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Another reason is that it is the best way to express tourists’ respect. Everyone state owns her behaviors and custom; history saw the development of this country. For example, when tourists go to visit host country, perhaps some of thin

gs are so out of fashion. However visitors also admire local culture and custom, it will be good for their communication with indigene.


Another reason is that it is the best way to express tourists’ respect. Everyone state owns her behaviors and custom; history saw the development of this country. For example, when tourists go to visit host country, perhaps some of thin

gs are so out of fashion. However visitors also admire local culture and custom, it will be good for their communication with indigene.


ls’ Day is a day to play jokes on others,No one knows how this holiday began but people think it first started in France.


the 16 th century,people celebrated New Year’s Day from March 25 to

April 1.In the mid—1560s King Charles IX changed it from March 25 to

January 1.But some people still celebrated in on April 1,so others

called them April Fools.

Each country celebrates April Fools’ Day

differently.In France,people call the April Fools “April Fish”.They tape

a paper fish to their friends’ backs to fool them.When he or she finds

this ,they shout “April Fish!”

In England,people play jokes only in

the morning.You are a “noodle” if someone fools you.In Scotland,April

Fools’ Day is 48 hours long.They call an April Fool “April Gowk”.Gowk is

another name for a cuckoo bird.

In the America,people play small

jokes on their friends and any other people on the first of Aprol.They

may point down to your shoe and say,“ Your shoelace is untied.” If you

believe them and look down to see,you are an April Fool


April Fools’ Day 愚人节

April Fools’ Day is a day to play jokes on others, No one knows how this holiday began but people think it first started in France.

In the 16 th century, people celebrated New Year’s Day from March 25 to April 1. In the mid—1560s King Charles IX changed it from March 25 to January 1. But some people still celebrated in on April 1, so others called them April Fools.

Each country celebrates April Fools’ Day differently. In France, people call the April Fools “April Fish”. They tape a paper fish to their friends’ backs to fool them. When he or she finds this , they shout “April Fish!”

In England, people play jokes only in the morning. You are a “noodle” if someone fools you. In Scotland, April Fools’ Day is 48 hours long. They call an April Fool “April Gowk”. Gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird.

In the America, people play small jokes on their friends and any other people on the first of Aprol. They may point down to your shoe and say, “ Your shoelace is untied.” If you believe them and look down to see, you are an April Fool then.



The new year is the holiday which everybody likes very much. we may set off the smoke and fire. and the family member eat greatly. may also take some new year’s moneies.


Mid-Autumn Festival is the day which the whole family reunites. the whole family may eat the moon cake together. enjoys looking at the moon brightly together.as soon as may also play the lantern.


National Day is a lot of people like the day of our China a more important day. We can travel in the National Day and their families can also make a break.


A:Hey!Whte are you doing ,John?B:Hi,Jane.I’m reading a magazine,about some famous people.A:Oh,what’s your favorite famous people?B:Taylor Swift.Look!She’s appeared in this magazine.She is beautiful,and she has a sweet voice.I love her songs very much.A:I know her,and I also like her.She’s from the united state.She’s not only a singer but also an actor.B:I think she is brave.A:Why do you say so?B:Because her campus life has often been bullied(因为曾经她的校园生活经常被人欺负),but she is brave to face the life.A:I think we should learn from Taylor Swift.B:Yep.However,we should be brave to face our life.哎,历经辛苦,终于打出来了.不小心删了又要重新写好像两分钟都没够喔.。



1. 愚人节变成了表白的日子,情人节变成了分手的日子

2. 愚人节···又到了啊···他的歌,他的戏,他的人···“我就是我,是颜色不一样的烟火,天空海阔,要做最坚强的泡沫”·······

3. 愚人节,最想开的玩笑,我们和好好吗?

4. 愚人节,只是给说谎的人一个说真话的机会。

5. 愚人节,整死一个是一个,反正清明节也就要到了

6. 愚人节,我可以大胆的和你表白,因为我可以笑着离去。

7. 愚人节,不是给愚人过的节,而是给说谎人一个说真话的机会。

8. 英语考试听力时,我沉浸在开头优美的歌声中,缓过神来。才知道听力已经结束了。

9. 一觉醒来我以为我长高了,原来是被子盖横了

10. 一称体重我就很不开心,不开心的时候我就想吃东西。

11. 星期一愚人节,老师竟然让我们去上课!越想不对劲儿,不行!咱不能上当!

