- 为什么我的黑莓手机打电话后面都有个W
- 英语中复合词 名词+名词,形容词+名词
- 在iphone上装blackberry work,为什么不直接用blackberry
- Nokia - 2 working days BlackBerry - 5 working days Samsung - 16 working days Sony Ericsson - 10 work
- 黑莓z10怎么在手机上下软件我下的软件打不开
- 黑莓q10如何安装来电通
- 黑莓Q10能不能直接在手机上装软件啊,求指导啊买了机子不会用,好捉急
英语中复合词 名词+名词,形容词+名词
例句:In Washington, DC, a normally sophisticated bookshop declares itself “your first stop” for thewedding.
读音:英 美
例句:This is me some of the situations Penfriend !
释义:n. 太阳镜;凸透镜(sunglass的复数)
例句:What do you think of my new sunglasses?
释义:n. 喇叭,扬声器;扩音器
例句:Her voice over the loudspeaker was distorted.
释义:n. 黑板
例句:She marked a square on the blackboard.
在iphone上装blackberry work,为什么不直接用blackberry
真想了解,就仔细看看这篇文章。看到这个家伙说的,我就想笑。“相对 winows mobile或者塞班的来说的话 ,只能算半智能机 译文链接。什么是智能手机?从定义的数量之多就知道答案并不简单。事实上,它可能有点难以理解。所有流行的定义所依赖的基本理解是:智能手机融合了计算机和无线语音设备。大家都同意这一点。但也有许多细微的不同将智能手机与普通手机区分开来,不同手机也可以融合部分计算机功能与无线语音能力。手机行业分析师通过这些微妙的区别来决定如何区分智能手机与普通手机。例如,他们可以说,像Sprint Nextel公司所销售的LG Rumor2这样的手机,虽然提供了电子邮件、互联网浏览和QWERTY键盘。但在技术上仍不是智能手机。iPhone、几乎所有的黑莓以及诺基亚N系列和E系列均被认为是智能手机,至少Gartner和IDC公司是这么说的,它们是市场上最大的手机与智能手机销量研究公司。CTIA,一个代表着数以百计无线设备制造商和无线运营商的行业协会,在其词汇表中简单地定义智能手机为“有先进数据功能并通常带有键盘的手机。”它补充道, “在语音通话之外的管理和传输数据让手机变的‘智能’”。然而,一位CTIA发言人说,显然没有智能手机的行业标准定义,CTIA的词汇定义只是“大体上的”。四位行业分析师在接受采访时说,“智能手机”这个词确实是一句行话。自2000年Palm公司为自家的PDA(个人数字助理)增加语音功能以来,无线手持设备经历的很多变化都被囊括其中。IDC分析师Ramon Llamas说:“‘智能手机’是被嘲笑最多的行话之一”。Llamas还提到,IDC公司去年夏天对消费者进行了调查,发现了许多不同的解释。对某些人来说,智能手机就是可以无线接入互联网的手机,而其他人则认为它是指可以用来处理文本信息或是使用触摸屏/全键盘进行输入的手机。“在美国大街上问这个问题只会产生更多的迷惑”他说“对智能手机的定义还很混乱。”IDC公司在2002年发明了“融合移动设备”(converged mobile device)这个词,以避免与微软给自家企业取向无线手持设备(Smartphone,与智能手机同名)下的定义发生混淆。Llamas说,IDC公司下的定义,经历过数次更新,主要变化是在2006年增加了要求,一个“融合移动设备”应该包括一个“高阶操作系统。”今天IDC手机出货新闻稿中的“融合移动设备”等同于“智能手机”,它的定义如下:“作为移动电话的一员,‘融合移动设备’ 包含高阶操作系统,使设备在语音通话外还可以运行第三方应用程序。高阶操作系统的例子包括Android、黑莓、Linux、Mac OS X、Palm、Symbian以及Windows Mobile。融合移动设备和传统移动电话有许多共同特点,包括个人信息管理、多媒体、游戏和办公应用软件,但高阶操作系统的存在将这些设备与与它们区分开来。”Llamas说“高阶操作系统”有三个部分。“‘高阶’是定义的核心”IDC定义的高阶操作系统,是指该操作系统:能够运行第三方应用软件,而不仅仅是操作系统制造商提供的应用程序;程序必须能够在手机上独立于无线网络运行;操作系统必须能够同时运行多个应用程序。相比之下, Gartner公司对入门级和功能级智能手机下的书面定义,也提到了更强大的操作系统是重要区别。Gartner表示入门级智能手机必须运行在一个开放的操作系统上,而功能级智能手机还要支持一项或更多的功能,如音乐、视频、游戏、图片、网络浏览、移动电视、导航和通讯。它们通常有“更大的屏幕,更强的处理器,更多的内嵌存储容量和更高的电池容量。”Gartner还表示,功能级智能手机可以有触摸屏或QWERTY全键盘,但不是必备条件。IDC和Gartner的分析师均认为LG Rumor2不是智能手机。