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  • 芬兰语的方言详述
  • dialect是什么意思
  • dialect(方言)是可数名词吗
  • 英语 各地
  • 方言的重要性的英语议论文
  • 帮忙写一篇作文题目是should we keep up Dialects,要求: 1.某地方政府在电视节目上加强方言的推广,这一行


芬兰语主要有八种方言,它们是:西南方言、西南渐变方言、哈麦方言、南部盆地方言、中北部盆地方言、北部方言、沙沃方言以及东南方言。(一)芬兰语主要方言列表(1)Western dialectsSouth-West dialects (lounaismurteet)Tavastian dialects (hämäläismurteet)Southern Ostrobothnian dialects (eteläpohjalaiset murteet)Middle and North Ostrobothnia dialects (keski- ja pohjoispohjalaiset murteet)Far-Northern dialects (peräpohjalaiset murteet)Kven language(2)Eastern dialectsSavonian dialects (savolaismurteet)Savo Finnish.South-Eastern dialects (kaakkoismurteet)Karelian Finnish(二)芬兰语方言总列表(1)Western dialects Southern-Western dialectsProper Southern-Western dialectsNorthern dialect groupSouthern dialect groupSouthern-Western middle dialects Pori region dialectsAla-Satakunta dialectsdialects of Turku highlandsSomero region dialectsWestern Uusimaa dialectsTavastian dialectsYlä-Satakunta dialectsHeart Tavastian dialectsSouthern Tavastian dialectsSouthern-Eastern Tavastian dialectsHollola dialect groupPorvoo dialect groupIitti dialect groupSouthern Botnian dialectsMiddle and Northern Botnian dialects Middle Botnian dialectsNorthern Botnian dialectsPeräpohjola dialectsTornio dialects (“Meänkieli“ in Sweden)Kemi dialectsKemijärvi dialectsJällivaara dialects (“Meänkieli“ in Sweden)Ruija dialects (“Kven language“ in Northern Norway)(2)Eastern dialects Savonian dialectsNorthern Savonian dialectsSouthern Savonian dialectsMiddle dialects of Savonlinna regionEastern Savonian dialects or the dialects of North KareliaKainuu dialectsKeuruu-Evijärvi dialectsDialects of Middle FinlandDialects of Päijät-HämeMiddle dialects of Keuruu-EvijärviVärmland Savonian dialectsSavonian dialects of Värmland (Sweden)Southern-Eastern dialectsProper Southern-Eastern dialectsMiddle dialects of Lemi regionMiddle dialects of Sortavala region (now in Russia)Dialects of Ingria (in Russia)[


dialectn.方言,土语; 语调; 语支; 专业用语; 复数:dialects例句:1.Groups even appear to communicate in their own unique dialect. 各个群体甚至似乎会以它们自己独特的方言进行交流。2.School would be over soon. He no longer complained about berry or his classmates, whose dialect he could barely understand. 这学期很快就要结束了,他不再抱怨学校和那些口音完全没法懂的同学。3.Even osaka’s dialect is distinct. 就连大阪的方言也是很有特点的。


答:可以做可数名词可以做不可数名词当它表示方言种类的时候是可数名词:there are many dialets in our county .当它表示具体某地的方言时做单数名词。如 Chinese dialet ,American dialet 希望能帮到你