12. 星期一愚人节,公司竟然让我们去上班,还是八点半上班!越想不对劲儿,不行!咱不能上当!

13. 小时候傍晚在邻居家看鬼片,当回家的时候。结果摔倒了。在邻居家已经做好冲锋的准备,到门口就发腿跑。

14. 现在是愚人节丶整死一个是一个丶反正清明节也要到了

15. 现在的孩子,分手专挑情人节,告白专挑愚人

16. 我最爱的人,愚人节那天一定要来骗我

17. 我一直奇怪,为什么会有一个愚人节,难道鼓励大家骗人吗?后来才知道,原来愚人自娱,有讽刺骗人者的意思。越来越发现,越是珍贵的东西,其实越容易被我们 不小心的忽略,譬如新鲜的空气,干净

18. 的水源,譬如诚信,譬如健康的身体。而这些东西之所以珍贵,是因为很容易一去不复还,用钱买不到。四月,祝好

19. 我是不该再去找谁的 愚人节又怎么样,宣泄了我的无聊寂寞想念后又怎样,我不敢找

20. 我期待的不是情人节,而是愚人节,因为在愚人节里面别人才会对我说真话

21. 我对你,是不是只有愚人节才可以说“我爱你”??


1 Hyde Park,位于伦敦市中心,占地140公顷(hectare)。

Hyde Park is located in the centre of London,which covers an eara of 140 hectare。2 在1851年的时候,Hyde Park是伦敦大展的览地 At the time of 1851,Hyde Park is a place for exhibition in London。

3 在Hyde Park的东北部有很可爱的植物和出名的演讲角 There are many lovely plants and famous lecture-giving corners at the northeast of Hyde Park。 4 在Hyde Park的南部有一个湖,在那里你可以看到天鹅,你也可以享受骑马的乐趣 There is a lake at the south of Hyde Park,where you can see many swans and enjoy the fun of riding horse。

5 Hyde Park也是伦敦人悠闲的好去处Hyde Parkis also a good place to relax for the Londoners。


ls’ Day is a day to play jokes on others,No one knows how this holiday began but people think it first started in France. ls的天是一个戏弄他人,没有人知道这个节日是如何开始的,但人们认为它开始在法国。

In 在 the 16 th century,people celebrated New Year’s Day from March 25 to 16世纪,人们庆祝新年从3月25日 April 1. In the mid—1560s King Charles IX changed it from March 25 to 4月1日。在1560年代中期国王查理九世改变了从3月25日 January 1. But some people still celebrated in on April 1,so others 1月1日。

但是一些人仍然在4月1日庆祝,所以别人 called them April Fools. 叫他们四月傻瓜。 Each country celebrates April Fools’ Day 每个国家庆祝愚人节 differently. In France,people call the April Fools “April Fish”. They tape 不同。

在法国,人们叫四月愚人节“上钩的鱼”。他们带 a paper fish to their friends’ backs to fool them. When he or she finds 一篇论文鱼朋友背上愚弄他们。

当他或她发现 this ,they shout “April Fish!” 他们喊“四月鱼!” In England,people play jokes only in 在英格兰,人们只有在玩笑 the morning. You are a “noodle” if someone fools you. In Scotland,April 早晨。你是一个“面”如果有人傻瓜你。

在苏格兰,4月 Fools’ Day is 48 hours long. They call an April Fool “April Gowk”. Gowk is 愚人节是48小时长。他们称一个愚人节“四月布谷”。

杜鹃鸟是 another name for a cuckoo bird. 杜鹃鸟的另一个名字。 In the America,people play small 在美国,人们玩小 jokes on their friends and any other people on the first of Aprol.They 他们的朋友开玩笑和任何其他的人在第一次Aprol.They may point down to your shoe and say,“ Your shoelace is untied. ” If you 会指着你的鞋子说:“鞋带开了。

“如果你 believe them and look down to see,you are an April Fool 真的相信了,向下看,你是一个愚人节。


Tom:Hey,Jim,do you know ,you have achieved a scholarship.Jim:Really,are you sure ?Have I?Tom:Certaintly.I heard from Jay,you know ,he is monitor.Jim:Oh,my God!Great,I’ll tell my mom the happy thing.Tom:Well,you can pretend that I haven’t say anything in fact because you are the fool of today.hahaJim:Oh,I forget it。


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