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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry 'lack substance and detail'; duchess 'not thrilled' with final Netflix edit

Royal expert says Prince Harry's new book, 'Spare,' will be 'full of filler,' much like the Netflix series

By Tracy Wright | Fox News

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex released the "Harry & Meghan" Netflix documentary earlier this month, which detailed the beginning of their relationship to their decision to step back from senior royal duties in 2020, and everything in between.


During the six-hour, episodic documentary, Harry and Meghan both detailed instances in which Markle, who is biracial, felt unsupported by the palace while also being racially targeted by the British press.


Kinsey Schofield, host of the "To Di For" podcast, told Fox News Digital that while the Netflix show was a hit with more than 81 million viewing hours logged worldwide in the first four days, the couple lacked a true connection with the audience.

“To Di For”播客的主持人金赛·斯科菲尔德在接受福克斯新闻数字频道采访时表示,虽然网飞的这部纪录片在头四天内获得了超过8100万小时的全球观看量,但这对夫妇与观众之间缺乏真正的联系。

"While I agree that they feel like telling their side of the story was important, I have heard that Meghan was not thrilled with the final edit," Schofield said. "Expect ‘Spare,’ like the reality show, to lack detail. Full of filler, à la the bit about Harry losing his virginity to a 'beautiful older woman.' Who was it? Most people are noticing that while Harry and Meghan like to talk ... the two seem to lack substance and detail."


à la prep. /ˈɑː lɑː/ 按照…方式;仿照• a new band that sings à la Beatles 模仿披头士乐队唱歌的一支新乐队


Royal expert claims Prince Harry and Meghan "lack substance" . (Chris Jackson)

The Netflix series followed the beginning of their relationship in 2016, their marriage in St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle in 2018, and their ultimate decision to step back as senior members of the royal family in 2020, following what they claimed was scrutiny from inside and outside the palace.


Harry's autobiography about growing up in the monarchy hits shelves on Jan. 10.


"Don't expect any big revelations because Harry and Meghan have proven that they will only go so far. I would argue that they enjoy the attention that thevagueaccusations attract," Schofield said. "The guessing game keeps them in the papers that they tell you they hate. But when are we going to stop pretending that Harry and Meghan have been silenced and acknowledge that they have been working hard for years behind the scenes to get their version of events out?"


vague /veɪɡ/adj.不明确的,不清楚的;(形状)模糊的;(感情、记忆等)不完整的,不清晰的;含糊其词的,闪烁其词的;茫然的,心不在焉的

She added, "Thanks to a court of law, we know Meghan Markle willingly pursued participating in the book ‘Finding Freedom.’ Anyone with more than one brain cell can see that Harry and Meghan were heavily involved in last year's [highly critical] ‘The Princes and the Press' with Amol Rajan’s BBC miniseries. Amol goes point by point over the same grievances Meghan does in her reality show. Amol also has a history of being horrific to the royal family."


Amol Rajan:曾公开表达过“英国君主制可有可无”的看法,是一位妥妥的反君主制人士。《王子与媒体》纪录片的主要制作者,该纪录片曾遭到伊丽莎白二世、查尔斯王子和威廉王子的联合抵制。


Prince Harry's memoir "Spare" will be available on Jan. 10. (Penguin Random House)


The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were married on May 19, 2018. (Jeff J Mitchell)

Schofield noted occurrences when Rajan called the Duke of Edinburgh a "racist buffoon" and claimed King Charles III was "scientifically illiterate" in an article published by The Independent in 2012. She also recalled Amol saying Prince William and Princess Kate Middleton were a "total fraud" and called on the royal couple to "renounce the luxuries of royal patronageandaristocracy" when they announced they were expecting their first child.


Buffoon/bəˈfuːn/ n. 小丑;滑稽可笑的人

renounce /rɪˈnaʊns/ v. 1.声明放弃;宣布放弃•to renounce a claim/title/privilege/right 宣布放弃要求╱头衔╱特权╱权利2.宣布与…决裂;宣布摒弃•宣布放弃理想、原则、信仰等。3. 宣布断绝与…的关系

patronage /ˈpætrənɪdʒ/ /ˈpeɪt‑/ n. 赞助,资助;(对餐馆、酒店或其他生意的)惠顾,光顾;职位授予权,恩惠给予权;庇护,扶植;恩赐态度;(古罗马)庇护人的权力和职责,庇护人的地位

aristocracy n. /ˌærɪˈstɒkrəsi/ ( pl. -ies)(某些国家的)贵族• members of the aristocracy 贵族成员

"Harry and Meghan claimed during their Megxit announcement that they would work exclusively with up-and-coming independent journalists, but they clearly pursue working with journalists that don’t challenge them, or worse … already have a negative opinion of the monarchy," Schofield said.



"Look at the way Harry immediately returns to Tom Bradby. Bradby infamously asked Meghan if she was OK in their ITV special."


Bradby got the opportunity to speak candidly with Markle about her mental health while on tour with the couple in South Africa in 2019. In a clip shown during the docuseries, Meghan was taken aback by the thoughtful question and thanked Bradby for considering the seriousness of her mental status.



Meghan cried while sitting beside Prince Harry in a trailer for their Netflix docuseries. (Netflix)


The first trailer released when William and Kate visited the United States for the first time in eight years. (Netflix)

"The journalist used to be close to Prince William, but the Prince of Wales has since cut him off," Schofield said. Bradby was previously a royal correspondent and had the first official interview with Prince William following his engagement with Kate Middleton.


Harry claimed in an episode of the series that his older brother and heir to the throne, Prince William, screamed and shouted at him over his decision to step back from the royal family.


Friends of the Prince of Wales reportedly said, "Things have been very strained for a while" between Harry and William. "There is sadness at where things currently are with his brother … and there’s a memoir coming." Another close friend of Prince William said, "The whole thing is mad."


The U.K.’s Sunday Times recently reported that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are seeking a "royal summit" with family members to address concerns voiced in "Harry & Meghan." The outlet alleged that the duchess, in particular, wants an "apology" from the family. Neither Archewell Foundation nor Kensington Palace immediately responded to Fox News Digital’s request for comment.



Prince William allegedly screamed at his brother for bringing issues to the royal family. (Mark Cuthbert/UK Press)

Multiple reports have since surfaced that the royals are "baffled" by the demands for an apology, and the monarchy is "refusing to respond" until Meghan and Harry admit their own mistakes.


baffle /ˈbæfl/ 使困惑;难住•His behaviour baffles me. 他的行为使我难以琢磨。

"All these media ventures – the book, the podcast, the reality show – are a way for Harry and Meghan to try to control the narrative," Schofield said. "Please don't buy this book because you think it will help you get to the bottom of some mystery because this book is a branding tool for a royal reject – ask the Duke of Windsor."

















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