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1、偷一束月光。 Steal a beam of moonlight.

2、在云朵上打瞌睡。 Dozing on the clouds.

3、跌入眼里的温柔。 The tenderness in my eyes.

4、清零的爱意。 Clear love.

5、手提雾灯。 Hand held fog lamp.

6、三更半夜。 in the dead of night.

7、恰逢。 Just in time.

8、托秋风寄思念。 I miss you with autumn wind.

9、河岸的垂柳。 Weeping willows on the Bank of the river.

10、野花上的露水。 Dew on wild flowers.

11、山海藏着爱意。 Love is hidden in mountains and seas.

12、冬天的雪。 Snow in winter.


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