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countdown(关于 count down 和 countdown 区别)


  • 关于 count down 和 countdown 区别
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  • Countdown是什么意思
  • 倒计时的英文翻译
  • countdown什么意思

关于 count down 和 countdown 区别

This is detailed. Hopefully, you can enjoy yourself.count down1 : to count numbers in a reverse order from higher numbers to lower ones 倒过来数数,动词词组 ▪ He counted down from 10 to 1.2 count down (something) also count (something) down : to pay close attention to the number of (days, miles, etc.) that remain until a particular moment or event is reached 倒数(如:倒数大运会), 动词词组▪ He is counting down the days left in the school year. ▪ We were counting down the miles as we approached our destination. countdown /ˈkaʊntˌdaʊn/ nounplural countdowns 1 : the act of counting down the number of seconds that remain before something (such as the launch of a rocket) happens — usually singular 倒数,名词▪ Begin the countdown. ▪ The engineers stopped the countdown because something was wrong with the engine.2 : the period of time before an important or special event — usually singular — usually + to 前夕,名词▪ the countdown to summer vacation ▪ the steady countdown to war


the countdown倒计时网络释义1. 倒计时2. 倒数计时例句:1.They put a microphone on my lapel and began the countdown. 他们在我西装翻领上装了一个小麦克风,并开始拍摄的倒计时。2.I can slow down the countdown. 我可以让倒数慢下来。3.All right, stand down from alert and abort the countdown. 好,推出戒备,放弃读秒。4.The countdown sounded like this. 倒计时声音像这样响起。5.As the countdown draws closer, have some quiet drinks back at your flat. 在倒计时越来越近时,回到你的公寓来点饮料。


115 days till Christmas 离圣诞节还有115天






countdownn.倒数读秒,倒计时; 大事临近的时期; 准备过程,准备工作;计时系统; 倒计时; 递减计数;复数:countdowns形近词:Countdown双语例句柯林斯词典英英释义百度百科1There were three more things to do before countdown.开始倒计时之前还有3件事要做。2to stop the countdown during a missile or spacecraft launch在发射导弹或宇宙飞船时停止倒计时Provided by gtcom


【汉语】倒计时【英语】countdown【音标】英语读音 【’kaʊntdaʊn】美语读音 【’kaʊntdaʊn】【例句】His heartbeat escalates, like the countdown for death.他心跳加快,就象死亡在倒数。I will never employ any device with a digital countdown.我将不会使用任何倒数计时用具。


countdown 英 n.倒数读秒,倒计时;大事临近的时期;准备过程,准备工作 名词复数:countdowns After troubleshooting ,the launch team recycled the countdown. 发射团队在故障被解决后,继续了倒计时. 2.If you really believe the future is a voyage without end,consider this book thestart to the countdown. 如果你真相信未来是没有终点的航行,那就把这本书当做是倒数计时的开始吧. 3.The countdown sounded like this. 倒计时声音像这样响起. 4.Get involved in the make it happen now 2009 countdown challenge! 加入到“现在就开始--2009倒计时挑战”中来吧! 5.As the countdown draws closer,have some quiet drinks back at your flat. 在倒计时越来越近时,回到你的公寓来点饮料.


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