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wildfires怎么读(阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题Every year, wildfires(野火) destroy much forest land. homes are br)


  • 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题Every year, wildfires(野火) destroy much forest land. homes are br
  • 英语翻译达人请上坐
  • 居高声自远,非是藉秋风的意思
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  • 翻译达人在哪 求翻译成英文
  • 赋得古原草送别
  • 高二外研英语周报(阅读版)第十三期
  • 雅思有一篇阅读 叫wildfires 求答案❤
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阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题Every year, wildfires(野火) destroy much forest land. homes are br

小题1:Smokejumpers are a special kind of firefighter.小题2:They jump from planes.小题3:Their main goal is to stop a fire from spreading.小题4:Because they won’t get hurt when they land ,or get blown by strong winds.小题5:To be a smokejumper,one needs to have proper height and weight, be able to live in the wilderness and love his/her job.

试题分析:Smokejumpers是特种消防队员,他们会从飞机上很快到达那些通过汽车或步行不能到达的出事领域展开扑救。目的是阻止火势蔓延。大部分的Smokejumpers都是男士,当然也有女士加入进来,他们对身高和体重都有严格的标准。在美国和俄罗斯,Smokejumpers还要进行野外生存的训练。小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Smokejumpers are a special kind of firefight.”理解可知。Smokejumpers就是特种消防队员。小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“they jump from planes into areas that difficult to reach by car or on foot. they race to put out fires as fast as they can.”理解可知。他们是从飞机上降落到出事地点。小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“their main goal is to stop fire from spreading.”理解可知。他们的目的就是阻止火势蔓延。小题4:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Smokejumpers in the U.S. for example ,must be 54 to 91 kilograms, so they don’t get hurt when they land, or get blown by strong winds.”理解可知。对体重要求是为了保护他们不会受伤。小题5:理解题,根据文中语句理解可知,要想成为一名合格的Smokejumpers必须要有合格的身高和体重,有野外生存。点评:阅读中注意短文后面的问题.然后带着问题再读短文,找出与答题内容相关语句,反复阅读,反复分析,然后确定答案.阅读中要善于从短文信息中总结推测出所需答案,注意所填答案与短文中相关语句的关系,与相关单词短语的关系.


n cold windy in the winter, YangXiaoDong hardships from outside turned to the paint, no warm clothing, more no hiding place, in the city of his greatest only overnight, “he found hole hole two sides ventilated, especially cold, he risked bone-chilling cold wind, want to seek a leeward corner, but go straight to the other side export, nor can stand feet place... he woke up from a dream, nostril acid itching, with nipped birth pains, wear in his body of cotton-padded wadded pants, but does not seem very hard, cold cold loricae is inserted to every pore. He lifted the stone with a full hard the frost, constantly raise again put down, till exhausted, by his own life to call back.“ Discouraged, with strong revolutionary beliefs to encourage and support themselves, “the crowd is sticks, the communist party is the fire, fire, can touch sticks in the enemy heart burn up...“ Must admit, in the war of the special environment, is a revolutionary enthusiasm and communist belief that he broke the physiological limits, in extreme harsh natural environment maintains a healthy state. In addition to the material conditions of a shortage of YangXiaoDong and he leads the underground work team also like the same period many underground workers is same, every day in the enemy under the nose of a dauntless struggles, open to all the time equipoised of bad luck. The firm faith, under the support of arrest, sacrifice fears were their heat revolutionary enthusiasm defeated, vigilant, brave, strong and decisive and extraordinary preparedne to make them by readers admiration and reverence of great heroes.The revolutionary history novels not complex psychological activity and thought complication, read, readers never try to judge truth, JiaEChou, the author has gone through describing the unmistakable statements, or a passionate language gives the characters to altereth not against positioning. So, in such times trace obvious novels, the plot is readers focus of concern. We can follow the story’s development of see remained largely distinct two camps, is not a friend, will surely be is the enemy.The revolutionary history novels in the other works in dealing with relationship with the storm against when last spring breeze “, “city“ fight wildfires similar, literary works against faction barriers make reading become clear at a glance relaxed happy things, a large number of works on the attached to the similar or identical morality and value orientation spiritual factors which through the perceptual image subtly into readers itself thoughts, as time passes, its height good social effect is self-evident. From the historical development perspective, the literature in literature and art essence and value reflect the also in virtually carrying writing the unique times spirit connotation, for later generations know past left deep times trace.


