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请问老师摩登舞中 pivot与spin的区别在哪?统计学里的pivot是什么意思谢谢!


  • 请问老师摩登舞中 pivot与spin的区别在哪
  • 统计学里的pivot是什么意思谢谢!
  • pivot 怎么用 可以搭配into 嘛 感觉好奇怪
  • 矩阵里的pivot是什么请解释详细
  • pivot和shiovt的区别

请问老师摩登舞中 pivot与spin的区别在哪



Pivot, 枢轴量. 枢轴量方法是初等统计学中最常用的方法. 采用此种方法,主要通过对指数分布和均匀分布中未知参数的置信区间的求算,找出两种连续型随机变量未知参数的区间估计.

pivot 怎么用 可以搭配into 嘛 感觉好奇怪

这里的pivot是作为名词的意思是中心点。 pivot还可以作为及物和不及物动词,不及物时可以与一些介词搭配使用,to,into这些都是有出现的。


一般翻译为“主元”,在对矩阵做某种算法时,首先进行的部分元素。在线性规划的单纯形法中常见。wiki的解释如下:Pivot element(the first element distinct from zero in a matrix in echelon form)The pivot or pivot element is the element of a matrix, which is selected first by an algorithm (e.g. Gaussian elimination, Quicksort, Simplex algorithm), to do certain calculations with the matrix.The above mentioned matrix algorithms require an entry distinct from zero in pivot position to work properly or at all respectively. Depending on the algorithm either one (random) element distinct from zero or the element with the greatest absolute value in a row or column is chosen. This is called pivotization. The row containing the pivot element is called pivot row, the pivot element’s column is called pivot column.Pivot element in Quicksort means the element that is selected as boundary for partitioning. Quicksort sorts all elements „left“ and „right“ of the pivot element recursively.




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