Gartner的分析师Ken Dulaney说,Rumor2是“可能不是”智能手机,因为它不具有“市场承认的”操作系统或已发布的API。而Llamas说,虽然LG Rumor的操作系统是“相当发达的专有操作系统,”但它仍不属于IDC公司定义的“高阶”操作系统。同为IDC分析师的Ryan Reith表示,Rumor2不是智能手机,因为它不支持第三方应用程序。“目前还没有机会真正接触Rumor操作系统的核心,消费者也不能自由选择使用第三方应用程序”。Reith指出,另一个决定性的智能手机特征是,它们开始包括一个应用处理器,该硬件使手机可以在同一时间运行多个应用程序。就连设备制造商LG公司和运营商Sprint Nextel都不将Rumor2称为智能手机,但它们的理由与分析师不同。一位Sprint女发言人说,Rumor2似乎有资格作为一个智能手机,但Sprint公司一直避免使用这个词,“仅仅因为智能手机没有一个良好的定义”,而这是得到广泛认同的。一位LG女发言人针对Rumor2不是智能手机给出了一个相当具体的理由。在一封电子邮件中,她写道:“Rumor2不被认为是智能手机。智能手机没有一个真正的定义。但人们普遍认为,一个智能手机可以与多个电子邮件帐户(Webmail, Gmail等)进行同步。这款手机,尽管也有互联网接入功能,但不能将电子邮件同步到桌面上。”Reith说,LG 的推理支持IDC的调查结果,即Rumor2没有一个高阶操作系统,因为它的操作系统不允许应用程序完全独立于网络地运行在手机上。Sprint公司在 Rumor2规格表中支持,手机是通过Sprint公司的Mobile Email Work接入微软Exchange和Lotus Notes。Reith指出,Sprint可以通过附加软件增加这项功能,但它没有这么多。概括地说,几乎所有人都同意,智能手机没有精确、标准的定义。Llamas说,IDC的定义得到的支持和反对数量相当。即使定义之间有一些差距,分析师报告的智能手机出货量大体相当,Reith说。部分原因是,分析师要注意对方的数字以及对某一机型的匪类,Reith和Llamas说。Reith说,他记不得有哪款手机被IDC归为智能手机,而Gartner或其它主要分析公司不同意。尽管如此,分析家认为,“什么是智能手机”这个可能会造成困惑,甚至让公众感到难以理解。一位分析师说,CTIA的定义“可能需要更新” ,但Llamas说挑选适当的定义可能是一个棘手的问题。“我会尊重其他人的定义,但还将坚持自己的,”拉马斯笑着说。“这是外交辞令。”
Nokia - 2 working days BlackBerry - 5 working days Samsung - 16 working days Sony Ericsson - 10 work
一次性闹铃肯定是只响一次. 你可以设置重复闹铃啊. 像我的手机是nokia6600我选择Working days,这样每个星期1到星期5都会闹铃,而双休日就不会响,比较,
BB10 / PlayBook App Manager
for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox
Latest Version: 2.2Designed by George J (jgc@gridbook.org)Distributed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA License.JavaScript libraries of SHA-512 and MD5 are originally implemented by Paul Johnston.
If you own a BlackBerry 10 or PlayBook device, and are seeking an easier and more efficient way to manage its apps, (like me, as a developer)
and if Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox is your favorite web browser, (like me, with a Chromebook)
and just by the way, have no love for Java, (my poor Chromebook won’t run Java)
this is the one you’re looking for. Screenshots come first:
Why me? / What are the differences?
{Progess bar + transfer speed + time remaining} keep you calm during installation.
Cross-platform (Windows/Mac/Linux).
Nothing else but the browser is required. Java Runtime Environment? .NET framework? Come on, forget the hassles and save time.
