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  • 芘是一种什么物质
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  • 用英语介绍地震知识
  • 海洛英为什么和英雄一个词
  • word sense disambiguation是什么意思
  • disambiguation是什么意思


芘(pyrene, 读音bǐ, Unicode代码8298)是一种四环多环芳香烃类,分子式为C16H10,分子量202.26。目录 [隐藏]1 物理性质 2 化学性质 3 制备 4 用途 [编辑] 物理性质外观为淡黄色棱状晶体。熔点151.2℃,沸点404℃,密度1.271g/cm3(23℃)。不溶于水,溶于乙醇和乙醚。[编辑] 化学性质可以发生卤化、硝化、磺化等取代反应,也可以发生氧化反应。[编辑] 制备由煤焦油得蒽油馏分中分离而得。[编辑] 用途用于制造合成树脂、染料等。可形成具有荧光性的激发二聚体。概述 名称:芘;苾;嵌二萘;Pyrene CAS No.: 129-00-0 国标编码:------- 分子式:C16H10 分子量:202.26 结构:见图 衍生物(相关物质):萘 菲 苯 苯并芘 茚并[1,2,3-cd]芘 芘醌[编辑本段]基本性质 性状:淡黄色单斜晶体(纯品为无色),具有芳香性 溶解情况:不溶于水,易溶于乙醇、乙醚、二硫化碳、苯和甲苯、四氢呋喃等有机溶剂。 熔点:150℃(另有资料称156,145-151℃) 沸点:393.5℃ 相对密度:1.271(22/4℃) 闪点:210℃ 稳定性:稳定 化学性质:可燃,可进行亲电取代,如卤化、硝化、磺化等反应,通常发生在3位。可被氧化成芘醌,控制氧化剂的量能使芘氧化产生不同的羰基数目。有很强的荧光,在丙酮中、量子产率可达0.99。芘的晶体加电压可发光,最初用于电致发光研究。可聚合,得到导电的聚芘。 燃爆危险: 本品可燃。 危险特性: 遇明火、高热可燃。受高热分解放出有毒的气体。[编辑本段]制取或来源 芘主要存在于煤焦油沥青的蒸馏物中。将中温沥青减压蒸馏,同时向蒸馏釜通入少量直接过热蒸汽,切取芘的窄馏分,然后用溶剂油和乙醇混合溶液,或苯和溶剂油的混合溶液重结晶,即得到纯度95%的工业芘。 可比蒽油分出。[编辑本段]用途 可直接氧化成芘醌。 有机合成原料,经氧化可制取1,4,5,8-萘四甲酸,用于染料、合成树脂、分散性染料和工程塑料;酰化后可制还原染料艳橙GR及其他多种染料。还可制杀虫剂、增塑剂等。[编辑本段]对环境的影响 一、健康危害 侵入途径:吸入、食入、经皮吸收。 健康危害:未见急性中毒报道。长期接触3~5mg/m3,可见头痛、乏力、睡眠不佳、易兴奋、食欲减退、白细胞增加,血沉增速等。低于0.1mg/m3,未见不良影响。 二、毒理学资料及环境行为 毒性:属低毒类。 急性毒性:LD502750mg/kg(大鼠经口);800mg/kg(小鼠经口);LC50170mg/m3(大鼠吸入) 亚急性和慢性毒性:大鼠吸入3.6mg/m3×4月血色素、红细胞减少,淋巴细胞减少,白细胞增加,肝糖原增加,镜见蛋白尿;人慢性吸入车间浓度3~5mg/m3有头痛、乏力、睡眠不良,易兴奋,食欲减退,白细胞增加,血沉增快;人慢性吸入车间浓度0.1mg/m3无不良影响。 危险特性:遇明火、高热可燃。受高热分解放出有毒气体。 燃烧(分解)产物:一氧化碳、二氧化碳、成分未知的黑色烟雾。 3.现场应急监测方法 (暂缺资料) 4.实验室监测方法 高效液相色谱法《城市和工业废水中有机化合物分析》王克欧等译 气相色谱法《固体废弃物试验分析评价手册》中国环境监测总站等译 5.环境标准 前苏联车间空气中有害物质的最高容许浓度0.03mg/m3 (皮) 6.应急处理处置方法 一、泄漏应急处理 切断火源。戴好防毒面具,穿化学防护服。收集运到空旷处焚烧。如大量泄漏,收集回收或无害处理后废弃。 二、防护措施 呼吸系统防护:一般不需特殊防护,但建议特殊情况下,佩带防毒面具。 眼睛防护:可采用安全面罩。 防护服:穿工作服。 手防护:必要时戴防化学品手套。 其它:工作后,淋浴更衣。避免长期反复接触。 三、急救措施 皮肤接触:脱去污染的衣着,用肥皂水及清水彻底冲洗。 眼睛接触:立即翻开上下眼睑,用流动清水冲洗15分钟。就医。 吸入:脱离现场至空气新鲜处。 食入:误服者给饮足量温水,催吐,就医。 灭火方法:泡沫、二氧化碳、干粉、1211灭火剂、砂土。用水可引起沸溅。PyreneFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchFor other uses, see Pyrene (disambiguation).Pyrene IUPAC name [show]pyrene Other names benzo(d,e,f)phenanthrene Identifiers CAS number 129-00-0 Y RTECS number UR2450000 SMILES [show]C12=CC=C3C=CC=C4C=CC(C2=C34)=CC=C1 Properties Molecular formula C16H10 Molar mass 202.25 g/mol Appearance colorless solid (yellow impurities are often found at trace levels in many samples). Density 1.271 g/ml Melting point 145-148 °C (418-421 K) Boiling point 404 °C (677 K) Solubility in water 0.135 mg/l Hazards MSDS External MSDS R-phrases 36/37/38-45-53 S-phrases 24/25-26-36 NFPA 704 120 Flash point non-flammable Related compounds Related PAHs benzopyrene Supplementary data page Structure andproperties n, εr, etc. Thermodynamicdata Phase behaviourSolid, liquid, gas Spectral data UV, IR, NMR, MS Y (what is this?) (verify)Except where noted otherwise, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C, 100 kPa) Infobox references Pyrene is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) consisting of four fused benzene rings, resulting in a flat aromatic system. This colourless solid is the smallest peri-fused polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon - one where the rings are fused through more than one face. Pyrene forms during incomplete combustion of organic compounds.Contents [hide]1 Occurrence and reactivity 2 Applications 3 Safety 4 References 5 External links [edit] Occurrence and reactivityPyrene was first isolated from coal tar where it occurs up to 2% by weight. As a peri-fused PAH, pyrene is much more resonance stabilized than its five-member-ring containing isomer fluoranthene. Thus, it is produced in a wide range of combustion conditions. For example, automobiles produce about 1 μg/km.Oxidation with chromate affords perinaphthenone and then naphthalene-1,4,5,8-tetracarboxylic acid. It undergoes a series of hydrogenation reactions, and is susceptible to halogenation, Diels-Alder additions, and nitration, all with varying degrees of selectivity.[edit] ApplicationsPyrene and its derivatives are used commercially to make dyes and dye precursors, for example pyranine and naphthalene-1,4,5,8-tetracarboxylic acid. Its derivatives are also valuable molecular probes via fluorescence spectroscopy, having a high quantum yield and lifetime (0.65 and 410 nanosecond, respectively, in ethanol at 293K). Its fluorescence emission spectrum is very sensitive to the solvent’s polarity, so pyrene has been used as a probe to determine solvent environments. This is due to its excited state having a different, non-planar structure than the ground state. Certain emission bands are unaffected, but others vary in intensity due to the strength of interaction with a solvent.[edit] SafetyAlthough it is not as problematic as benzopyrene, animal studies have shown pyrene is toxic to the kidneys and the liver.


