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  • undermining中文什么意思
  • undermine的形容词形式
  • 团结用英语怎么说


It wasn’t until/ I entered the corporate world that/ I realized, for me at least, being friends with colleagues /didn’t emerge(出现) as a priority at all. (这不是我进入公司才意识到的,至少对我来说,和同事交朋友并不是最重要的事情)This is surprising /when you consider the prevailing emphasis/ by scholars and trainers /and managers/ on the importance of /cultivating close interpersonal relationships /at work. (当你想到学者、培训师和经理们/普遍强调在工作中培养亲密的人际关系的重要性时,你会感到惊讶。)So much research has explored the way /in which collegial (同事的)ties /can help overcome a range of/ workplace issues affecting productivity /and the quality of work output /such as team-based conflict, jealousy, undermining, anger, and more.(如此多的调查探索这种方法,就是同事之间的关系可以帮助克服一系列工作场所产生的问题影响和工作质量的输出,如团队冲突、嫉妒、破坏、愤怒等等。)【so-litary:adj. 孤独的; 独居的; n. 独居者; 隐士;这个词和mi-litary,同样是立着腿,你是军队,我是soul立着腿,当然孤独了】【corporate:adj. 法人的; 共同的,全体的; 社团的;带有co的一般都是把O吞了,合并了,表示共同的。如co-rrespond,co-mpany,co-rrelation,co-ntent】【prevailing:adj. 流行的;一般的,最普通的;占优势的;盛行很广的;联系popular;pre本身带有“先”的意思,玩抖音、小红书啥啥流行的都被你先玩了,那么就是流行】【undermining:破坏;拆词法,under-mine,把我压在下面,相当于攻击我呗,破坏我呗】Perhaps my expectations of lunches, water-cooler gossip and caring, deep-and-meaningful conversations /were a legacy of the last time/ I was in that kind of office environment. (也许我对午餐、茶水间闲聊、关心他人、深入而有意义的谈话的期望/是我在那种办公室环境中留下的最后遗产。也就是说,最后的遗产只剩下这些了)Whereas now, as I near the end of my fourth decade, I realize work /can be fully functional and entirely fulfilling /without needing to be best mates /with the people sitting next to you.(然而现在,当我快到第四个十年的时候,我意识到工作/可以完全发挥作用,完全实现自我/不需要成为最好的伙伴/和坐在你旁边的人。)【functional:adj. 功能的;】In an academic analysis just published /in the profoundly-respected Journal of Management, researchers have looked at the concept of “indifferent relationships“. It‘s a simple term that /encapsulates (概括) the fact that relationships /at work can reasonably be non-intimate, inconsequential, unimportant and even, dare I say it, disposable or substitutable.(一篇在这个杂志发表的学术文章,研究人员寻找这个“漠不关心的关系”的概念,它是一个简单的词汇涵盖了工作中的人际关系可以有缘由的变成不亲密,不重要,甚至不重要,我还敢说它是一次性或可替换的。)【academic:adj. 学术的; 理论的; 学院的; n. 大学生,大学教师; 学者;】【profoundly:adv. 深刻地;深深地;极度地;拆词法,pro-foundly,professor的发现,非常具有深远意义】【encapsulates:/ɪnˈkæpsjuleɪt/ 概括;en-cap-sulates,进杯子里来咧,那不就是想把你涵盖了吗,我要吞了你这样】【inconsequential:不重要的,不合理的;in-con-sequential,拆词法,不-合并的-连续的,首先看否定后面,合并的连续的,那么就是那些破案情节被拼凑一起的信息是不是非常重要,所以consequential表示重要的,加否定则】【disposable:adj. 可任意处理的;可自由使用的;用完即可丢弃的;拆词法,dis-pos-able,前后都是前缀啦,后缀啦,中间的pos,是不是特像position、posture,这些位置啊姿势啊都是固定不变的,加上dis,否定表示可随意改动的】【substitutable:可替换的;拆词法,前面讲过,sub表示附属、附赠的,那么sub-stitut-able这个词,表示附赠的“湿纸巾”吧(实在想不出),可以替换成其他东西】Indifferent relationships are neither positive nor negative. The limited research/ conducted/ thus far /indicates they ‘re especially dominant /among those who value independence /over cooperation, and harmony over confrontation. Indifference is also the preferred option /among those who are socially lazy. Maintaining relationships /over the long term takes effort. For some of us, too much effort.(冷漠的关系既不是积极的也不是消极的。到目前为止/所做的/有限的研究表明,在那些重视独立甚于合作、重视和谐甚于对抗的人群中,他们尤其占主导地位。冷漠也是那些在社交上懒惰的人的首选。维持长期的关系需要努力,对我们中的一些人来说,付出了太多的努力。)【thus far:迄今;现在为止】【confrontation:n. 