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  • 摩托罗拉V3手机电视广告歌
  • 摩托罗拉的一个广告
  • MOTO的广告


不知道为什么我的回答一直在审核,我用另外的号再回答试试。这个歌的名字叫They 歌手是Jemtheyartist(band):jem who made up all the ruleswe follow them like foolsbelieve them to be truedon’t care to think them throughi’m sorry so sorryi’m sorry it’s like thisi’m sorry so sorryi’m sorry we do thisand it’s ironic toocoz what we tend to dois act on what they sayand then it is that wayi’m sorry so sorryi’m sorry it’s like thisi’m sorry so sorryi’m sorry we do thiswho are theywhere are theyhow can they possiblyknow all thiswho are theywhere are theyhow can they possiblyknow all thisdo you see what i seewhy do we live like thisis it because it’s truethat ignorance is blisswho are theywhere are theyhow do theyknow all thisi’m sorry so sorryi’m sorry it’s like thisdo you see what i seewhy do we live like thisis it because it’s truethat ignorance is blisswho are theywhere are theyhow can theyknow all thisand i’m sorry so sorryi’m sorry we do this链接:http://boz.bloboz.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/jem-they.mp3


moto刀锋系列今年新上市的机子,有好几款,分别是联通,电信和移动的,屏幕4.3 4.5都有,型号分别是xt910 xt928和mt917.你自己看看是哪个吧。


是viva voce的04年专集The Heat Can Melt Your Brain的第二首 Viva Voce - Lesson No. 1 Viva Voce是德国的一个rock乐队! http://www.blogok.net/blog/blogger/7005/archives/2005/54264.shtml 这里有详细的介绍和这个歌曲的MTV和MP3下载~~~参考资料:http://www.blogok.net/blog/blogger/7005/archives/2005/54264.shtml


上一篇: 三星s7中关村(三星s7可以用电信卡吗)

下一篇: 三星note3长宽高(三星note3包装盒长宽高数据,要CM的)


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