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关于 VIPKID 后续政策的调整,我们目前还没有收到通知,也不清楚您那里是否了解公司的政策变化。


近十几年来,中国的家长对孩子的教育越来越重视,主要体现在两个方面,第一是为孩子选择拥有优秀教育资源的学区,这些学区的房价往往要达到普通房子的 3-5 倍;此外还给孩子选择了大量的校外课程,以期望孩子能在大学的选拔考试中获得好的成绩。我很难批评这个现象对应一个家庭是好,还是不好,但在一些周边国家,比如说韩国,由于这个现象导致了严重的教育资本化,富有的家庭,更容易获得好的教育资源,孩子更容易上大学。而普通家庭的孩子由于在考试中竞争不过这些孩子,只能选择专业技术学校。


今年的 8 月份,国家出台了一项重要措施:“双减”,期望能阻止教育资本化,实现人才按自然能力的分层次培养(这里面有很复杂的解读,我就不详细说了)。


1.禁止教育机构在节假日对孩子进行教学,并且每天教学时间不得超过21 点



对于教育机构和他们的投资者来说,这项政策的影响是严重、深远的,很多机构的股价因此而出现了大幅下降,比如新东方、学而思。同样的,这个政策对 VIPKID 的影响也非常大,导致它的主营业务无法持续,并且直接影响了这家公司的上市计划。

我很享受与 Peggy 和您一起上课的过程,非常的开心,而 Peggy 的课程包即将到期,所以我们在6月份进行了续费。但没有想到8月份突然出了这个政策,我们也很意外!!!一直到8月底,VIPKID的客服还在催着我们续费,告诉我们9月1日开始就不能再购买外教课了,但是已经购买的外教课可以正常的上,让我们放心。



截止到目前为止,我们接受到的信息是 Peggy 还能够正常的上课,希望我们还能相处更长的时间。


Children’s childhood is precious and short. I am very happy to meet you at the stage of their growth. I have met many foreign friends, but you are the special one. We can feel love,passion and considerate from you.We like you very much!

Regard to the VIPKID's follow-up policy, we have not yet received any notice, and it is not clear whether you are aware of the company's policy changes.

But I believe that due to regional factors , there may be some information asymmetry. Let me tell you what I know.

In the past ten years, Chinese parents have paid more and more attention to the education of their children, which is mainly reflected in two aspects. The first is to choose school districts with excellent educational resources for their children. The housing prices of these school districts often reach 3-5 of that of ordinary houses. Times; In addition, a large number of off-campus courses are selected for the children, hoping that the children can get a good result in the university selection examination.

It is difficult for me to criticize whether this phenomenon corresponds to a family is good or not, but in some neighboring countries, such as South Korea, this phenomenon has led to serious education capitalization. Rich families are more likely to obtain good educational resources and children is easier to go to college. As children from ordinary families can't compete with these children in the exam, they can only choose technical schools.

In a word, the proportion of education expenditure in Chinese families is increasing, which may cause some social problems.

In August of this year, the state release an important policy: "Double Reduction"(Reduce the burden of students' homework and external training).Hoping to prevent the capitalization of education and re-build a fair education environment.(there is a very complicated interpretation, I won’t go into details).

There are several core contents:

Educational company are forbidden to teach children during holidays, and the teaching time shall not exceed 21:00 every dayIt is forbidden to teach directly by foreign teachers (to be honest, I do not understand this policy)All academic education company must be converted into non-profit organize, otherwise their licenses will be revoked.

For educational company and their investors, the impact of this policy is serious and far-reaching. As a result, the stock prices of many institutions have fallen sharply, such as New Oriental and Xueersi. Similarly, this policy has a very large impact on VIPKID, causing its main business to be unsustainable and directly affecting the company's IPO plan.

I enjoyed the class with Peggy and you very much. I was very happy. Peggy's course package is about to expire, so we renewed it in June. But I didn't expect that this policy suddenly came out in August, and we were also surprised! ! !

Until the end of August, VIPKID’s customer service staff was still urging us to renew the fee, telling us that we can no longer purchase foreign teachers class from September 1st, but the foreign teachers class we have purchased can be used normally.

In any country, the implementation of policies requires a certain transition time, so there will be a certain buffer period, but in the long run, I think that this course cannot be continue too long for policy, company management, and capital reserves. To be honest, we are still worried. After all, we just paid a fee and we don't know what will happen next.

Recently, we have indeed received information from sales staff to guide parents to convert foreign lessons into other types of courses, or courses from third-party cooperative company. I am unwilling to do so.

So far, the information we have received is that Peggy can still attend classes normally. I hope Peggy can stay with you as long as possible.

Your sincere friend




Happy birthday! May this special day fill your hour ent is full of sunshine, as if the sun ale more beautiful, let it belongs entirely to your day bring you happiness, let the future day icing on the cake!


My greetings to my love for you。 May your birthday fort。


Among the friends e right, happy birthday。


Congratulations on your birthday! May it all fill with joy and success!


Happy birthday to you, give you all our wishes!


Happy birthday to you too wonderful for words, a year filled with happiness!


Hope your birthday is as unusual as you。 Happy birthday!


May you enjoy the joy of today‘s birthday, I wish you nothing but the best!


Wishing you a very happy birthday, wish a new year to come!


We wish you a happy birthday and a happy birthday to you!


Warm congratulations on your birthday。 May the best of your birthday belong to you!


Happy birthday to you! May your birthday bring you joy and happiness!


It’s time to celebrate your birthday, bless you, beautiful bright Happy birthday!


We prepared a grand birthday party for you to celebrate twenty years of age。


Happy birthday! May this special day fill your hour ent is full of sunshine, as if the sun ale more beautiful, let it belongs entirely to your day bring you happiness, let the future day icing on the cake!


My greetings to my love for you。 May your birthday fort。


Among the friends e right, happy birthday。


Congratulations on your birthday! May it all fill with joy and success!


Happy birthday to you, give you all our wishes!


Happy birthday to you too wonderful for words, a year filled with happiness!


Hope your birthday is as unusual as you。 Happy birthday!


May you enjoy the joy of today‘s birthday, I wish you nothing but the best!


Wishing you a very happy birthday, wish a new year to come!


We wish you a happy birthday and a happy birthday to you!


Warm congratulations on your birthday。 May the best of your birthday belong to you!


Happy birthday to you! May your birthday bring you joy and happiness!


It’s time to celebrate your birthday, bless you, beautiful bright Happy birthday!


We prepared a grand birthday party for you to celebrate twenty years of age。


1、Loving birthday wishes for an especially happy day to a daughter who is very sweet and dear in every way.Happy Birthday!


2、No wish could be any warmer than this,and no daughter could be any de arer than you.Happy Birthday! With Lots of Love


3、May your day be filled with happiness, Son.and the year it brings you, to o,be a lucky one in every way the finest yet for you


4、Its so easy to be proud of a son like you.Happy Birthday!


5、Here"s hoping that your special day is such a happy one,You"re sure to sa y "my goodness, but a birthday is lots of fun."


6、With the happiest wishes for today and all year to a sweet little someone whose first birthday is here.


7、You"re two? How nice!Happy birthday twice.Hoping its twice the fun of being two.


8、Hope your birthday is a super-special one with all the ice cream you can eat and loads and loads of fun!


9、Ever so nice,Ever so sweet.Ever so special, too!in case you"re wonderinc

who she is,she is no one else but you.Happy 6th Birthday!


10、Babysawioyfully crows to you. we heartfelt felt:Reaardless of we experi enced how many to be difficult, all was is worth




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