  语出 唐代虞世南 的《蝉》(原诗:垂緌饮清露, 流响出疏桐。 居高声自远, 非是藉秋风。)  这首托物寓意的小诗,是唐人咏蝉诗中时代最早的一首,很为后世人称道。  首句“垂緌饮清露”,“緌”是古人结在颔下的帽带下垂部分,蝉的头部有伸出的触须,形状好象下垂的冠缨,故说“垂緌”。古人认为蝉生性高洁,栖高饮露,故说“饮清露”。这一句表面上是写蝉的形状与食性,实际上处处含比兴象征。“垂緌”暗示显宦身分(古代常以“冠缨”指代贵宦)。这显贵的身分地位在一般人心目中,是和“清”有矛盾甚至不相容的,但在作者笔下,却把它们统一在“垂緌饮清露”的形象中了。这“贵”与“清”的统一,正是为三四两句的“清”无须藉“贵”作反铺垫,笔意颇为巧妙。  次句“流响出疏桐”写蝉声之远传。梧桐是高树,着一“疏”字,更见其枝干的高挺清拔,且与末句“秋风”相应。“流响”状蝉声的长鸣不已,悦耳动听,着一“出”字,把蝉声传送的意态形象化了,仿佛使人感受到蝉声的响度与力度。这一句虽只写声,但读者从中却可想见人格化了的蝉那种清华隽朗的高标逸韵。有了这一句对蝉声远传的生动描写,三四两句的发挥才字字有根。  “居高声自远,非是藉秋风”,这是全篇比兴寄托的点睛之笔。它是在上两句的基础上引发出来的诗的议论。蝉声远传,一般人往往以为是藉助于秋风的传送,诗人却别有会心,强调这是由于“居高”而自能致远。这种独特的感受蕴含一个真理:立身品格高洁的人,并不需要某种外在的凭藉(例如权势地位、有力者的帮助),自能声名远播,正象曹丕在《典论·论文》中所说的那样,“不假良史之辞,不托飞驰之势,而声名自传于后。”这里所突出强调的是人格的美,人格的力量。两句中的“自”字、“非”字,一正一反,相互呼应,表达出对人的内在品格的热情赞美和高度自信,表现出一种雍容不迫的风度气韵。唐太宗曾经屡次称赏虞世南的“五绝”(德行、忠直、博学、文词、书翰),诗人笔下的人格化的“蝉”,可能带有自况的意味吧。沈德潜说:“咏蝉者每咏其声,此独尊其品格。”(《唐诗别裁》)这确是一语破的之论。

急求英语达人翻译 谢谢了

The gucaihua wilt Withers “emersion the Anti-Japanese War of jiaodong peninsula kunlun area farmers in under the leadership of the communist party courageously fighting the history of life; The ancient city of spring breeze fight wildfires tells the Anti-Japanese War as deep behind enemy lines, unity masses, collapse, combat against the Japanese aggressors differentiation of the elves of the story; “Defend yanan“ narrative is war of liberation in the northwest battlefield for the historical turning point of yanan resistance; meaning “Xue yuan“ by the legendary ravine brushwork will war of liberation initial northeast shows in readers will struggle before, The storm last act of 77 incident “from“ launched story, reflects the awakening of existed farmers progress and soaring combat enthusiasm. These works of expression is not an arbitrary subjective feelings, described in the plot and content also is not to direct things outside of rational concept of analog or mechanical immaterialism, but rather through vivid emotional literature image and meticulous accurate literary language to represent the revolutionary history. Therefore, the revolutionary history novels is based on subjective feelings objectified on the basis of a kind of rigorous literary creation. Our this judgement on the first can be through the analysis of defending yanan been corroborate. 希望我的回答可以给你带来帮助。祝你luck!


