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内容导航:1、深深重阳情 浓浓敬老意——E讲中国重阳节走进初中英语课堂2、重阳节的英语作文:重阳节英语作文

1、深深重阳情 浓浓敬老意——E讲中国重阳节走进初中英语课堂


The Chongyang Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth month of theChinese lunar calendar, so it is also known as the Double Ninth Festival.The festival is based on the theory of Yin and Yang, the two opposing principles in nature. Yin is feminine, negative principle, while Yang is masculine and positive. The ancients believed that all natural phenomena could be explained by this theory. Numbers are related to this theory.

每年中国农历九月初九是重阳节,也被称之为重九节。奇数为阳,偶数为阴。九是奇数,因此属阳,九月初九,日月逢九,二阳相重,故称“重阳”。 这一天,正值中秋收获季节,天高气爽,收获的喜悦增添了节日的气氛。重阳节非常适合户外运动,是登高远眺,舒畅胸怀的好时光。由于九是奇数中最大的一个,人们把两个九放在一起来表示长寿。因此,重阳节就成为了传统的敬老节日,政府也把它定为老人节。










Today is the double ninth festival, I went to the lotus flower mountain to play with my mother, we went to lianhua mountain, father said to get the newspaper, then disappeared, we had to climb lianhua mountain.

I first under the lianhua warm-up exercise in the park, then, we go to climb the lianhua, I ran quickly to the top of the hill, all the way to the statue of deng xiaopings there, we went to find father, dad didnt find, we can eat up, we ate peanuts, bread, drank the mineral water, wait until we, satiated with food and then went down the mountain. As I walked down the hill, my sister and I were so far away that we were left behind, and we finally walked out.

Then we went to the uncles house again and saw dad, and then dad was going out again. Dad walked for a while and we went away.

Thats the kind of thing that happened on the double ninth festival.


The legend of the Double Ninth Festival eat Double Ninth cake can be good except disease, carrying dogwood climbing, can avoid evil.

"Qi" is the "home: Chongyang cake, wine with high vision far too, feast of tours, to Chang Qiuzhi. The wine will collect dogwood chamomile to pan, both drunk and far."

In the Tang Dynasty, Wang "September Kau Yi, Shandong brothers": "only in a foreign land, Sze Sze times; remote brothers climb department, times, Zhuyu ed a few people."

The Tao Yuanming poem: "the chrysanthemum as my heart, in September nine, the guests know what I mean, Chongyang together."


The Double Ninth Festival in September 9th. The Double Ninth Festival is a traditional, like to eat dinner together. Several about good food, the end to a table. As night fell, lights shine, people drink chrysanthemum wine, Erguotou, eat a meal, to join you, emotional exchange. A smiling face, a burst of laughter out of narrow room, we wish each other a long and healthy life, everything is safe, the courtyard is filled with auspicious atmosphere.

The double ninth day, people have to respect the customs, the younger generation will give the elderly more considerate. In addition to give them something delicious to eat, another relative to sympathy family man, a married girl early in the morning to return home to visit their parents, to repay the upbringing. Conditional family, but also to accompany the old man to have a look in the fun.

The Double Ninth Festival of Beijing, in the autumn wind sends bright, clear sky season. To open in flying a kite, is simple, is also very popular for recreational activities like. When the Qing Dynasty old Beijing flying move extremely lively popular shops, market sell all kinds of kites, kite flower market sells the most complete varieties of good quality.

Now, the courtyard already change once lived, the Chung Yeung Festival "see also the cake is busy" scene has not see. But when the festival day, could not help but think of the old neighborhood ate the cake in the courtyard, drinking tea and laughing chat warm, Miss childhood laugh play small partners. Imperceptibly, think of Mao Zed ong Poems: God easy life difficult for the old, but the Double Ninth Festival, this double ninth, especially fragrant yellow flowers on the battlefield. Each year the autumn wind blows fierce, unlike springs splendour, yet surpassing springs splendour, see the endless expanse of frosty sky and water.



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