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shield from(保护用英语怎么说词组)


  • 保护用英语怎么说词组
  • shield sb from sth造句
  • shield,guard,defend有什么区别
  • keep A from B,shield A from B, separate A from B的区别
  • shield form 与 keep form separate form 的区别
  • 请问shield from可以将from改成out of 吗
  • shield from什么意思


最常用的单词是 protect其常用短语是 protect against 反对 ... 以保护 protect from 保护 ... 不受, 使... 表示“保护……不使受到……的损害或侵犯”时常用结构protect...against/from...来表示,但较大的事件如天灾多用against,小事件如冷气则用from。defend, protect, safeguard, guard, shield, shelter, harbour这些动词均有“保护、保卫”之意。defend: 普通用词,指用武力或其它措施使人或物不受损害,消除危险。用作比喻时,指坚持某 种行动、决定或意见。protect: 普通用词,指用某种手段作为防御工具以防危险或伤害。safeguard: 语气强,指采取积极措施预防可能发生的一切攻击或危险。guard: 普通用词,指保持警惕以防可能的攻击或伤害。shield: 语气比protect强,但侧重防止迫在眉睫的攻击或伤害。shelter: 通常指寻找安全地方躲避风雨或使人免遭危害。harbour: 贬义词,指隐匿或非法保护、窝藏。

shield sb from sth造句

She held her hand above her eyes to shield them from the sun.她举起手遮挡阳光以保护眼睛。


defend指“保卫”、“防御”, 应用范围很广, 对象可以是具体的, 也可以是抽象的, 如:defend oneself against enemy防御敌人。 guard 指“注意观察、戒备, 以免受可能的攻击或伤害”, 如:guard a coastline守卫海岸线。protect 指“保护...以免遭受危险或伤害等”, 如:protect the children from harm保护儿童免受伤害。shield 指“保护、保卫...免受惩罚或伤害等”, 较其他词更有形象感,多指像防护罩一样保护,如:shield one’s eyes against the glare of the sun

keep A from B,shield A from B, separate A from B的区别

先说separate A from B吧,这个有把一些东西从另一些东西中分开的含义,侧重于分开,区分,分离,意味着AB原来在一起,现在要把他们分开。例如:The single most important factor that separates ordinary photographs from good photographs is the lighting.再说shield A from B,有保护,遮挡的含义,用A来遮挡或者保护B,例如:He shielded his head from the sun with an old sack.最后说说keep A from B只是不同种类的两种东西,只是单纯地把两个隔开,如果是人的话就是不再接触的意思。例如:Embarrassment has kept me from doing all sorts of things.

shield form 与 keep form separate form 的区别

先说separate A from B吧,这个有把一些东西从另一些东西中分开的含义,侧重于分开,区分,分离,意味着AB原来在一起,现在要把他们分开.例如:The single most important factor that separates ordinary photographs from good photographs is the lighting.再说shield A from B,有保护,遮挡的含义,用A来遮挡或者保护B,例如:He shielded his head from the sun with an old sack.最后说说keep A from B只是不同种类的两种东西,只是单纯地把两个隔开,如果是人的话就是不再接触的意思.例如:Embarrassment has kept me from doing all sorts of thing

请问shield from可以将from改成out of 吗

shield ...from... 固定搭配Her hat shielded her eyes from the sun.她的帽子遮住太阳光保护她的眼睛。不用out of,因为out of前面的动词有点主动动态的效果,而shield 是防止,防御,抵御的意思

shield from什么意思

shield from[英][ʃi:ld frɔm][美][ʃild frʌm]遮蔽, 挡住使不受…的伤害; 使免遭(不幸之事); 双语例句1It’s recommended to use higher storey height ( more than 4 m), larger span column grid and shield from the natural lights.建议采用较大层高(不少于4米)、较大柱网,遮蔽自然光。But the walls the government and its banks erected to shield its population from the outside elements have finally started to crumble.但是,冰岛政府和银行在本地人口与外部元素之间架设的隔离墙终于开始坍塌。


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