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  • 我们已经备注了,我们已经记下你方的提醒了,英语怎么翻译这样翻译对吗:we have noted
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  • 加油,不要在意一些无脑球迷的言论,他们只会结果论,而不了解事情经过英文翻译
  • “评论” 英语怎么写
  • 英语完型填空,苦恼啊,求翻译,
  • “remark” 英翻译为汉语什么意思


P.S:笑话的大概内容是:为了打击无理客人的嚣张气焰,一个老男人讽刺了他的“幽默”。原文全译: 一对新婚夫妇在款待客人,其中一位客人举止有点轻佻(近乎无理),在吃晚饭的时候他用叉子挑起一块肉,随后打算幽默一下,说:“这是一头猪吗?”“你指叉子的哪一头?”一个坐在饭桌另一头的老男人问道。


当他说: “从今天起前方总部将在鞍” ,他的部下以讽刺的口吻笑着说, “波普,你的腿搭在马鞍上.总部可就不能放了.“


Remarked on many times as the outstanding class cadre and excellent league member.Because the job performance was outstanding, thus, obtained the company’s rewards many times.

我们已经备注了,我们已经记下你方的提醒了,英语怎么翻译这样翻译对吗:we have noted

We have noted/remarked it,we have written down your reminding/warning.亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thanks!


work这里不是工作的意思了,而是 成功,做成,完成。didn’t work就是没做成,没成功的意思。比如一个人问你,Is your relationship with Lucy going well? 你跟Lucy的恋情还好么?你可以回答,No,it didn’t work. 不,我俩掰了。had learned 10000 things that didn’t work这句意思是 发现了10000种不成功的材料。这里learn不能当做单纯的学习来理解了,这里的learn引申了,是认识,发现的意思,跟 学习到 这一意思很接近,但是不是原来单纯的学习什么的意思了。


Remember your goodAnd even ChinaClassmate party, see the year deskmate. He laughs it said to me: “remember school my house in the country live, noon can’t go home to have a meal, you give me?“ with steamed bread I think for a long time to remember that thing. When just bring him a steamed bread, have never thought after 20 years, he actually remember. I remarked to say: “that I also have bullying you ah, such as allowed you to arm after 38th parallel, put your book lost ground was, how don’t you remember?“ Sit at the same table laughed: “I only remember your good.“Remember your good, how warm words ah, never change, personnel changes, years later years still someone remember your good, it is each other’s happiness.Have a girlfriend, and husband when she married nothing, two people after years to fight off his possessions. Finally earn Days passed smoothly, the husband is having an affair, they very calmly broke up. When we these friends accused her husband chen2 shi4 mei3, she yet for he defends the: “in our each other in hand dependency days, he has been very love me, love me, an affair just clear weather suddenly to heavy rain, is to let people do not expect.“ Girlfriend very peacefully and said: “perhaps is our fate, even as the break up, I don’t hate him, I just remember him on my good, remember we love each other the happy days, so I live still happy.“Remembering a philosophic small story: ali once and friend who, Martha two friends travel together. Three people walking in the valley, Martha slip ofitsdoors fell desperately will he rescued were. Martha wrote in “stone head irritating, friend who saved Martha life.“ Three people came to a place with Martha were down the river, for such a trifle noisy, friend who played Martha a box on his ears. Martha on the beach wrote: “once upon a time, a friend who played Martha a box on his ears.“ Later, ali asked Marsha why the friend who saved him on stone, will play his things were written in the sand? Martha replied: “I never grateful friend who saved me, I’ll remember. As for him to play me, I only with the beach handwriting vanishes, suss.“Remember your good, is a positive life philosophy - remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten, and you will find life is so beautiful.


加油,不要在意一些无脑球迷的言论,他们只会结果论,而不了解事情经过.可以翻译为“The fans don’t care about what they say, but don’t know the results。”


  • n. 照料,护理;小心,谨慎;忧虑,烦恼;收养,监护

  • v. 照顾,照料;在意,担忧;喜欢,想要

  • 【名】 (Care)(英)凯尔,(塞)察蕾(人名)

词形变换:复数 cares 第三人称单数 cares 现在分词 caring 过去式 cared 过去分词 cared 


parental care 亲代抚育 ; 亲代养育 ; 亲代关怀 ; 亲代照顾

MAGIC CARE 魔法护理 ; 邪术照顾护士

denture care 清洗假牙 ; 假牙的护理 ; 假牙护理

Patient Care 病人照护 ; 病患照顾 


He doesn’t bloody care about anybody else. 


She needed intensive care for several days. 


Alan doesn’t care two hoots about politics. 


“评论” 英语怎么写

Review: 1. A report or an essay giving a critical estimate of a work or performance.评论:给出对一部著作或行为批评性评价的报告或评论2. A periodical devoted to articles and essays on current affairs, literature, or art.定期专栏评论:时事、文学及艺术方面文章或评论的期刊例如: 一些评论相关的杂志:纽约书评 (New York Review of Books) 纽约大学法学评论 (NYU Law Review)税法评论(Tax Law Review)诊所法律评论(Clinical Law Review)东欧宪法评论(East European Constitutional Review)国际宪法杂志(International Journal of Constitutional Law)英国艺术杂志 (Art Review)


One day l was shopping in a small town in southern California.It was my 16 to be approached by a clerk whose personality clashed(冲突)with mine.He seemed most l7 and not at all concerned about my intended purchase.I bought l8 ,and marched angrily out of the store.My 19 toward that clerk and the entire establishment increased with each step.On the outside,standing by the parking lot,was a dark—skinned young man in his early twenties.His 20 brown eyes met and held mine,and soon a beautiful,broad smile 21 his face.My attention was immediately arrested.The 22 power of that smile removed all 23 within me,and I found the muscles in my own face 24 responding. “Beautiful day, isn’t it?”1 remarked,in passing.Then,obying an impulse(冲动),I 25 .”I really owe you a debt of thankfulness,”I said softly.His smile deepened,26 he made no attempt to answer.A Mexican woman and two men were standing nearby.The woman 27 and eyed me inquiringly.”Carlos,he does no speak English, she 28 ” You want I should tell him something?In that moment I felt 29 Carlo’s smile had made a big person of me.My friendliness and good 30 toward all mankind stood ten feet tall.“Yes,” my reply was enthusiastic and sincere,Tell him what I said,“Thank you!”“Thank you?” The woman seemed slightly 31 .I gave her arm a friendly pat 32 I turned to leave.”Just tell him that,”I insisted.“He’ll understand.I am sure!”Oh,what a smile can 33 ! Although I have never seen that young man again,I shall never forget the lesson he taught me that morning 34 , I became smile-conscious,and I practice the 35 diligently, anywhere and everywhere,with everybody.参考答案16-20ADBDC21-25AACBA26-30CBBCD31-35DBCAB度娘给的答案。

“remark” 英翻译为汉语什么意思

n. 注意;言辞vt. 评论;觉察vi. 谈论If the dart appears in the wrong position , remark its site and repeat the procure. 若省道出现在错误的位置上,重新标出它的位置,并重复这道程序。 Artists sometimes remark that the light at sunset is softer and warmer than the sharp light at sunrise . 艺术家们有时候认为相对日出太阳的尖锐,日落的光线是更是柔和和温暖的。 “No politics —that is my golden rule , “ was the remark of one businessman interviewed for this special report . “不谈政治——这就是我的黄金律”,这句话是一位接受本次特别报导访谈的商人的开场白。


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