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1主题是“汤姆用中文表演节目感到兴奋”→Tom is excited about performance in Chinese.

2主题产生的原因是“为学习中国社会现代文化知识”→He acquires the modern-culture knowledge about the society in China.

3主题产生的结果是“因此在他看来,完美地说中文是有帮助的”→, that finds it helpful for him to speak perfectly in Chinese.

4达到这种结果的措施是“这样能用中文在中国公司发展一种坦诚交流的文化”→,…successful to develop a culture of open communication with Chinese Company in Chinese.


1写主题句:使用五类逻辑句式之一单句→主 + 系+ 表 (表:形容词或动词+ ed 加 介词短语)→作为五类逻辑单句或每类有多个延伸句之一,即:→Tom is excited about performance in Chinese.→汤姆用中文表演节目感到兴奋。

2写原因句:使用五类逻辑句式之一单句→主+谓+宾+介词短语→作为五类逻辑单句或每类有多个延伸句之一,即:→He acquires the modern-culture knowledge about the society in China.→他学习中国社会现代文化知识。

3写结果句:使用五类逻辑句式之一单句→主+谓+宾(=名/代词+ to 动词)→作为五类逻辑单句或每类有多个延伸句之一,即:→, that finds it helpful for him to speak perfectly in Chinese.→在他看来,完美地说中文是有帮助的。

4写措施句:使用五类逻辑句式之一单句→主+谓+宾(=名/代词+ to 动词)→作为五类逻辑单句或每类有多个延伸句之一的简略式,即:→,…successful to develop a culture of open communication with Chinese Company in Chinese.→这样能用中文在中国公司成功发展一种坦诚交流的文化。


Acquiring the modern-culture knowledge about the society in China, Tom is excited about performance in Chinese, that finds it helpful for him to speak perfectly in Chinese and successful to develop a culture of open communication with Chinese Company in Chinese.(为学习中国社会现代文化知识,汤姆用中文表演节目感到兴奋。因此在他看来,完美地说中文是有帮助的,这样能用中文在中国公司成功发展一种坦诚交流的文化。)

这种英语写作的道理是——英语是逻辑语言,逻辑就是推理。类似写英语作文的原理,如写其他主题也是如此。写作以“为考上一所好高中,我决定不玩手机了” 为题,“我”给笔友TOM写英文电子邮件告诉他这件事。




Dear Tom,

How is everything going? Recently, I find it necessary for me to get ready for high-school entrance examination (H.E.E.) by acquiring too much knowledge about lessons honestly to give up the use of my smartphone at present.

This helps me make an important decision on trying to give up my smartphone. It waste my time, and it lets my eyes become bad. So I try my best to let it get out of my lives. I will never take my lessons until at later time in which to concentrate more on smartphone, without giving up halfway.

All the best !


Li Hua


Dear Tom,

Being your friend as one of high-school students, I write you a letter telling you about an important decision I made on giving up the use of my smartphone at present.

Thinking about this, you are likely to find it necessary for me to get ready for high-school entrance examination (H.E.E.) by acquiring too much knowledge about lessons honestly.

Smartphone is expected to be without the influence on me, that helps save so much time for me to work hard at studying lessons, on which to bring me to focus automatically in H.E.E., not always in pleasure or relaxation.

Without making me uneasy about neither reading some message nor receiving news by watching videos,all,from my smartphone in the beginning, I am always asking my teachers for questions about such lessons as Math, Chemistry or English, etc. and discussing them with my classmates.

Combining with this, at home, I have my smartphone kept in their closet or drawer which my parents are enabled to put in key, according to their views.

The above encourages me to achieve a well-ideal goal successfully of being one of high-school students days to come surely.

All the best !