对抗;面对;对峙;拆词法,con-frontation,con记住啦合并的意思,一群人——面前,一群人来我家门口找我,不是干架是要相亲吗??】As noted above, indifferent relationships/ may not always be the most helpful approach/ in resolving some of the issues/ that pop up /at work. But there are nonetheless /several empirically proven benefits. One of those is efficiency. Less time chatting and socializing means more time working.(如上所述,在解决工作中出现的一些常见问题时,冷漠的关系并不总是最有帮助的方法。尽管如此,还是有一些经验证明的好处。其中之一就是更少时间的交谈和社交意味着更多的时间工作)The other is self-esteem. As human beings, we ‘re primed to /compare ourselves to each other in /what is an anxiety-inducing phenomenon. Apparently, we look down /on acquaintances more/ so than Mends. Since the former is most common /among those inclined /towards indifferent relationships, their predominance can bolster individuals ‘ sense of self-worth. (另一个是自尊。作为人类,我们倾向于将自己与他人进行比较,这是一种引起焦虑的现象。很明显,我们看不起熟人甚于看不起朋友。由于前者在那些倾向于冷漠关系的人群中最为常见,他们的优势可以增强个人的自我价值感。)【approach:v. 走进;处理;n. 方法;相似的事物,这个死记硬背吧】【there are nonetheless:仍有(作文写作,代替still)】【empirically:adv. 以经验为主地;联系experience】【induce: vt. 诱导;引起;引诱;感应;联系produce】【inclined:v. 使…倾向;拆词法,in-c-lined不C的线,这个线大概就是会一边倒吧,所以产生了倾斜这个意思】【predominance:优势;拆词法,pre-dominance,先-主,先入为主的优点不就是常说的优势吗】Ego aside, a third advantage is that/ the emotional neutrality /of indifferent relationships/ has been found/ to enhance critical evaluation, to strengthen one ‘s focus on task resolution, and to gain greater access /to valuable information. None of that /might be as fun as /after-work socializing but, they’ll take it anyway.(除去这些,第三个好处是,人们发现,冷漠关系的情感中立性可以增强批判性评价,增强人们对任务解决的注意力,并获得更多有价值的信息。这些都不如下班后的社交活动有趣,但他们还是会参加。)【neutrality:中立的】(诸君发力)46. What did the author realize /when he re-entered the corporate world?A) Making new Mends /with his workmates/ was not as easy as he had anticipated.【Anticipated】B) Cultivating positive interpersonal relationships/ helped him expel/ solitary feelings.C) Working in the corporate world /requires more interpersonal skills /than self-employment.D) Building close relationships with his colleagues /was not as important /as he had ejected.47. What do we learn from/ many studies /about collegial relationships?A) Inharmonious relationships/ have an adverse effect /on productivity.B) Harmonious relationships /are what many companies /aim to cultivate.C) Close collegial relationships/ contribute very little /to product quality.D) Conflicting relationships in the workplace/ exist /almost everywhere.48. What can be inferred about relationships at work /from an academic analysis?A) They should be cultivated.B) They are virtually (事实上;联系actually)irrelevant.C) They are vital /to corporate culture.D) They should be/ reasonably intimate.49. What does the author say about people/ who are socially lazy?A) They feel uncomfortable /when engaging in social interactions.B) They often find themselves /in confrontation with their colleagues.C) They are unwilling to make efforts/ to maintain workplace relationships.D) They lack basic communication skills/ in dealing with interpersonal issues.60. What is one of the benefits of/ indifferent relationships?A) They provide fun at work.B) They help control emotions.C) They help resolve differences.D) They improve work efficiency.