Where’re the apps that I just installed? Great, there are links to them that saved in logs. One simple click and the app is located and highlighted.
Way easier to search, copy text, or print, which is benefited from the browser.
Main Features
Save your password in the browser for auto login (or not if you choose not to). Some tricks are done to save half of usual login time.
List all the apps installed. Query run status, launch, terminate, or uninstall any individual app.
Install apps by a queue. Multiple apps may be added to the queue by choosing files in a dialog or a simple drag and drop. Apps may be removed from the queue and installation may be aborted. Installation status is displayed in two steps: file uploading (to the BB10 / PlayBook) with a progress bar and the actual installation with echoed messages.
Auto retry for any incomplete installation or uninstallation.
Log and categorize all the results of installations. Locate each one of them by a simple click.
License and Disclaimer
Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
Software distributed “AS IS“, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied warranty. You use at your own risk. The author will not be liable for data loss, damages, loss of profits or any other kind of loss while using or misusing this software.
Installation for Google Chrome / Chromium
You have to click Proceed Anyway on the SSL certificate error page for the first use each time the browser starts. Although Chrome has an “--ignore-certificate-errors“ switch, it’s not recommended to use.
Easy setup.
Better integration with the browser and thus more flexibility.
It will get auto updated when a new version is released.
Go to the Chrome Web Store and install the Chrome Extension. (Minimum Chrome Version: 18.0)
On the popup page, fill in the hostname/IP of your BB10 / PlayBook, and follow the instructions on that page.
Frequently Asked Questions
BlackBerry 10
IP Address: Go to Settings » About » Network » Wi-Fi or USB » IPv4.
Hostname: This may not supported in every network environment. But If the IP address of your BB10 device keeps changing, you may give it a try. Go to Setting » About & General » Device Name.
IP Address: Click the dev icon on top panel of main screen. It will display an IP usually in the form of 192.168.*.*, this is the wireless IP. For the physical IP via USB cable (169.254.*.*), go to Setting » Security » Development Mode » Development Address.
Hostname (the so-called Tablet Network Name): This is not supported in every network environment. But If the IP address of your PlayBook keeps changing, you may give it a try. Go to Setting » Storage & Sharing » Network Identification » Tablet Network Name.
Q: Where are the installation instructions for Mozila Firefox?A: Re-open this page using the browser you’d like to install BB10 / PlayBook App Manager on.
Q: (Google Chrome) How can I get access to the options page again?A: Click the toolbar icon, or go to Settings » Extensions » BB10 / PlayBook App Manager » Options.
Q: How can I get the hostname/IP of my BB10 / PlayBook device?A: Enable the Development Mode of your device first. Please be aware that the BB10 / PlayBook will reset itself to non-Development Mode after each reboot or 10 days, whichever comes first.
Q: Why the setup for Firefox is so complicated?A: Because this software was originally only a Chrome extension, and I don’t have the time to create another complete extension for Firefox. However, you may do so by yourself if you would like to.
Q: It keeps auto logining. / I am sure the password is correct, but I can’t login.A: Make sure the device time is synced with your computer time.
Q: How to make a donation?A: If you want to show your appreciation of my work, you may send money to jgc@gridbook.org via PayPal. Please choose Personal instead of Purchase. I don’t really care about the amount of donation. Even a donation of one dollar will make me feel warm and fuzzy.
Known Issues
This software can multitask, but if you do something else, for example, launch another app, in the middle of the uploading of the installation of a large app, the progress bar will not be back again and there will be nothing appears in the output window until the uploading is finally finished. The problem is currently marked as Won’t Fix, because it’s not a big deal and I am just too lazy.
Occasionally the page goes blank. Well, it’s actually white, not blank, because all the page elements are still there. Just refresh and everything backs to normal. I test this software in Chrome mostly, so it must be some weird problems with Chrome. Correct me if I’m wrong.
系统到10.3之后,你可以下载来电通的apk文件直接安装。还要打开设置》应用程序管理器》正在安装应用程序》允许从其他来源安装应用程序 和 安装前检查应用程序(这个好像没什么效果,先开着吧)我用的来电管家,反应有延迟。
从手机上进黑莓商城blackberry world,从里面购买,有的是免费的,黑莓Q10的系统是不支持微信啊等等常用软件,如何执意要用这些软件的话,只能使用安卓转置的软件,不是很流畅,