Li Hua








Six know-hows, together with six-principle strategy, are to acquire for raising the standard in the learning of English by students, who could concentrate on points which show them that:

I. fairly-formal learning English would focus on word study, grammar and translation;

II. informal learning English is to put into practice. By this way students could talk to some people or social media in terms of English, to create English-speaking environment;

III.being talented in learning English, students can do well in listening to its language; IV.the language points in English are classified and put into the form/chart which student could develop with their imaginations. That helps students have a good knowledge of English;

V. they can have a better memories by reading aloud words or sentences to learn English actively;

VI.prior to their speaking English, students know well its language through which to consider the “person” as being in an article, whom to be shown in its words or sentences, etc.

To get them out of difficulties in learning English, students are encouraged to plan 6-principle strategy: ①self-confidence to grow; ②difference to exist between China and foreign countries on logic-based thinking; ③foreigners-expressed culture ideas to be different from Chinese ones; ④Chinese-foreign language to put side by side for comparison; ⑤language-style awareness to build fully; ⑥students to need being aware of the importance of collocations.

Above-mentioned strategies are to help students with difficulties in learning English practically and efficiently, that makes them at once become enlightening about gaining knowledge successfully.





如何提高阅读能力的英语作文 篇

To improve your English reading, you should, first of all, choose something you feel important or interesting to read.Dont try to read everything.You should begin with those written in simple English.Dont read those which prove difficult for you at the very beginning.

While reading, dont read too slowly or look up every new word you meet with.After reading a passage and having its main idea in mind, you may turn back and read it again.This time you read it slowly and look up some new words if necessary.

Keep on reading in this way and youll surely make progress little by little.

如何提高阅读能力的英语作文 篇

To improve your English reading, you should, first of all, choose something you feel important or interesting to read.Dont try to read everything.You should begin with those written in simple English.Dont read those which prove difficult for you at the very beginning.

While reading, dont read too slowly or look up every new word you meet with.After reading a passage and having its main idea in mind, you may turn back and read it again.This time you read it slowly and look up some new words if necessary.

Keep on reading in this way and youll surely make progress little by little.

如何提高阅读能力的英语作文 篇

In the modern age of information, reading truly is a fundamental survival skill.Here are ten tips that anyone can use to improve their reading skills:

1.You dont have to be a great reader to get the point.

Some people read fast and remember everything.Others read slowly and take a couple of times to get all the information.It doesnt matter, really, so long as when you read, you get the information youre seeking.

2.Know WHY youre reading.

Are you reading for entertainment or to learn something? Decide why youre reading before you start and youll greatly improve your comprehension and your enjoyment.

3.You dont need to read everything.

Not every magazine, letter, and email you receive contains information you need.In fact, most of it is simply junk.Throw it away, hit the key!bai Just doing this will double the amount of time you have available to read.

4.You dont need to read all of what you DO read.

Do you read every article of every magazine, every chapter of every book? If so, youre probably spending a lot of time reading stuff you dont need.

Be choosy: select the chapters and articles that are important.Ignore the rest.

5.Scan before you read.

Look at the table of contents, index, topic headers, photo captions, etc.These will help you determine if, a) you have a real interest in this reading, and b) what information youre likely to get from it.

6.Prioritize your reading.

You cant read everything all at once (and wouldnt want to).If its important, read it now.If its not, let it wait.

7.Optimize your reading environment.

Youll read faster and comprehend more if you read in an environment thats comfortable for you.

8.Once you start, dont stop!

Read each item straight through.If you finish and have questions, go back and re-read the pertinent sections.If you dont have questions, you got what you needed and are ready to move on.


Remember, youre reading with a purpose, so focus on that purpose and the material.If you lose interest or keep losing your place, take a break or read something else.You can keep track of where you are by following along with your hand.This simple technique helps you focus and increase your concentration.


The more you read, the better reader youll become (and smarter, too)! So, feed your mind: read!



上一篇: 人要死的前三天的征兆,人去世前三天有症状(身体出现5个征兆)

下一篇: 如何戒掉安抚奶嘴,怎样帮宝宝戒掉安抚奶嘴(都是个人简历信息泄露惹的)


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