《赋得古原草送别》唐-白居易 离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。远芳侵古道,晴翠接荒城。又送王孙去,萋萋满别情。 作品注释 (1)赋得:凡是指定、限定的诗题例在题目上加“赋得”二字。 (2)离离:形容野草茂盛,长长下垂的叶子随风摇摆的样子。 枯:枯萎。荣:繁荣茂盛。 (3)远芳:蔓延到远方的野草。侵:侵占,覆盖。 晴翠:晴朗的阳光下一片野草。荒城:荒凉、破损的城镇。 (4)王孙:贵族子孙、公子,这里指作者的朋友。 萋萋:野草盛的样子,形容野草连绵、茂密。作品译文 古原上的野草长得很旺,每年都有一次枯萎,一次繁盛。野火也无法将它烧尽,春风一吹,它又生长了出来。伸向远方的野草,蔓延遮盖了古老的道路,在晴朗的阳光下,碧绿的野草通向那荒凉的城镇。又送走了亲密的好朋友,这离别之情如绵绵的野草,充塞胸怀。命题“古原草送别”颇有意思。“古原草”看来平常,却抓住“春草”生命力旺盛的特征。诗的首句“离离原上草”,紧紧扣住题目“古原草”三字,并用叠字“离离”描写春草的茂盛。第二句“一岁一枯荣”,进而写出原上野草秋枯春荣,岁岁循环,生生不已的规律。“枯荣”与“荣枯”大不相同,前者是“春草”,后者就成为秋草了。古原草的特性就是具有顽强的生命力,它是斩不尽锄不绝的,只要残存一点根须,来年就能重新发芽,很快蔓延原野。那“离离原上草”正是胜利的旗帜,烈火再猛,也无奈那深藏地底的根须,不管烈火怎样无情地焚烧,一旦春风化雨,又是遍地青青的野草,极为形象生动地表现了野草顽强的生命力。“春风吹又生”,语言朴实有力,“又生”二字,下语三分而含意十分。 如果说三、四句是承“古原草”而重在写草,那么五、六句则继续写“古原草”,但把重点落在“古原”,以引出来“送别”题意。用“侵”、“接”二字继“又生”,更写出一种蔓延扩展之势,再一次突出那生存竞争之强者“野草”的形象。虽然道古城荒,青草的滋生却使古原恢复了青春。 大地回春,芳草芊芊的古原景象如此迷人,而送别友人是在这样的背景下发生,这样的场景,令作者惆怅,也富于诗意。萋萋芳草增添了作者送别的愁情,似乎每一片草叶都饱含着别情,作者用这种意味深长的诗句写完了结尾。诗到此点明“送别”,结清题意,关合全篇,把“古原——草——送别”连在一起。 全诗章法谨严,用语自然流畅而又工整,写景抒情水乳交融,意境浑成,是“赋得体”中的绝唱。《赋得古原草送别》作于787年(贞元三年),作者当时未满16岁。诗是应考习作,按科考规矩,凡指定、限定的诗题,题目前必须加“赋得”二字作法,与咏物诗相类似。《赋得古原草送别》即是通过对古原上野草的描绘,抒发送别友人时的依依惜别之情。 据宋人尤袤《全唐诗话》记载:白居易从江南到长安,带了诗文谒见当时的大名士顾况,想求他在公众场合帮着扬扬名。“居易”这个名字,根据词义可以解释为住下很方便。顾况看到白居易年纪轻轻,就开玩笑说:“长安米贵居不易。”(京城里粮价高得很,住下很不方便吧。)等读到“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”这一联时,顾况大为惊奇,连声赞赏说:“有才如此,居亦何难!”(能写出这样的诗句来,走到哪儿住下都方便得很!)连诗坛老前辈也被折服了,可见此诗艺术造诣之高。英语译文 The weeds grow very old former Mong each year, once withered, once prosperous. Wildfires can not burn it, the spring winds, it grew out. Stretched far away weeds, spread to cover the old road, in the clear sunshine, green grass towards that desolate town. Also off the close friends, this parting of the situation, such as rain grass, stuffed mind.白居易(772—846),字乐天,号香山居士,下邽(今陕西渭南)人。800年(贞元十六年)中进士,历任左拾遗、东宫赞善大夫、江州司马、杭州、苏州刺史、太傅等职。白居易是一位伟大的现实主义诗人。他的诗歌题材广泛,形式多样,语言平易通俗。他所写的 《秦中吟》、《新乐府》,敢于针对当权者的弊政,反映人民疾苦,深刻地揭露社会矛盾,他又是中唐新乐府运动的主要倡导人。白居易的叙事诗如《长恨歌》、《琵琶行》,描写细腻,生动感人,具有独特的艺术风格,影响极为广泛。在诗歌创作理论上,他提出“文章合为时而著”,“诗歌合为事而作”的主张。现存诗3000多首,有《白氏长庆集》。