说的这些都是表示单词词性的,adv.表示 副词adj.表示 形容词你说的及物动词和不及物动词用 vt. 和 vi 表示v. 表示 动词a. 是 adj. 的一种简略写法,也是表示 形容词ad.是 adv. 的简略写法,表示 副词。

词性标注(Part-Of-Speech tagging, POS tagging)也被称为语法标注(grammatical tagging)或词类消疑(word-category disambiguation),是语料库语言学(corpus linguistics)中将语料库内单词的词性按其含义和上下文内容进行标记的文本数据处理技术。

词性标注可以由人工或特定算法完成,使用机器学习(machine learning)方法实现词性标注是自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing, NLP)的研究内容。常见的词性标注算法包括隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model, HMM)、条件随机场(Conditional random fields, CRFs)等。

词性标注主要被应用于文本挖掘(text mining)和NLP领域,是各类基于文本的机器学习任务,例如语义分析(semantic analysis)和指代消解(coreference resolution)的预处理步骤。

词性标注是随着语料库的建立而提出的,在其发展初期是语料库中语法分析器(parser)的组件之一,词性标注的早期工作包括宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)TDAP(Transformations and Discourse Analysis Project)项目中的语法结构模型  。

1971年,Barbara B. Greene和Gerald M. Rubin以Klein and Simmons (1963)为基础开发了词性标注系统TAGGIT,并首次对大规模词库Brown Corpus进行了词性标注。