英语 各地

1.American English in its written form is standardized across the U.S. (and in schools abroad specializing in American English). Though not devoid of regional variations, particularly in pronunciation and vernacular vocabulary, American speech is somewhat uniform throughout the country, largely due to the influence of mass communication and geographical and social mobility in the United States. After the American Civil War, the settlement of the western territories by migrants from the Eastern U.S. led to dialect mixing and levelling, so that regional dialects are most strongly differentiated along the Eastern seaboard. The General American accent and dialect (sometimes called ’Standard Midwestern’), often used by newscasters, is traditionally regarded as the unofficial standard for American EnglishBritish English has a reasonable degree of uniformity in its formal written form, which, as taught in schools, is largely the same as in the rest of the English-speaking world (except North America). On the other hand, the forms of spoken English – dialects, accents and vocabulary – used across the British Isles vary considerably more than in most other English-speaking areas of the world, even more so than in the United States, due to a much longer history of dialect development in the English speaking areas of Great Britain and Ireland. Dialects and accents vary, not only between England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales (which constitute the United Kingdom), plus the Republic of Ireland, but also within these individual countries. Received Pronunciation (RP) (also referred to as BBC English or Queen’s English) has traditionally been regarded as ’proper English’ – ’the educated spoken English of south-east England’. The BBC and other broadcasters now intentionally use a mix of presenters with a variety of British accents and dialects, and the concept of ’proper English’ is now far less prevalent.3.Australian English began to diverge from British English soon after the foundation of the Colony of New South Wales in 1788. The settlement was intended mainly as a penal colony. The British convicts sent to Australia were mostly people from large English cities, such as Cockneys from London. In 1827, Peter Cunningham, in his book Two Years in New South Wales, reported that native-born white Australians spoke with a distinctive accent and vocabulary, albeit with a strong Cockney influence. (The transportation of convicts to Australian colonies continued until 1868.) A much larger wave of immigration, as a result of the first Australian gold rushes, in the 1850s, also had a significant influence on Australian English, including large numbers of people who spoke English as a second language. Since that time, Australian English has borrowed increasingly from external sources.The so-called “Americanisation“ of Australian English — signified by the borrowing of words, terms, and usages from North American English — began during the goldrushes, and was accelerated by a massive influx of United States military personnel during World War II. The large-scale importation of television programs and other mass media content from the US, from the 1950s onwards, has also had a significant effect. As a result, Australians use many British and American words interchangeably, such as pants/trousers or lift/elevator.Due to their shared history and geographical proximity, Australian English is most similar to New Zealand English. However, the difference between the two spoken versions is obvious to people from either country, if not to a casual observer from a third country. The vocabulary used also exhibits some striking differences.5.Canadian English (CaE) is a variety of English used in Canada. More than 25 million Canadians (85 percent of the population) have some knowledge of English (2001 census ). Canadian English spelling can be described as a mixture of American English, British English, Quebec French, and unique Canadianisms. Canadian vocabulary is similar to American English, yet with key differences and local variations.In 1998, Oxford University Press produced a Canadian English dictionary, after five years of lexicographical research, called The Canadian Oxford Dictionary; a second edition was published in 2004. It listed uniquely Canadian words and words borrowed from other languages, and surveyed spellings, such as whether colour or color was the most popular choice in common use.6.Indian English refers to the dialects or varieties of English spoken primarily in India, and also by Indian diaspora elsewhere in the world. Due to British colonialism that saw an English-speaking presence in India for over two hundred years, a distinctly Indian brand of English was born. English is the co-official language of the Union of India, and India has the world’s largest English-speaking population.Variations in the pronunciation of several phonemes are affected by the regional tongues (see Languages of India) across the Indian subcontinent, the greatest distinction being that between South India and Sri Lanka on the one hand, which is more close to the traditional British English, and the north of the subcontinent (including North India and Pakistan) on the other. Several idiomatic forms crossing over from Indian literary and vernacular language also have made their way into the English of the masses. In spite of India’s diversity, however, there is indeed a general homogeneity in syntax and vocabulary that can be found among speakers across South Asia. In upper-class families (commonly referred to in India as ’Westernised’), English is typically very close to Received Pronunciation, while still retaining hints of a uniquely Indian flavour.7.South African English is a dialect of English spoken in South Africa and in neighbouring countries with a large number of Anglo-Africans living in them, such as Botswana, Namibia, and Zimbabwe.South African English is not unified in its pronunciation: this can be attributed to the fact that English is the mother tongue for only 40% of the white inhabitants (the remainder mostly having Afrikaans as their mother tongue) and only a tiny minority of black African inhabitants of the region. (In addition some 94% of the 1.1 million inhabitants of Asian descent, and 19% of the 4 million Coloured, or mixed race, inhabitants are English mother tongue speakers.) The dialect can be identified, however, by the multiple loanwords drawn largely from Afrikaans, but increasingly also from Zulu and other indigenous languages. Some of these words, like “trek“, have seeped into general English usage throughout the globe.The dialect was exposed to a humorous treatment by Robin Malan in his book ’Ah Big Yaws’ written in the mid-1970s. The book is concise, and conforms more or less to the spoken dialect of Cape Town in 1974–76, in the northern Cape Town suburbs of Bellville and Durbanville, where Malan resided, and in the University town of Stellenbosch, where he was at the time a lecturer of spoken English. This book is often considered a high point of South African written wit, and a low point for South African linguistics, although it is now considered an important cultural time-capsule, as it also gives a pocket outline of white South Africa immediately before the social and political chaos of the 1980s.The fourth edition of the Dictionary of South African English was released in 1991, and the Oxford Dictionary released its South African English dictionary in 20028.Singlish, a portmanteau of “Singapore“ and “English“, is the English-based creole spoken colloquially in Singapore. Although English is the lexifier language, Singlish may be difficult to understand for speakers of standard varieties, such as British, American or Australian English. The main difficulties in understanding are Singlish’s unique slang and syntax, which are more pronounced in informal speech.9.Hiberno-English is the form of the English language spoken in Ireland. Hiberno-English is also referred to as Irish English and occasionally, if inaccurately, as Anglo-Irish.English as it is spoken in Ireland is the result of the Irish language and the interaction of the English and Scots varieties brought to Ireland during the Plantations of Ireland in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The linguistic influence of the Irish language is most evident in Gaeltachtaí, areas where Irish is still spoken, as well as in areas where, before the complete adoption of English, Irish continued to be spoken for longer than in other areas.The early English settlement of Ireland occurred around the same time as England’s settlement of the Caribbean colonies, which partially accounts for phonological similarities shared by West Indian dialects and Hiberno-English.The standard spelling and grammar of Hiberno-English are largely the same as UK English. However, some unique characteristics exist, especially in the spoken language, owing to the influence of the Irish language on the pronunciation of Hiberno-English.10.New Zealand English is the English spoken in New Zealand.New Zealand English is close to Australian English in pronunciation, but has several subtle differences often overlooked by people from outside these countries. Some of these differences show New Zealand English to have more affinity with the English of southern England than Australian English does. Several of the differences also show the influence of Māori speech. The most striking difference from Australian English (and all other forms of English) is the flattened i of New Zealand English. The New Zealand accent also has some Scottish and Irish influences from the large number of settlers from those places during the 19th century.http://en.wikipedia.org