翻译达人在哪 求翻译成英文

Many writers all dream through the war provided epic situation create immortal beloved. The war novels described can indeed through image depictions of showing human in the nature hoyywood hills, full of dominate the grand spectacle. Consciousness “War situation of conflict provide the most suitable epic situation, because the war in the whole nation are mobilized, in collective cases undergoing a fresh passion and activities.“ FengXueFeng in the comment when they defend yanan “called it“ the hero epic “, praised the authors describe the “people’s revolutionary war picture“ the efforts. Reproducibility creative features that the defend yanan “can be a more objective, comprehensive depicted in war were mobilized people’s passion and vitality, meanwhile, also made the creation itself has a documentary literature style. The novel integrative framework of yanan, PanLongZhen, ShaGuDian by the famous battle place of geographical names chaining together constitute the people’s literature publishing house in 1956 version are also equipped with battle maps, these true substance that literature and the history of vague bounds up the folklore, literature have largely been overshadowed by the historical real existence. “Novelist only own as historians, his own narrative as history, besides, it’s difficult to alike, they could see myself as a... to make his attempt to obtain certain logic support, he must narrative those assumption is real events.“ While in works published times, since literature has long been granted education and cultivating social missions have been widely recognized by many readers in reading a novel does not hold entertainment attitude, but reverently want from literary works receive education and influence and edification to gain the spiritual motivation, continue to contribute to society construction.If the “defend yanan“ is about the liberation of grand narrative, then “the spring city“ is fight wildfires from microcosmic obtains, tells the story of Anti-Japanese War in the japanese-occupied areas far from those battlefield with enemy 9) recapture some of the underground workers revolutionary experience. “War with pitiless ranges, human itself into a survival and destruction of harsh environment, in the human survival instinct and death instinct of dual drive, people’s essential strength all the meaning of tend to play ChaoJiXian winging human oneself feel shockFibrillation, surprise, fear of esteem and enormous energy. “


赋得古原草送别 离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。 野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。 远芳侵古道,晴翠接荒城。 又送王孙去,萋萋满别情。本段注释译文作品注释 (1)赋得:凡是指定、限定的诗题例在题目上加“赋得”二字。 (2)离离:形容野草茂盛,长长下垂的叶子随风摇摆的样子。 枯:枯萎。荣:繁荣茂盛。 (3)远芳:蔓延到远方的野草。侵:侵占,覆盖。 晴翠:晴朗的阳光下的一片野草。荒城:荒凉、破损的城镇。 (4)王孙:贵族子孙、公子,这里指作者的朋友。 萋萋:野草茂盛的样子,形容野草连绵、阿萨德密。作品译文 古原上的野草长得很旺,每年都有一次枯萎,一次繁盛。野火也无法将它烧尽,春风一吹,它又生长了出来。伸向远方的野草,蔓延遮盖了古老的道路,在晴朗的阳光下,碧绿的野草通向那荒凉的城镇。又送走了亲密的好朋友,这离别之情如绵绵的野草,充塞胸怀。本段英语译文 The grass grows GuYuan on it, every year there are once again, withered.Wildfires burn it cannot be spring breeze blows, and it grows.The distant spread out over the weeds, ancient road, on a sunny sunshine, green grass to the desolate cities.And went close friends, the absence of such as grasses, overload.创作背景 《赋得古原草送别》作于787年(贞元三年),作者当时未满16岁。诗是应考习作,按科考规矩,凡指定、限定的诗题,题目前必须加“赋得”二字作法,与咏物诗相类似。《赋得古原草送别》即是通过对古原上野草的描绘,抒发送别友人时的依依惜别之情。 据宋人尤袤《全唐诗话》记载:白居易从江南到长安,带了诗文谒见当时的大名士顾况,想求他在公众场合帮着扬扬名。“居易”这个名字,根据词义可以解释为住下很方便。顾况看到白居易年纪轻轻,就开玩笑说:“长安米贵居不易。”(京城里粮价高得很,住下很不方便吧。)等读到“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”这一联时,顾况大为惊奇,连声赞赏说:“有才如此,居亦何难!”(能写出这样的诗句来,走到哪儿住下都方便得很!)连诗坛老前辈也被折服了,可见此诗艺术造诣之高。