。。。本来是第2个回的。回完了才想起来没把中文的发上。可是在回复中又显示不出我的回复。半天才有。。。害我等了半天才重新编辑。希望可以帮到你吧。Understood that the earthquake and the earthquake protect the general knowledge 了解地震与地震防护常识 (1) earthquake is the common natural phenomenon 地震是常见自然现象 The earthquake and daily sees the wind and rain, the thunder and lightning are the same, is one kind of more universal natural phenomenon. Statistics indicated that the world approximately has 5,000,000 times every year the earthquake, but 99% above earthquakes are the small earthquakes, the people are not easy to feel. But the intense burst characteristics earthquake often causes the human to be unexpected, thus causes the personnel casualty and the huge economic loss. 地震和日常所见的风雨、雷电一样,是一种较为普遍的自然现象。据统计,全世界每年约发生500万次地震,不过99%以上的地震是微小地震,人们不容易感觉到。但强烈的突发性地震往往使人猝不及防,从而造成人员伤亡和巨大的经济损失。 (二) earthquake’s origin 地震的成因 The earth interior material does not stop the movement, will have an function in the rock layer tremendous strength. When this strength accumulates to the certain extent, may cause some crag the level to have, the distortion curving. Once the rock layer cannot withstand this kind changed, will have the sudden breakage, moving out of place, caused the intense vibration, this kind of vibration was the earthquake which we usually said. The earth interior has earthquake’s place to call the center of origin, the ground to be apart from the center of origin recent place to be called the epicenter earthquake’s size to be possible to use the magnitude and the earthquake intensity weighs. When magnitude expression earthquake emit energy size; The intensity expressed that earthquake degree which destroys to the ground. 地球内部物质不停运动,会产生一股作用于岩层的巨大力量。当这股力量积累到一定程度时,可使一些岩层发生弯曲、变形。一旦岩层承受不了这种变化的时候,就会发生急剧的破裂、错动,引起强烈振动,这种振动就是我们平时所说的地震。 地球内部发生地震的地方叫震源,地面距震源最近的地方叫震中地震的大小可以用地震震级和地震烈度来衡量。震级表示地震时释放能量的大小;烈度表示地震对地面破坏的程度。(三) Earthquake’s type 地震的种类(1) Tectonic earthquake 构造地震The tectonic earthquake is the earthquake which the earth structure movement causes. When the composition earth’s crust’s rock layer under the crustal stress function, has the incline or the bending strain, the local stress continues to strengthen, accumulates to surpasses the limit which the rock layer can withstand, along rock layer structure weak place. Has the break or the dislocation suddenly, causes the energy which accumulates for a long time to release suddenly, and to all around disseminates by the earthquake wave form causes the ground vibration. 构造地震是地球构造运动引起的地震。组成地壳的岩层在地应力作用下,发生倾斜或弯曲变形, 当地应力继续增强,积累到超过岩层所能承受的限度时,沿着岩层构造薄弱的地方。突然发生断裂或错位,使长期积累起来的能量急剧地释放出来,并以地震波的形式向四周传播而引起地面的振动。 (2) Volcanic earthquake 火山地震The volcanic earthquake is causes by the volcanic eruption. The volcanic earthquake mainly has two kinds: One kind when is volcanic eruption, because the rock magma impact earth’s crust or causes the earthquake which the local area rock layer occurs distorts and dislodges causes. After another kind is volcanic eruption, because the massive rock magma lose, the subsurface pressure reduces or the underground deep place supplies is inferior to, to present the cavity, thus causes the earthquake which the above cover’s rock layer break or the collapse produce. 火山地震是由火山爆发而引起的。火山地震主要有两种:一种是火山爆发时, 由于岩浆冲击地壳或使局部地区岩层发生变形和变位而引起的地震。另一种是火山爆发后,由于大量岩浆损失,地下压力减小或地下深处补给不及, 出现空洞,从而引起上面覆盖的岩层断裂或塌陷而产生的地震。 (3) The depression earthquake depression earthquake is the local earthquake which causes as a result of the underground limestone cave or the mine worked-out section’s downcast. 陷落地震陷落地震是由于地下溶洞或矿山采空区的陷落而引起的局部地震。China earthquake intensity 中国地震烈度 Ⅰ 1.9 Does not have the feeling, only the instrument can record 无感,仅仪器能记录到 Ⅱ 2.5 The individual sensitive person in completely static has the feeling 个别敏感的人在完全静止中有感 Ⅲ 3.1 The indoor small number of people have the feeling in the static, the suspension swings slightly Ⅳ 3.7Indoor most people, the outdoor small number of people have the feeling, suspension swinging. Not the steady household utensils make noise Ⅴ 4.3Outdoor most people have the feeling, the domestic animal do not go home, the windows and doors make noise, the wall surface presents the crack 室外大多数人有感, 家畜不回家, 门窗作响,墙壁表面出现裂纹 Ⅵ 4.9The human stands not steadily, the