breathe bridge brief bright bring broadcast brother brown budget build building bullet burn burst bury bus business busy but buy by 《C》cabinet call calm camera camp campaign can cancel cancer candidate capital capitalism capture car care careful carry case )case )cat catch cause ceasefire celebrate center century ceremony chairman champion chance change charge chase cheat cheer chemicals chemistry chief child children choose circle citizen city civilian civil claim clash clean clear clergy climate climb clock close cloth clothes cloud coal coalition coast coffee cold collect college colony color combine come command comment committee common communicate community company compare compete complete complex compromise computer concern condemn condition conference confirm conflict congratulate Congress connect conservative consider constitution contain container continent continue control convention cook cool cooperate copy corn correct cost cotton count country court cover cow crash create creature credit crew crime criminal crisis criticize crops cross crowd crush cry culture cure curfew current custom customs cut 《D》dam damage dance danger dark date daughter day dead deaf deal debate debt decide declare decrease deep defeat defend deficit define degree delay delegate demand democracy demonstrate denounce deny depend deplore deploy depression describe desert design desire destroy detail develop device dictator die diet different difficult dig dinner diplomat direct direction dirt disappear disarm discover discuss disease dismiss dispute dissident distance dive divide do doctor document dog dollar door down dream drink drive drop drown drug dry during dust duty 《E》each early earn earth earthquake ease east easy eat ecology economy edge education effect effort egg either elect electricity embassy emergency emotion employ empty end enemy energy enforce engine engineer enjoy enough enter environment equal equipment escape especially establish estimate ethnic evaporate even event ever every evidence evil exact examine example excellent except exchange excuse execute exercise exile exist expand expect expel experience experiment expert explain explode explore export express extend extra extreme extremist

social activist是什么意思

social activist英 美 释义 社会活动家


activist n. 激进主义份子, 行动主义者; 活跃份子activist n. 活动分子,积极分子Examples:All these activists must be drawn into the work.所有这些积极分子都应吸取来参加这项工作。The leave-wing group packed the general purpose committee with activist.右派集团将他们的积极分子塞进一般目的委员会。On the issue of industrial pollution, the environmental activist plead with the government not to soft-pedal.自然环境保护活动分子请求政府不要对工业污染问题采取低调态度。--解释来自金山词霸2008


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