第13期参考答案完形填空专项训练(四)1-5 BADBB 6-10 BADCD11-15 BADAB 16-20 BDDBC21-25 CBCBB 26-30 CDAAD31-35 BCCBA 36-40 BDBDC 书面表达专项训练(四)A篇Recently a survey has been conducted about how much exercise students take. As the above graph shows, 40.8% of the surveyed schools cannot ensure students have an hour of exercise every day. Only 29.1% of students exercise for an hour a day. 28.8% of the students exercise for 30 minutes to an hour while 41. 6% exercise for less than 30 minutes.It can be seen from this graph that most students don’t take enough physical exercise. Though we all know the importance of taking exercises, the students don’t have enough time for exercises. It is hoped that teachers should give them less homework so that they can have plenty of time for regular exercise, which can make them much healthier and happier.B篇Dear Miss Perkins,I am Li Hua, one of your students. I am writing to ask for your help. Maybe you have noticed that I never do very well in English. My vocabulary is not very large and I have trouble learning English grammar. Sometimes I can’t fully understand the lessons given by my English teacher. I am eager to change that, so I need your help badly. Would it be possible for you to tutor me when you are free at the weekend? I can come to school and get your guidance on Sunday afternoon. Is 3:00 pm convenient for you? I’d greatly appreciate it if you can help me. I am looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua阅读理解专项训练(四)1-4 ACAA 5-8 CAAC9-12 CAAD 13-16 ADAD 完形填空专项训练(四)A篇 我在早春的一天欣赏着大自然的美和奇观,由此联想到我们应该创造一个没有战争,没有饥荒,充满爱的美好世界。1. B。由下文内容可知,我享受着春天带给我的喜悦(delight)。2. A。由本空后的give way to May可知,四月正准备着(ready)向五月迈进。3. D。4. B。由本句末尾的joyfully可知,昨天的雨让今天的空气很清新(fresh),以至于我都能感受到我的心脏在愉快地跳动(beating)。5. B。结合上下文可知,阳光驱散(driving)了云彩。6. B. 由本空后的in response to the sun and its warmth可知,太阳和早春的温暖让成百万的蒲公英开始出现(appeared).7. A。由本空后的food可知,蝴蝶和蜜蜂们正在觅(collecting)食。8. D。由本空后的drumbeat可知,啄木鸟正用嘴啄击(knocking)树桩。9. C。由本空前的returned以及本空后的in a nearby big tree可知,知更鸟返回后正重建(rebuild)它的巢穴。10. D。由本空前的Dozens of different birds’ songs可知,空气中到处弥漫着(filling)这些鸟儿的歌声。11. B。由本空前的I looked up to the sky可知,我看到一只雄鹰正优雅地在天空中翱翔(flying)。12. A。结合本空前后的内容可知,小女孩在跑着、笑着,同时(while)后面的孩子们也在追逐着她。13. D。由本空后的along the road可知,我在马路上遛(walked)狗。14. A。由本空前的wonders可知,我想到了这个世界的奇妙以及它的无穷魅力(beauty)。15. B。结合上文可知,上帝给我们创造了如此多的奇妙(wonders)。16. B。由本空后的openly, and fearlessly可知,我们应该自由地(freely)、大胆地、无畏地去爱。17. D。18. D。结合上文可知,我们要创造(create)这样一个世界:没有孩子再遭受饥饿,战争是一个很遥远的(distant)记忆。19. B。由上文可知,我们每一代人都会感受到被爱着(loved)。20. C。结合上文可知,也许我们最终能把天堂搬到地球(earth)上。B篇 灰色蜡笔是我最不喜欢用的,但是在一次绘画比赛中,我朋友却用我的灰色蜡笔画出了最美的杰作,让我感受到最差的东西也有它的用武之地。21. C。由本空后的as my birthday gift可知,母亲赠送(presented)给了我一盒漂亮的蜡笔。22. B。由本空前的draw outlines可知,我用我最喜欢的蜡笔给轮廓的内部涂上了颜色(color)。23. C。24. B。由下文可知,我一直认为灰色是最无用的(useless)颜色,直到(until)我参加了一场绘画比赛。25. B。由下文的a drawing competition可知,那天我的朋友们带着他们的蜡笔来比赛(compete)。26. C。由上文的内容可知,我的蜡笔颜色只有10种,别人的有20到30种,所以我的蜡笔颜色没有他们的多,有的颜色在我的蜡笔中并不被包括(included)。27. D。由上文可知,我从不认为灰色会在我的绘画中会起作用(work)。28. A。由下文朋友向我借灰色蜡笔的行为可知,比赛正在进行中(in progress)。29. A。由本空前的内容可知,朋友向我借蜡笔是因为他的(his)已经断裂了。30. D。由上文我认为灰色蜡笔无用可知,我很想知道(wondering) 朋友为什么向我借灰色蜡笔。31. B。根据本空前的automatically可知,我毫不迟疑地把蜡笔给(gave)了他。32. C。由本空后的with some light red可知,他把灰色、绿色以及淡红色混合(mixed)在一起。