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使用说明书 用英语怎么说?说明书翻译


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使用说明书 用英语怎么说

manual;instruction;for example:1 probe into the compiling methods of construction’ operating instruction manual’ 建筑《使用说明书》编写方法探索 2 the stylistic features of english instructions 英文使用说明书的文体风格 3 the characteristics of russian manuals for industrial products and their translation 俄语工业品使用说明书的特点与翻译


1. 现在可以将机械臂提起,移去夹具后就可以拿到加工样品。2. 机器在停止模式时(停止按钮的LED灯会亮起),在选定好速度后,按下启动按钮,切削刀片就会开始旋转。3. 在操作中,如果限位传感器动作,机器就会停下来。显示屏上会显示“0”。 只有在触发传感器的部件,不管是机械臂还是停止滑块,在恢复原位后才能复位传感器并重新操作。


产品说明书由于其特殊的属性,具有宣传介绍产品基本功能、产品特点、产品使用步骤、产品注意事项等作用,所以在翻译过程中需要以下几点:1.保证原件意思的准确完整产品说明本身肩负着客户完整了解产品各项指标及操作流程的任务,所以在翻译产品说明书的时候首先要保证翻译出的译文能够完整且准确的表达原件的意思,在一些机械领域产品的核心参数,药品医疗领域涉及的化学参数,药品成分,用法用量一般都有专业的术语且需要准确传递完整的信息。2.保证翻译件的通俗易懂说明书本身就具有很强的专业性,而产品说明书的受众群体包含不同的文化层次,所以在遇到理论性强特别生涩难理解的语句时,翻译员需要适当增译,保证译文的通俗易懂,使产品的各项内容都能详细地传达给用户。3. 保证说明书文体统一性说明书作为一种应用文文体,翻译过程中在保证意思与原文一致的前提下,如果出现特定的标志、符号、数字等尽量使用全球通用的标识,语态上采用一般现在时,在警告、注意事项、操作要点等场景下常常使用祈使句。4. 保证说明书的宣传性产品说明书在肩负介绍产品特性的同时最好能激发消费者的购买欲。全球化的今天,不同国家之间的文化差异,造成了人们对产品的不同偏爱,所以产品说明书的翻译过程也要结合消费者的文化背景,结合产品自身属性,尽量用最朴实准确的词语保证说明书的宣传作用。


Instruction 翻译说明书是所有翻译里最简单的,因为其中不涉及时态变化和生活习语,用一般时陈述即可。尽量将外文中的从句与主句剥离,译文中作句子定语的部分应尽可能简短。


1, equipment descriptions and parameters 1. Equipment Description The machine is simple, using sensor tags control operation, high sensitivity, stripping labels adjustable length, and automatic counting functions to facilitate the calculation of yield. The main functions of this equipment is the labelling of the entire volume rationalization were stripped, is the ideal substitute artificial stripping equipment. 2. Specifications Vol center Size: Volume labels diameter 3. Parameters Scope: artificial labels Stripping superscript speed: 4. Accessories Length controls Recipe paper Baffle in Sensor controls stent Stepped up with Stripping panels Restrictors , Baffle Second, the use of methods 1. Use of the machine should be smooth release, counter reset, 2. Removed from the rack on the baffle, and with a good set of labels baffle, and the adjustment of the two labels disk space baffle 3. Label from stripping panels at the bottom of the two-axis through 4. Wound to the waste paper scroll week, with intensified Fixed 5. Attention should be paid to three parallel regulation 6. Fixed good restrictors 7. Mediation label length - the length adjustment button with the use of sensor stent length regulation 8. Sensor head position should be located close to stripping panels, fine-tuning knob to zero position, so as to ensure that the first sensor detects labels 9. Connected power, turn on the power switch can use Note: Please use in strict accordance with the rules and maintenance manuals, warranty period is prohibited to open and demolition, or else the resulting damage as a man-made damage, and are not maintenance free. The brochures are subject to change notice if the operation of this machine is still unknown, welcome to call at any time for the company. Third, pay attention to matters 1. Baffles inside and outside label must be pressed into feeding shelf, or not ripping labels. 2. Prevent external injury on the rack, peel panels and paper scrolls, a triaxial parallel 3. Complete machine lines is prohibited encountered water or oil, it may be leakage, short-circuit or an explosion, and other security incidents seriously burned when the entire machine 4. Meet face to maintain the clean sound, not flawed. 4, fault analysis and excluded Unusual circumstances: 1. Electricity circumstances do not peel labels 2. Kept peeling labels Countermeasures: 1. Power switch is opened 2. Label rolls is correctly installed 3. Whether stripping superscript motor movements 4. Seized superscript sensor head is burning 5. Labelling offset sensor head 6. Sensor head is burning 5, packing list Host - 1 - Power lines - one Product Sheet - 1




  • 首先,在翻译使用说明书时,必须做到忠于原文。说明书的文字大都比较简练,结构简单,句式简短,所以在翻译的时候,不能出现删减和漏译的情况,符合逻辑顺序,一定要保证译文的真实性,连贯性和可操作性。如果随意删减内容,很有可能造成使用者的误解,进而造成安全隐患。

  • 其次,在翻译使用说明书时,可以进行适当的转换句子成分,相比其他科技性内容,使用说明书的句式较为简短,应考虑转化为更加符合目标语言的语言习惯,容易被受众所接受。

  • 最后,在翻译使用说明书时,务必保证专业术语的准确性。知行君一再强调使用说明书属于科技行业内容的范畴,所以里面肯定会涉及到专业术语,而且这些专业术语均为行业专有名词,因此在翻译过程中,务必保证专业术语的准确,专业。

  • 声明:本文版权归原作者所有,转载文章仅为传播更多信息之目的,如作者信息标记有误,请第一时间联系我们修改或删除,谢谢。

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