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  • 英语副词的20道选择题
  • 英文句子He was inadequately prepared for the impending examination
  • 开水英文怎么读
  • 提供帮助 英语作文
  • 许渊冲的《白日依山尽》用英文怎么翻译
  • 不充分的的英语翻译 不充分的用英语怎么说


1. It is impossible. A. very B. quite C. rather D. fairly Key: B 2. When she woke up, she realized that the things she had dreamt about could not have happened. A. possibly B. likely C. certainly D. usually Key: A 3. Haven’t you got friends in Paris? I feel sure you did mention them once. A. any B. no C. some D. lots Key: C 4. His success is by talent as by energy. A. not so much B. so not much C. much not so D. so much not Key: A 5. So far his spoken English is improved . A. much B. better C. well D. GREatly Key: D 6. It is for a person in his position to make such a mistake. A. rare B. scare C. usual D. rarely Key: A rare: 很少发生,很少见到 scare: 日用品缺乏,不足的 7. the boy was badly hurt in his head, however, still . A. living B. alive C. live D. dying Key: B 8. We’ll never forget the Premier Chou Enlai. A. late B. dead C. past D. deadly Key: A the late … 已故的…… 9. I’m afraid I am not fit for the job, for it is calling for much patience. A. which B. thence C. one D. that Key: C 10. It’s impossible for us to finish the task within half a month. A. very B. rather C. quite D. much Key: C I quite aGREe with you. 直接修饰行动的动词,不用very He is quite a scholar. 他完全是个学者。 This room is very | quite clean. farelyàquiteàrather rather+比较 或 rather too fairly + good / well rather + bad / ugly / stupid 11. they lived a life in the countryside. A. quiet B. still C. silent D. calm Key: A 析:calm海“无浪”,指情绪“镇静”;still侧重完全不动;silent主要指不发出声音(但可以动);quiet“安静”,无骚扰产生 12. the football match was televised from the People’s Stadium. A. lively B. living C. live D. alive living, 表、定语,饰人或物; alive, 表、定,饰人或物;lively, 定语,只饰物“活的”,“有生气的” Is your father still living? “健在” 13. Though the weather was unfavourable, the came for the meeting. A. especially; specially B. specially; especially especially “尤其”=特别,非同寻常:to an exceptional | extra deGREe specially “特别”=“专门”,非广泛:for one purpose and no other I came here specially to see you. the jacket was made specially for the king. 14. When we got here, he had done everything. A. nearly B. almost C. mostly D. hardly Key: B nearly 与almost 区别: not nearly almost 与no one | nothing | none | nobody | never搭配,而nearly不可 15. He will fly to New York. (direct) the manager critisised him (directly) 16. the boy is asleep. (dead) He is serious about the matter. (deadly) He gave the enemy a blow. (deadly) dead, 完全地,突然地 deadly, 非常,极度 致命的 17. He is the tallest . A. of all his classmates in his class B. of all the students in his class Key: B 比较的同类人或事物前要用the 18. Watching TV is a kind of relaxation, it also our knowledge. A. not more than; adds B. more than; adds to C. no more than; adds to C. more than; adds up to Key: B more than “不仅”+名词;饰形 非常;饰动;no more than 仅仅 19. they dug ,then put the box in it. A. a three feet deep hole B. a hole of three feet C. a three feet deep hole D. a hole of three feet deep Key: D 20. ---Why didn’t you go to the concert last night? ---It was something interesting. A. more or less B. far less C. much more D. any further Key: B 一点也没意思 21. Jack’s brother is than him. A. old; elder B. elder; older C. old; eld D. elder; younger Key: B elder 定语 22. This new type of TV set is very thin, and it is than a one-hundred-page book. A. less B. not thinner C. no thicker D. no thinner Key: C 23. When I went up, saw the baby awake. A. wide B. completely C. very D. quite Key: A 24. It is raining . A. big B. GREat C. heavily D. hardly Key: C 析: a big room a GREat man a heavy rain a strong wind in a loud voice

英文句子He was inadequately prepared for the impending examination

prepare for意为“为……作准备”,for后面的宾语是准备的目的,即所要应付的情况。be prepared for强调准备好的状态。


开水的英文有boiling water(英 [ˈbɔɪlɪŋ ˈwɔ:tə]   美 [ˈbɔɪlɪŋ ˈwɔtɚ])、boiled water(英 [bɔɪld ˈwɔ:tə]   美 [bɔɪld ˈwɔtɚ] )。具体如下:

一、boiling water  英 [ˈbɔɪlɪŋ ˈwɔ:tə]   美 [ˈbɔɪlɪŋ ˈwɔtɚ]  


例:Boiling water cracked a cup acrossthe bottom. 


二、boiled water英 [bɔɪld ˈwɔ:tə]   美 [bɔɪld ˈwɔtɚ]  


例:If you give your baby juice, dilute it well with cooled, boiled water 



反义短语:cold water、nboiled water

一、cold water   英 [kəuld ˈwɔ:tə]   美 [kold ˈwɔtɚ]  


例:Are your hot and cold water pipes well insulated? 


二、unboiled water



Cholera is transmitted by consumption of contaminated, inadequatelycooked food or contaminated unboiled water. 


提供帮助 英语作文

你可以用二楼的。三楼的不适合中学生使用。另外二楼的作文,可修改如下:Offering HelpAn old Chinese saying goes,“To help others means to help yourself.”On one hand,as HUAMAN-BEINGs,sometimes we can not do some work well by ourselves,we need others to give us a hand.On the other hand,others may have difficulty in doing something,they have to turn to us.(注:turn to已经有求助于的意思。不需要加help了)It means: We offer our help to those who are in need and we also get help from them.So offering help is very important in our daily life. We help each other to make things easier and to make our relationship closer.Friends,please offer your help, which will make tomorrow be better.


白日依山尽的英文:Mountains cover the white sun.

cover 读法 英 [’kʌvə(r)]     美 [’kʌvər]    

n. 封面;盖子;套子;表面

v. 覆盖;涉及;包含;掩护;给…保险例句

1、Snow covered the ground.积雪覆盖了大地。

2、The talks are expected to cover other topics too.会谈估计还会涉及别的问题。


1、cover perpetually终年覆盖

2、cover protectively防护性地遮盖

3、cover safely安全地掩护




2、cover也可作“隐藏物”“躲避处”解,是把事物隐藏起来以确保安全的保护物,它既可指野生动物找到的树丛等天然的躲避处,也可指阻挡袭击的物体、房屋等,引申可表示“幌子”“伪装”,指隐瞒非法事物、秘密等的手段或指虚假的身份; 也可表示为“掩蔽”“掩护”,作此解时只用作单数形式。

3、cover还可作“(一副)餐具,餐席(位)”解, cover用复数形式,其前加定冠词the,特指“毯子”“被子”。


1、cover inadequately不够支付

2、cover instructively启发性地讨论

3、cover loathsomely令人厌恶地掩饰

4、cover luxuriantly文字华丽地报导

5、cover partially部分地遮盖住

不充分的的英语翻译 不充分的用英语怎么说

不充分1.insufficiency2.inadequacy3.insufficient[网络释义]不充分inadequacy不充分地inadequately ad理由不充分准则principle of insufficient reason


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