33. C。由本空后的such a marvelous color可知,我对朋友的绘画杰作感到很吃惊(surprised)。34. B。由上文内容可知,朋友把蜡笔归还(returned)给了我。35. A。由本空后的so infectious可知,朋友面带笑容(smile)地把蜡笔还给了我。36. B。由上文可知,灰色是我最后的选择(choice)。37. D。由本空前的never used it可知,我的灰色蜡笔依旧如新(fresh)。38. B。结合上文可知,最糟糕的事情也会对人有益(beneficial)。39. D。40. C。由上文可知,正如我的灰色(grey)蜡笔一样,如果运用得当,也会是世界上最美丽(beautiful)的颜色。阅读理解专项训练(四)A篇 在玩具娃娃能够被广泛生产的年代,修补布娃娃的商店很难生存。本文所介绍的Doll Hospital修理店,已经有101年的历史,它的经营理念就是让顾客满意。1. A。细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的at Sydney’s 101-year-old Doll Hospital workers take tears as a sign of a job well done可知,这家店诞生于20世纪初。2. C。细节理解题。根据第五段中的the most difficult job is repairing “celluloid dolls” ... she said可知,修理celluloid dolls是一项技术活,需要很高的技术。3. A。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的Demand for the hospital’s services ... brought in broken dolls for repair可知,二战期间,政府的进口限制政策使得越来越多的孩子不再拥有新的布娃娃,因此许多旧的布娃娃只能拿去修理,在这种形势下,Doll Hospital被越来越多的人所知。4. A。推理判断题。根据第一段中的take tears as a sign of a job well done和第二段中的there’re very few that are capable of doing that sort of work可知,正是这家店好的服务和精湛的技术才使得它在今天依然能生存下去。B篇 作者遇到一个问题,憋在心里很长时间难以解决,幸亏他的一个朋友听了他的倾诉并给出了建议,才使作者的问题得以解决,心情也得以好转。作者以此来表达朋友的重要性。5. C。细节理解题。根据第一段中的strictly lecturing the people ... weren’t actually there with me可知,作者之所以自称为“air talk” king,是因为他在没有观众的空屋子里给人们讲话。6. A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的the peaceful calm you feel when you know the decision you’ve made is the correct one以及第三段中的feeling that my planned solution was only going to make things worse可知,作者所面对的问题是无法确认他的决定是否正确。7. A。词意猜测题。根据第三段中的feeling that my planned solution was only going to make things worse可知,既然我感觉我的计划会让事情更糟糕,那么这种感觉一定是令人痛心和焦躁不安的。8. C。文章意图题。由全文得知,作者在有困难的情况下,向朋友倾诉并寻求帮助,最后使心情得以好转,这充分表明了好朋友的重要性。C篇 Smokey Bear是森林防火标志, 是一头穿着护林人员制服的漫画熊,它的出现减少了很多森林大火的发生,直到今天依然广受人们的欢迎。9. C。细节理解题。根据第一段中的a symbol for generations of Americans ... celebrated his 70th birthday on August 8, 2014 可知,Smokey Bear作为防火标志对美国人的影响已有好几十年了。10. A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的The importance of Smokey Bear, ... is greater than ever today because of longer and more intense wildfire seasons可知,与以前相比,如今火灾发生的季节更长、更集中,因此Smokey Bear如今显得尤为重要。11. A。细节理解题。根据文章第五段中的Up to 90 percent of U.S. wildfires are caused by humans可知,美国的森林火灾主要是由人类引起的。12. D。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的Ninety-six percent of U.S. adults recognize Smokey Bear and 70 percent can recall his tagline和He’s right up there with Mickey Mouse and Santa Clause可知,之所以提到Mickey Mouse和Santa Clause,是因为Smokey Bear和他们一样拥有很高的知名度。D篇 修建在海洋上的风力涡轮机的水下部分成为了很多海洋生物的栖息地,同时也吸引了更多的食肉动物到这个地方来觅食。13. A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的Mussels, crabs and other aquatic life treat the underwater parts of those turbines as their home可知,这些海洋生物把这些涡轮水下的部分当做是它们的栖息地。14. D。细节判断题。根据第二段中的The researchers could track when the seals left land可知,科学家们把GPS固定在一些海豹身上,目的是想追踪它们,了解它们的踪迹。15. A。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的The animals were probably disturbed during the wind farm’s construction ... to service the turbines可知,修建风车会给海洋生物造成一些噪音污染。16. D。标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了海里修建的一些风车可以使得一些海洋生物在此聚居,因此吸引了更多的海洋食肉动物来此觅食,故选D项。