dialects are part of ou life. we can’t make smooth communication without them. dialects have their unique charms and they can’t be replaced by other official languages. in dialects some slangs and expressions are playing the role of great importance. they can make communication more vivid and lively. they can activate dull atmospere . they can also shorten the invisible distance between strangers when they find they are surprisingly from the same area.dialects are a branch of chinese culture with such a long history..

帮忙写一篇作文题目是should we keep up Dialects,要求: 1.某地方政府在电视节目上加强方言的推广,这一行


Should We Keep up Dialects?

A plan by a local government to enforce the protection of dialect on TV programs caused fierce debate recently. The event has met with a mixed public reaction.

Supporters argue that great importance of cultural heritage should be attached to dialects. They should protect dialects by teaching them to the younger generation and encouraging their use on TV and in daily life. 

What’s more, they feel their roots need to be recognized, remembered and kept alive in order to ensure the surviving of their character and identity. Opponents, however, believe that the popularization of mandarin will emphasize the concept of “one China” and contribute to the national unity. 

On the other hand, speaking mandarin may help remove barriers of communication among Chinese. After all, some dialects are not easy to understand.

In my opinion, it’s necessary to popularize standard Chinese, but not at the cost of dialects dying out. 

We may take a bi-lingual approach. We use mandarin on important occasions such as meetings and forums for smooth communication, and we also keep up dialects in private gatherings for heritage, for close connection, or just for fun.










1、要想学好英语首先就要煅炼好自己的听力。环境 很重要,在平时选择多听,多看,比如多看些英语电影,多听些英语听力,提高听力。





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