domestic animal escapes, the household utensils turn fall, crude shed lodging damage, steep ridge landslide 人站立不稳,家畜外逃,器皿翻落, 简陋棚舍损坏,陡坎滑坡 Ⅶ 5.5 The house slight damage, the memorial arch, the chimney damage, the surface presents the crack and spurts Sha Maoshui 房屋轻微损坏,牌坊、烟囱损坏,地表出现裂缝及喷沙冒水 Ⅷ 6.1The house has the damage, minority roadbed landslide, underground duct breakage 房屋多有损坏,少数路基塌方,地下管道破裂 Ⅸ 6.7 The house majority destructions, minority fall, avalanches and so on memorial arch, chimney, the railway rail is curving 房屋大多数破坏,少数倾倒,牌坊、烟囱等崩塌,铁轨弯曲 Ⅹ 7.3 The house falls, the path destruction, the mountain stone massive avalanches, the water surface very rough seas throw the shore 房屋倾倒,道路毁坏,山石大量崩塌,水面大浪扑岸 Ⅺ 7.9 The house collapses massively, roadbed dike big Duan Benghui, the surface has the very sweeping change 房屋大量倒塌,路基堤岸大段崩毁,地表产生很大变化 Ⅻ 8.5 All building universal destruction, the terrain changes fiercely, the zoology and botany suffers destroys 一切建筑物普遍毁坏,地形剧烈变化,动植物遭毁灭(四) Earthquake’s destruction 地震的破坏 When earthquake, because ground succession large scale vibration, thus has the huge destructive effect, causes buildings and so on house, bridge, railroad, road, reservoir to suffer the degree different destruction. 地震时,由于地面连续发生大幅度的振动,从而产生巨大的破坏作用,造成房屋、桥梁、铁路、公路、水库等建筑物遭受程度不同的破坏。 (五) Earthquake omen 地震前兆 The earthquake, before specially the violent earthquake occurs, the general meeting appears…`abnormal phenomena. The people observe - to occur with the earthquake have the close contacting abnormal phenomenon to be called the earthquake omen. 地震,特别是强地震发生之前,总会出现…‘些异常现象。人们把观察到的—些与地震发生有密切联系的异常现象称为地震前兆。 (1) The ground water is unusual 地下水异常 (2)The animal is unusual 动物异常 (3) Flashes of light preceding an earthquake and earthquake sounds 地光和地声The flashes of light preceding an earthquake and the earthquake sounds are the earthquake eve either when the earthquake makes luminous and the sound from underground or the ground, is important near shakes the omen. Before shaking, the flash, the sound production, shines, sees this sentiment, suitable decisive, fast motion, few dangers. 地光和地声是地震前夕或地震时从地下或地面发出的光亮及声音,是重要的临震预兆。临震前,一瞬间,地发声,又发光,见此情,宜果断,速行动,少危险。 (六) Earthquake prediction issue 地震预报的发布The country practices the unification issue system to the earthquake prediction. The earthquake short-term forecast and near shakes the predict that by the province, the autonomous region, the municipality people’s government the procedure issue which stipulated according to the State Council. Other any unit and individual has no right to issue the earthquake prediction news. 国家对地震预报实行统一发布制度。地震短期预报和临震预报,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府按照国务院规定的程序发布。其他任何单位和个人都无权发布地震预报消息。 (七) Before how to prepare for earthquake’s 怎样做好地震前的准备 1 .Understands the earthquake knowledge, grasps the quakeproof emergency procedures了解地震知识,掌握防震应急措施。 2. Believes the science, opposes to blindly believe, does not readily believe the earthquake rumor相信科学,反对迷信,不轻信地震谣言。 3. Is clear about the evacuation route, to seek asylum the place, prepares to seek asylum with the rescue goods. Usually must prepare the skilled person flashlight, the cigarette lighter, the radio, suffices food which and tap water three days use.明确疏散路线、避难地点,准备好避难和营救的物品。通常需准备好手电筒、打火机、收音机,够三天用的食物和饮用水。 4 Reinforces the indoor furniture sundry goods, places objects and so on high place small thing, picture frame to shift to the floor on, avoids the furniture sundry goods when the earthquake reverses falls creates the injury accident. .加固室内家具杂物,把放在高处的小物件、镜框等物体转移到地板上,避免家具杂物在地震时翻倒掉落造成伤害事故。 5 .Assigns when the earthquake individual emergency duty, specially protects from fire; When leaves home, should turn off the fuel gas stove, the extinguishment furnace fire, the dump and so on; Must protect old person the child; Carries the quakeproof thing and so on to carry out the human according to the duty division of labor, avoids shaking time flustered, cannot attend to one thing without losing track of another thing. 分配地震时个人应急任务,特别是防火;离家时,应关好燃气灶,熄灭炉火,切断电源等;要保护老人小孩;所携带防震用品等应按任务分工落实到人,避免震时忙乱,顾此失彼。 (八) When earthquake takes refuge from danger personally 地震时个人避险 The ruinous earthquake from occurs collapses to the house, generally has several second time. As individual, how in instantaneous to make the choice which calmly takes refuge from danger correctly? 破坏性地震从发生到房屋倒塌,一般只有十几秒的时间。作为个人,如何在瞬间冷静地作出正确避险的抉择呢? 1. In building: Is far away from the outer wall and the windows and doors rapidly, may choose the space which standard widths and so on kitchen, bathroom small, are not easy to cave to shock proof, do not jump from an upper story, also cannot use the elevator.在楼房:迅速远离外墙及门窗,可选择厨房、浴室等开间小、不易塌落的空间避震,千万不要跳楼,也不能使用电梯。 2. In one-story house: When runs without enough time the outdoors, but hides rapidly nearby the table, the bed and the firm furniture or suffers the lower part of wall tightly, attention protection forehead在平房:来不及跑出户外时,可迅速躲在桌子、床下和坚固家具旁或紧挨墙根,注意保护头部。 3. In outdoors: Avoids the big building, is far away from the high tension line, the big billboard在户外:避开高大建筑物,远离高压线、大的广告牌。 4. In workshop: Switches off the power source friendly source rapidly, nearby hides nearby the firm machine, the equipment or the office furniture在工作间:迅速关掉电源和气源,就近躲藏在坚固的机器、设备或办公家具旁。 5. In public place: In places and so on station, theater, classroom, store, subway, must maintain calm, chooses hides place, then obeys the direction, the order evacuation. Do not jump from an upper story blindly, also do not crowd on the staircase, the corridor.after 在公共场所:在车站、剧院、教室、商店、地铁等场所,要保持镇静,就地选择躲藏处,然后听从指挥,有序撤离。不要盲目跳楼,也不要拥挤在楼梯、过道上。(九) earthquake, helps oneself to rescue mutually 地震后自救互救 The seismic region populace, between the family, the neighborhood help oneself to rescue mutually particularly, is reduces when the earthquake personnel casualty’s effective measure -. 震区群众,尤其是家庭、邻里之间的自救互救,是减少地震时人员伤亡的有效手段之—。 1. Is buried the courage which the personnel first want to blow up seek livehood, must eliminate the dread, can leave the dangerous situation, should the idea be separated from the dangerous situation as soon as possible.被埋压人员首先要鼓起求生的勇气,要消除恐惧心理,能自我离开险境者,应尽快想法脱离险境。 2.is buried when the personnel cannot be out of danger, tries the hands and feet to work loose, clear decompression on own body’s object, specially abdomen above pressure thing, waiting rescue. May use the towel, clothes and so on to cover the oronasal, maintains the breath is unobstructed, prevents the mist and dust to choke into suffocates. 被埋压人员不能自我脱险时,设法将手脚挣脱出来,清除压在自己身上的物体,特别是腹部以上的压物,等待救援。可以用毛巾、衣服等捂住口鼻,保持呼吸通畅,防止烟尘呛入窒息。 3. Is buried the personnel to maintain is clear-headed, cannot call for help loudly, preserves the physical strength, the waiting rescue. Should use all means and the outside relates, available stone rap object, or when hearing some people only then calls for help被埋压人员要保持头脑清醒,不可大声呼救,以保存体力,等待救援。应利用一切办法与外界联系,可用石块敲击物体,或在听到外面有人时才呼救。 4. Is buried the heavy item which the personnel should support possibly crash, the expansion safe existing space, finally to has the optical fiber and the air circulation traverse, is separated from the dangerous situation. If is out of danger incapable time, should reduce the physical strength consumption as far as possible, in may the activity space, try to seek for substitution food and the water, the creation survival requirement, the waiting rescue. 被埋压人员应支撑可能坠落的重物,扩大安全生存空间,最后向有光线和空气流通的方向移动,以脱离险境。若无力脱险时,应尽可能减少体力消耗,在可活动空间里,设法寻找代用食品和水,创造生存条件,等待救援。 5. The organization family, the neighborhood rescue mutually. The family personnel and the neighborhood knew very well that is buried the personnel position, but carries on the rescue promptly. Must pay attention in saving others listens to be stranded the personnel to shout, the groan, to rap sounds and so on utensil.组织家庭、邻里互救。家庭人员和邻里熟知被埋压人员位置,可及时进行抢救。在救人中要注意听被困人员的呼喊、呻吟、敲击器物等声音。 6. Must according to characteristics and so on building frame, origin time, or listens attentively through the inquiry, determined that after rolling the personnel position, again rescues, prevention of accident casualties要根据房屋结构、发震时刻等特点,通过询问或倾听,确定被团人员位置后,再行抢救,防止意外伤亡。 7. When saving others must rescue in the building border rubble first survivor. In the rubble piles, must rescue promptly occupies the house first floor or has not been destructed completely in the basement survivor. 救人时要先抢救建筑物边沿瓦砾中的幸存者。在瓦砾堆中,要及时抢救处在房屋底层或未完全遭到破坏的地下室中的幸存者。