雅思有一篇阅读 叫wildfires 求答案❤

Every year, wildfires(野火) destroy much forest land. homes are broken down, and thousands of people die. smokejumpers are stop helping to stop this.Smokejumpers are a special kind of firefight. they jump from planes into areas that difficult to reach by car or on foot. they race to put out fires as fast as they can.At a fire site, Smokejumpers first examine the land and decide how to fight the fire. their main goal is to stop fire from spreading. using basic tools such as shovels and axes, smokejumpers clear land of burnable material like plants and other dry material. they carry water with them too, but not much.Although most smokejumpers are men, more women are joining. Most important are your weight and height. Smokejumpers in the U.S. for example ,must be 54 to 91 kilograms, so they don’t get hurt when they land, or get blown by strong winds.Smokejumpers must be able to live in the wilderness. in Russia ,many smokejumpers know how to find food in the forest and even make simple furniture from trees.They work is dangerous, the hours are long. But for these firefighters, smokejumpers isn’t just a job. They love being able to jump out of planes, fight fires, and live in the forest. As 28-year-old Russian smokejumpers Alexi Tishin says,“This is the best job for the strong and brave.”问题小题1:What are Smokejumpers?小题2:Where do the jump from?小题3:What’s their main goal?小题4:Why should they have proper weight?小题5:What’s needed to be a smokejumpers?答案小题1:Smokejumpers are a special kind of firefighter.小题2:They jump from planes.小题3:Their main goal is to stop a fire from spreading.小题4:Because they won’t get hurt when they land ,or get blown by strong winds.小题5:To be a smokejumper,one needs to have proper height and weight, be able to live in the wilderness and love his/her job. 这样么?








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