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1. ________ (What, It) worries me the way he keeps changing his mind.

2. He didn’t make ________ (it, these) clear when and where the meeting would be held.

3. It has been proved ________ (because, that) eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illnesses in later life.

4. Don’t you think ________ (that, it) unfair that women are paid 30% less than men for doing the same work?

5. The very danger of children watching TV lies in the fact ________ (it, that) there exists something harmful in certain programs.

6. Jim seldom loses his temper, nor ________ (Della does, does Della) — both of them are gentle and mild in nature.

7. Only by seizing every chance to practice ________ (is it, it is) possible for us to improve our spoken English.

8. —The exhibition attracted many visitors, right?

—Yes. So crowded ________ (was the museum, the museum was) that I could hardly move about.

9. Don’t get angry with me, Mary — it wasn’t my fault. ________ (Had I known, I had known) you were in trouble, I would have lent you a hand.

10. —Did you see the traffic accident?

—No, no sooner ________ (had I gone, I had gone) than it happened.


1. I ________ (watch) the film only if the reviews are good.

2. Give the book to Jane if you ________ (read) it. She is interested in it.

3. If you ________ (follow) my advice, you would be better now.

4. It is time that we ________ (take) effective measures to ensure food safety.

5. The project could ________ (complete) on schedule, but somehow we fell behind.

6. —Did the boss approve your plan?

—Sure. We wouldn’t ________ (carry) it out without his approval.

7. Sorry, I’m busy writing a report now. If I ________ (have) time, I would certainly accompany you to the cinema.

8. The accident could ________ (avoid), had road safety been taught to these young children.

9. Looking back on it, I wish we ________ (give) up the plan so easily. We could have succeeded if we had stuck to it.

10. Local people gathered in front of the government building, demanding that the chemical plant ________ (close) right away.



Puberty (青春期) is a difficult physical and emotional process. As a teenager, you need to understand 1. ________ is going on with your body, how to handle those changes, and how to start taking responsibility for yourself.

One young person may begin puberty at eight years of age, while another may not show signs of puberty until fourteen or fifteen. Generally, girls tend 2. ________ (enter) puberty two years ahead of boys. For both sexes, it is usually complete by the age of eighteen. During these years, voices deepen, pimples (青春痘) grow and many other changes happen. Emotions can also go up and down. This is due in part to hormones, 3. ________ (change) relationships with parents and friends, and pressure from peers.

A girl’s personality often does not develop in the same way as a boy’s 4. ________ (do). Adolescent girls sometimes undergo a significant drop in self-confidence. They may feel uncertain or insecure about their own emotions. Yet, they are usually unwilling to tell their parents or teachers about their feelings. Therefore, adolescent girls should 5. ________ (encourage) to discuss things with trusted adults so that they can deal with difficulties in their personal and school life. Boys, at this stage, should also start to learn how to make sensible decisions for themselves. All adolescents should have someone to turn to if they have a need.

Parents, schools and media can do a lot to help young people. 6. ________ is everyone’s responsibility to ensure young people’s healthy growth into adulthood.


Around the Earth, there is a thin layer of ozone (臭氧), a kind of gas 1. ________ (protect) us from any of the harmful rays of the sun. A few years ago, scientists in the Antarctic became aware of holes 2. ________ (grow) in the ozone layer. As these holes get bigger, harmful rays from the sun are increasingly reaching us, 3. ________ (cause) crop damage and cancer. This is a big problem in countries near the polar regions, like Australia, 4. ________ skin cancer caused in part by ozone depletion (消耗) is now considered a national epidemic (流行病).

Further research into the problem showed 5. ________ the ozone layer is being destroyed by gases called CFCs. These gases are released (释放) into the atmosphere by the chemicals used in aerosol cans, refrigerators and air conditioners. To help save the ozone layer, many manufacturers have stopped 6. ________ (produce) aerosol cans that use CFCs. They have switched to other less harmful chemicals, and labeled their cans “ozone-friendly” or “no CFCs”.

The problem of refrigerators and air conditioners has been more difficult 7. ________ (solve). However, more and more manufacturers are now producing refrigerators and air conditioners 8. ________ do not use CFCs. Therefore, when you go shopping you should choose ozone-friendly products. Then you will be doing something to help the environment.


School uniforms are not part of the traditional way of life in the USA. In 1987, Cherry Hill Elementary, 1. ________ is in Maryland, went against tradition by 2. ________ (become) the first public school in the USA to make students wear uniforms. The school did this to reduce trouble 3. ________ (cause) by the students’ love of fashion. Since this new programme has proved to be a good way 4. ________ (promote) safety and discipline, other schools soon followed. By 2000, 12 percent of American public schools required school uniforms.

The introduction of school uniforms has helped reduce school violence. Much of school violence is linked to the wearing of gang colors, 5. ________ are the clothes worn by different youth gangs. In schools with youth gangs, the number of fights decreased by 40 percent after uniforms 6. ________ (introduce).

Uniforms also send a message 7. ________ students are at school to study, not to play. They reduce peer (同龄人) pressure and create school pride. These things help raise the academic level of the students.

Although school uniforms are popular in some areas, this new trend has met strong resistance from many parents, some of 8. ________ angrily complain that uniforms keep students from 9. ________ (show) their individuality. A few parents have even gone to court 10. ________ (stop) school uniforms from being introduced. For this reason, it is unlikely 11. ________ uniforms will ever be adopted nationwide.


Have you ever thought about volunteer work? Have you ever participated in some? Why would you want to devote your precious time to a job that does not pay you anything?

Perhaps to say 1. ________ “volunteer work does not pay” is not completely true. Although it does not compensate financially, volunteer work is actually a two-way street. Volunteer work should always benefit people 2. ________ need help, but others often forget how much it benefits the volunteers themselves.

By volunteering, you have the opportunity to develop skills and gain experience that may be useful later in a(n) 3. ________ (pay) job. It also helps you test and develop your own personality, because you are doing the work out of passion and desire rather than simply to get material rewards. Through this kind of work, you are telling yourself that you are not only interested in your own future, but also in the world as a whole.

Volunteer work gives you confidence and a sense of self. You can see how you do and feel in certain risk-free situations, and thus better figure out the kind of things or jobs 4. ________ really interest you. And of course, there is always the opportunity to make new friends with people of all ages and background.

Perhaps 5. ________ is more appropriate to say that “volunteer work is a school”. You pay for a time to learn. Volunteer work is also a memory — you will only realize its true value later in life, when you look back with feelings of internal joy and satisfaction.


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