其实英雄和海洛英并非同一个词,hero 英雄heroine 女英雄heroin 海洛英英美国家有语言读物专门提过这个问题,提醒人们不要混淆,并明确指出海洛英与英雄的拼写虽然近似,但毫无关系。以下是一段该说明的摘录:This article is about the type of person known as a “hero“. For other meanings of this term, see hero (disambiguation). “Heroine“, the feminine form of “hero“, should not be confused with heroin, the drug.海洛英的学名是Diacetylmorphine,heroin是后来大街上的毒贩起的名字,因广泛流传而成为现在的通用称呼,它实在与英雄无关。

word sense disambiguation是什么意思

word sense disambiguation词义消歧;词义排歧;词义歧义消除例句1.Word sense disambiguation is one of the difficult problems in natural language processing.词义消歧是自然语言处理中的难题之一。2.Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) has always been a difficult and hot points in natural language processing.词义消歧是自然然语言处理中的一个难点和热点问题。3.A word sense disambiguation method based on semantic graph structure was presented.提出了一种基于语义网络结构的词义消歧方法。4.The rate of correct word sense disambiguation is over 98 % in the closed test, and over 96% in the open test.词义消歧的精确率,封闭测试高达98%以上,开放测试高达96%以上。5.An Improved Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation Method Based on Primitive Co-Occurrence Data改进的基于义原同现频率的汉语词义排歧方法


disambiguation [英]dɪsæmbɪgjʊ’eɪʃən [美]ˌdɪsæmˌbɪgjʊ’eɪʃən n. 解疑,消除模棱两可情况 [例句]Be my pregnancy wife disambiguation please.请为我孕妻解疑。


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