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sticktodo还是doing(stick to do还是doing sth)


  • stick to do还是doing sth
  • stick 接doing 还是 to do
  • stick to doing, todo
  • stick to do还是doing
  • stick to do还是stick to doing
  • stick to do还是stick to doing,stick with 与stick to

stick to do还是doing sth

stick to doingto 在这里是介词常用的还有一、动词+介词to+动名词1. admit to doing sth 承认做了某事 2. apply to doing sth 适用于做某事3. object to doing sth 反对做某事4. see to doing sth 负责做某事 5. stick to doing sth 坚持做某事6. take to doing sth 喜欢上做某事,逐渐习惯做某事应用实例:He admitted having stolen the money. 他承认偷了钱。These methods apply to learning English. 这些方法适用于英语学习。He objected to being treated like a child. 他反对被当作小孩子看待。Reporters should stick to investigating the facts. 记者应坚持调查事实。Soon he took to sleeping late. 不久他就养成了睡懒觉的习惯。

stick 接doing 还是 to do

由于这里to是介词(介词后加名词代词动名词) 所以,后边用doing 即 stick to doing sth,

stick to doing, todo

stick to doing sth 坚持做某事以下各结构中的 to 也是介词,不是不定式符号,后接动词时也应用动名词,而不是动词原形(from www.nmet168.com):look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事be opposed to doing sth 反对做某事object to doing sth反对做某事stick to doing sth 坚持做某事get down to doing sth 开始做某事take to doing sth 喜欢上做某事admit to doing 承认做了某事pay attention to doing sth 注意做某事devote one’s time to doing sth 把某人的时间用于(奉献于)做某事be equal to doing sth 等于做某事,能胜任做某事What do you say to doing sth 你认为做某事怎么样

stick to do还是doing

stick to doing sth,坚持做某事,to在这里是介词。例如,I think I’ll just stick to doing it the old way.


v.将…刺入(或插入);刺;戳;插入;粘贴;粘住;(尤指迅速或随手) 放置;








1.admit to doing sth 承认做了某事

He admitted having stolen the money.他承认偷了钱。

2.apply to doing sth 适用于做某事

These methods apply to learning English.这些方法适用于英语学习。

3.object to doing sth 反对做某事

He objected to being treated like a child.他反对被当作小孩子看待。

4.see to doing sth 负责做某事

5.stick to doing sth 坚持做某事

Reporters should stick to investigating the facts.记者应坚持调查事实。

6.take to doing sth 喜欢上做某事,逐渐习惯做某事

Soon he took to sleeping late.不久他就养成了睡懒觉的习惯。

stick to do还是stick to doing

是stick to doing,to是作为介词,动词+介词to+动名词,后面跟名词或者动名词。

stick to doing  坚持做某事

词根: stick


stuck 被卡住的;不能动的

sticky 粘的;粘性的

sticker 汽车价目标签的;汽车标签价的

sticking 粘的;有粘性的


stickily 粘的;粘乎乎地


sticker 尖刀;难题;张贴物;坚持不懈的人

sticking 粘辊;附着;坚持性

stickler 坚持细节的人;顽固的人;费解的事物

stickiness 粘性;胶粘


stuck 刺(stick的过去式)

sticking 粘住,坚持(stick的ing形式)


sticker 给…贴上标签价



1、admit to doing sth 承认做了某事

2、apply to doing sth 适用于做某事

3、object to doing sth 反对做某事

4、see to doing sth 负责做某事

stick to do还是stick to doing,stick with 与stick to

10分钟内有问必答前往下载满意回答Stick to sth 不放弃或不改变某事物,坚持或维持某事物给出的例句:――would you like some wine?你喝点葡萄酒吗?------No, I’ll stick to beer,thanks.不,我还是喝啤酒吧。 We don’t want to hear your opinion; stick to the facts.我们不想听你的想法,只讲事实。Stick with sb/sth继续支持某人(某事),保持与某人(某事)的联系给出的例句:I’m sticking with my original idea.我坚持我原来的主张。Stick with me, and you’ll be all right.有事你来找我就没问题了。


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