world financial crisis例句:马来西亚受世界金融危机,世界石油价格下跌以及本国长时间经济萧条的共同影响,经历了一段金融动荡/困难时期。Malaysia has undergone financial difficulties from the combined impact of the world financial crisis, decline in world oil prices and its own prolonged recession


1.酝酿 造酒的发酵过程,比喻做准备工作2.酗酒 没有节制地喝酒,喝酒后撒酒疯。3.醍醐灌顶 醍醐:酥酪上凝聚的油。用纯酥油浇到头上。佛教指灌输智慧,使人彻底觉悟。比喻听了高明的意见使人受到很大启发。也形容清凉舒适4.酣畅淋漓 酣畅:原指喝酒或睡眠很充分;泛指痛快;淋漓:饱满畅快的样子。非常畅快。也指文艺作品中刻画人的形象或表达感情很充分。5.翡翠 1.(名)鸟的一属;嘴长而直;有蓝色和绿色的羽毛;飞得很快;生活在水边;吃鱼虾等。羽毛可做装饰品。 2.(名)矿物;成分是NaAl(Si2O6);绿色、蓝绿色或白色中带绿色斑纹;有玻璃光泽;硬度6至7;可做装饰品。也叫硬玉。联绵式。6.心扉 思考问题的门路下载个金山词霸去查查吧,中英文都有,很强大,你这个实在太多了,要搞好久的


学业成绩英语是Academic achievement。



Schools award scholarships for high academic achievement. 


Before you brush this argument aside as rubbish, or think of joy as an unaffordable luxury in a nation where there is awful poverty, low academic achievement, and high dropout rates, think again. 


Low body confidence is undermining academic achievement. 


A Direct Correlation between Students’ Cooperative Learning and Their Level of Academic Achievement.


The results showed that the PASS cognition process is highly related to the level of English language acquisition and academic achievement of elementary students.


google的翻译很强大! 基本无错啊...Since 1948 the world human rights organizations issued a “Declaration of Human Rights“, particularly in the recent decades, with the social and economic development, the importance of freedom of expression of human gradually. Governments are also widely recognized as the fundamental human rights, freedom of speech is not only the fundamental rights of every citizen, but also members of the community to exchange ideas and promote economic and social development, the main way. However, in daily economic and social life, the abuse of freedom of expression, also led to many negative consequences, such as the subversion of state power and undermine national unity, harm national honor and interests of inciting ethnic hatred and undermining national unity, promote cults and obscene pornography, violence, terror, and against other legitimate rights and interests. The phenomenon can explain, totally unrestricted freedom of speech, is not conducive to regional, national and even world stability and development.


n. 底蚀作用;潜挖;淘空;底切v. 在…下挖坑道;暗中破坏;逐渐损害(undermine的ing形式)adj. 潜挖的;底蚀的


undermine是动词,如果要形容词,可以是现在分词和过去分词,undermining, undermined。







   团结的相关 短语

  使团结 bring together ; Unite ; hold together ; uniting

  民族团结 ethnic unity ; national unity ; ethnic solidarity ; ethnic harmony

  团结互助 Solidarity ; unity and mutual aid

  团结协作 Solidify cooperation ; Depend on each other ; Solidarity and cooperation ; Unity cooperation

  团结联合 union

  团结联盟 Solidarity Union

  团结企业 Cooperative

  破坏团结 Destroy our unity ; Undermining solidarity ; undermining unity


  1. The Socialists united behind their probable presidential candidate, Michel Rocard.


  2. Mandela said, “We want a united, undivided South Africa“.


  3. I need to have the top people in this company pull together.


  4. He has done enough to pull the party together.


  5. The unity of our society is threatened by troublesome and restless minorities.


  6. Events over the last year have created a close-knit community.


  7. He wanted to form an all-party government of national unity.


  8. There was a degree of solidarity and sisterhood among the women.


  9. The choice was meant to create an impression of party unity.


  10. If we all stick together, we ought to be okay.


  11. All countries march as one nation under the banner of friendship.


  12. The state is not a unified and internally coherent entity.


  13. Gorbachev failed to keep the component parts of the Soviet Union together.


  14. Mr Morris was determined to put on a show of family unity.


  15. So many people have rallied round to help the family.



1. 成长用英语怎么说

2. 团队团结的话

3. 激励员工团结的话

4. 有关团结的英语作文

5. 鼓励团结的话

6. 参观用英语怎么说


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