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describes(describe 什么意思)


  • describe 什么意思
  • describe什么意思
  • describe什么意思中文翻译
  • describe 怎么翻译
  • describe怎么读
  • describes怎么读
  • describes什么意思啊

describe 什么意思

describe[英]dɪˈskraɪb[美]dɪˈskraɪbvt.描写,形容;叙述;描绘,作图;(行星等)周转[例句]I like the way you describe your ordeal.我喜欢你描述自身遭遇的方式。




describe[英][dɪˈskraɪb][美][dɪˈskraɪb]vt.叙述; 描写,形容; 描绘,作图; (行星等)周转; 第三人称单数:describes过去分词:described现在进行时:describing过去式:described以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I like the way you describe your ordeal. 我喜欢你描述自身遭遇的方式。 2.How would your pa describe you? 你的私人助理会如何形容你?

describe 怎么翻译

describe[dis5kraib]vt.描写, 记述, 形容, 形容v.描述describede.scribeAHD:[d¹-skrºb“] D.J.[d!6skra!b]K.K.[d!6skra!b]v.tr.(及物动词)de.scribed,de.scrib.ing,de.scribes To give an account of in speech or writing.描述:口头或书面描述To convey an idea or impression of; characterize:描述,刻画:表达想法或感受;刻画:She described her childhood as a time of wonder and discovery.她将她的少年时代描绘成一个充满幻想和发现的时期To represent pictorially; depict:描绘:用画描述;用画表示:Goya’s etchings describe the horrors of war in grotesque detail.戈雅的版画用诡异的风格描绘了战争的恐怖To trace the form or outline of:沿着…画:describe a circle with a compass.用圆规画一个圆Middle English describen 中古英语 describen from Latin d¶ºbere} [to write down] 源自 拉丁语 d¶ºbere} [写下] d¶- [de-] d¶- [前缀,表“否定,相反”] scrºe [to write] * see skrºbh- scrºe [写] *参见 skrºbh- describ“ableadj.(形容词)describ“ern.(名词)describe,narrate,recite,recount,rehearse,relate,reportThe central meaning shared by these verbs is “to tell the facts, details, or particulars of something verbally or in writing”: 这些动词共有的中心意思是“口头或书面述说事实、细节或特殊之处”: described the accident;描述这场事故;narrated their experiences in the Far East;述说他们在远东的经历;an explorer reciting her adventures;叙说其冒险经历的探险者;a mercenary recounting his exploits;关于他的剥削的唯利是图的描述;parents rehearsing the dangers the children faced;父母们详述了孩子们面临的危险;related the day’s events;详述白天的事;came back and reported what she had seen. 回来汇报其所见 describe/di’skraib; di’skraib/v ---------- 1 ---------- [Tn, Tw, Cn.n/a, Dn.pr, Dpr.w] ~ sb/sth (to/for sb); ~ sb/sth as sth say what sb/sth is like; depict sth in words 描述某人[某事物]; 叙述某事物; 形容: * Words cannot describe the beauty of the scene. 那景色之美难以言传.* Describe (to me) how you were received. (跟我)说说接待你的情况.* She described it as red with pink frills. 她将之描述为红色的带有粉红色饰边. ---------- 2 ---------- [Cn.n/a] ~ sb/sth as sth state sb/sth to be sth; call 叫做; 称做: * I hesitate to describe him as really clever. 我很难说他真聪明.* He describes himself as a doctor. 他自称是医生. ---------- 3 ---------- [Tn] (a) draw (esp a geometrical figure) 画(尤指几何图形): * describe a circle with a pair of compasses 用圆规画圆. (b) move along (a line, curve, etc) 沿(直线、 曲线等)移动: * A bullet describes a curved path in the air. 子弹在空中作曲线运动.


escribe 英[dɪˈskraɪb] 美[dɪˈskraɪb] vt. 叙述; 描写,形容; 描绘,作图; (行星等) 周转; [例句]We asked her to describe what kind of things she did in her spare time我们请她描述一下她业余时间都在做什么。[其他] 第三人称单数:describes 现在分词:describing 过去式:described过去分词:described


description [dis’kripʃən] n. 描述, 形容;种类, 类型 普通话翻译: (di)第四块s


describes_百度翻译常见释义描写英:[dɪˈskraɪbz]美:[dɪˈskraɪbz]v.描述;形容;把…称为;做…运动;画出…图形;形成…形状;词典:describe的第三人称单数;例句:She read a poem by Carver which describes their life together她读了一首卡弗描写他们共同生活的诗。原型:describe


上一篇: categories和types有什么区别吗?types怎样读

下一篇: nonverbal(nonverbal communication什么意思)


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