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  • 做核酸用英语怎么说
  • “考验”用英文怎么说
  • 这几个词有哪些词组
  • 英语中“考试”的动词有吗
  • 《校花股神》电影的片尾曲英文歌叫什么!求解
  • put sth to the test是什么意思


确实,时光留不下太多的从容,那些风花雪月最终邂逅了多少归人,一季花海飘香,多少美,都在意念里惊艳着彼此无言的心弦。尘世所有的牵绊,似有若无,又苦了多少等待,叩谢时光它的确是不曾给过我等待。  然而在这个没有等待的故事里,时光变悄悄苍老了一些东西,譬如回忆,譬如朝露,说的明显些,就看着自己日益清瘦的脸庞,就知道它真的像一把无形的刻刀,它苍老的并不是时间,而是走在时间里的你我。  也都说,夜里每个人都是感性的,所以在这个夜里,又想起了张爱玲的那句话:为什么要那么痛苦地忘记一个人,时间自然会使你忘记。如果时间不可以让你忘记不应该记住的人,我们失去的岁月又有甚么意义?  我知道,我曾怀揣着那么一种情感,至于什么时候我已经不记得啦,也许很久很久以前吧,不过现在说起来也只是不了了之,如今的自己,似乎一切却是那么的模糊,模糊的没有清晰的记忆,没有真实的回忆。


考验: (put to the) testRelative explainations:《test out》 《proof》 《ordeal》 《racket》 《tribulation》 《trial》 《try something out》 《try》 《try out》 《tempt》 《prove》 《put to the proof》 《put to the touch》 Examples:1. 听他那没完没了的连篇空话对我的耐心真是一大考验。 Listening to his continuous stream of empty chatter really tested my patience.2. 士兵的勇气在战斗中得到考验。 A soldier’s courage is put to the proof in battle.3. 这次危难是对他的勇气和技能的考验。 The crisis put his courage and skill to the test.4. 衡量驾驶员水平的决定性考验, 就是看他在紧急关头能否保持镇静. The acid test of a good driver is whether he remains calm in an emergency.5. 他的勇气在艰难困苦中经受了严峻的考验。 His courage was severely tried by his ordeal.


put up 张贴/挂起/提名put away储存/吃掉/把。。。关进监狱/收拾起来put off推迟/阻止/脱掉/使分心put one’s name on the list把某人列入名单put out 放出/生产/发布/关掉/熄灭/困扰/麻烦put sb.to trouble 劳烦某人put aside把...放一边/储存...备用/不考虑put down放下/评定/制止/卸下/降低put in/into force实施/使生效put to the test使受实验set off 出发/动身/起程set one’s mind to do 一心想做set down 放下/写下set about doing sth 着手干某事set back 使后退set forward 提出/拨快(钟表)set out 出发 set up 竖起/创建/开办give in屈服/让步/交上(试卷等)give up放弃/抛弃/让give place to为...取代/让位于give out分发/用尽/停止/宣布/发出(气味,热等)/发表give birth to生孩子give a concert 开音乐会give..a hand给予...帮助 call at +地点call on 呼吁/拜访/接人call for要求/叫某人同往某处call up打电话给.../召集call out大声叫喊/向...挑战call off取消call long distance打长途电话call sb. names辱骂某人call into being使存在/使出现on the/one’s way来到/接近/在路上in the way挡道的/妨碍某人的in no way一点也不get over克服/从(病)中恢复过来get away from逃离get by勉强混过/尚可生活get ready for为...做准备get through被通过get on...上(车)等get doing开始做get along with sb.与某人相处get in进入/收获/收税/请...来做knock down击倒/撞倒/拆毁knock off把...敲掉/下班/击倒knock out敲空/击倒/打昏/使无用knock over打翻/撞倒/压倒/消除knock into庄上/庄见knock against撞击/碰撞ask for trouble自讨苦吃ask for要求得到某物/要求见到某人look sb.in the eye直视某人look on旁观/观看/看作look through透过看/浏览look to sth.注意/留心look up仰视/(在词典,参考书等中)查阅look ahead向前看/为将来打算look forward to盼望/期待这些只是高三时的一些笔记,还有其他比较偏的,估计用不上.就打这些使用率比较高的给你吧!其实你还可以查词典,很多的.








test data 测试数据;检查数据

test result 试验结果

test method 检测方法,检测方法

test for 探测;对…进行测验

test on 在…身上做实验;在…做实验;对…进行测试


1、Then, test your skills in this game! 


2、This means that there should not be any unnecessary overlap or gaps in the test coverage. 








Last One To Know - Joss StoneI hold my cards close to my chestI had my art put to the testNa, na, na, na, na, hell, naI don’t wanna be in loveLiving in the dark, confusedBecause you moved a markI don’t know how far you goIs this the start?Will this episode explodeTo a lot of love,I just don’t knowIs this the doorthat will never close?Like it’s done before,a thousand timesI hold my cards close to my chestI had my art put to the testNa, na, na, na, na, hell, naI don’t wanna be in loveIf you asked meThis a year agoTo lay down by your sideI’d run a mileBeing close was impossibleHad so much to loseJust the thought of letting go,I’ll never knowBut you keep pushing on,pushing on loveI hold my cards close to my chestI had my heart put to the testNa, na, na, na, na, hell, naI don’t wanna be in loveDon’t wanna be in loveIn love, I don’t wanna be in loveDon’t make me, baby,don’t make meDon’t make me be in loveI think that I’ve just found methe right oneI can’t believethat I’m the last one to knowI hold my cards close to my chestI had my heart put to the testNa, na, na, na,hell, no, I don’t wanna beI really don’t wanna be in loveDon’t make me be,take it back, babyI don’t wanna be,I don’t need to be in loveHeal me, baby,I don’t wanna be in love, noI don’t wanna, I can’t,I don’t need to beI don’t wanna be in love, babyTake it back,take it away from me, heyTake it away, babyI can’t handle it,I don’t wanna be caught up inOh, yeah, oh,I can’t believethat I am the last oneThe last one, the last one to know,what the hell is going onI can’t believethat I’m the last one to knowSay it ain’t so, please

put sth to the test是什么意思

put sth to the test_翻译put sth to the test 使受试验,使受检验,使受考验;


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