Understanding your needs as an introvert is key to living a happily quiet life.
Learn how you feel when you are overextended, but also when you are getting isolated.
You are entitled to boundaries but set them thoughtfully and generously.
Tend to your introversion but tend to your relationships, too.
It’s been twelve years since my first post for this blog went live. Perhaps you’ve seen the “Introverts Unite” meme that makes the rounds periodically. Well, I’m just petty enough to point out that I said it first, in my first post, “Introverts Unite, Quietly” on August 26, 2009.
When I started this blog, there were very few people writing about introversion. Even Susan Cain’s blockbuster book, Quiet, was three years away. Today, scores of professional introverts are out there expounding on our quiet nature. Introverts have gotten kind of loud, and that's a good thing.
在我开始创建这一博客之初,鲜有人围绕“内向”发文。甚至 Susan Cain 的知名作品《Quiet》也是在三年之后。如今,很多的专业内向者们开始为大家阐述我们的安静本性。内向者们开始发出了一些声音,这着实是件好事。
The things I’ve learned about being introverted and the strategies I’ve adopted over the past 12 years are now fully integrated into my life. Today, I will provide some of the basic "do's and don’ts" I live by these days.
Introversion "Do's"8项建议
01Learn to manage your calendar to avoid being either isolated or overextended. How many events a week can you handle without getting frazzled? How much time do you need between them? Plan accordingly.学会管理个人日常计划,避免陷于隔绝或过于热闹这两个极端。一周内你最多能接受多少活动?两个活动的间隔时间最好多长?然后根据这个安排自己的日常计划。
02Say “no thanks” when you don’t want company and “yes please” when you do, and learn to recognize the difference. You might have to think a bit before you commit to anything. There's nothing wrong with saying “Let me get back to you” to give yourself time to decide. Just be sure to get back to the person in a timely manner.不想要别人和你一起时,直接说“谢谢,不用了”;想要别人一起时,说“好的”。学会区别自己的真正想法。如果想要给自己时间去做决定,那么对对方说”等我晚些给你回复“,完全是可以的。只是要确保在说出这句话后,要及时回复对方。
03Learn to let pressure and implied criticism of your introversion roll off you. You know that introversion is perfectly healthy and other people’s opinions about the “right” way to be are just that: opinions. You don’t have to live by them or even argue with them. Just shrug and get on with your quiet life.学会无视那些因内向而招致的压力或隐晦的批评。你知道内向是完全健康的,至于其他人对”性格应该是什么样“所持有的观点,不过都只是观点而已。你不需要用他们的标准约束你的人生,甚至也不需要和他们争吵辩论。只要一笑置之,继续安静过自己的生活就好。
04 However, do help the people who matter to you most to understand you. This will make everyone’s life easier. You’ll get to live your introverted life, and they won’t take your need for solitude personally.但是,对于那些对你来说最重要的人,务必帮助他们去理解你。则还会让每个人的生活更简单。你能继续过自己内向的生活,他们也不会误以为你需要独处是针对他们。
05Rather than giving up the telephone altogether, encourage your friends to text before they call, or, in the case of people with whom phone calls tend to be lengthy (i.e., faraway friends), request that they schedule phone time with you. Some will resist, most will eventually understand.不要完全放弃电话,而是尽量让朋友在打电话之前先发信息,或者,如果和一些朋友之间的电话通话往往要花很长时间(一些相隔很远的朋友),让他们先提前和你约定好一个通话的时间。一些人会抗拒,但是大多数人最终都会理解你。
06But also learn to pick up the phone sometimes. My friends know not to call me willy-nilly, but sometimes they will call, and if I have no pressing reason not to pick up (for example, if I’m in the middle of something or I'm seriously not in the mood), I answer. I do so because I like my friends and it’s the nice thing to do. Also, my friends now know me well enough to know that I will eventually say, “OK, I’ve had enough phone time now,” and nobody is bothered.但也要学会时不时地接电话。我的朋友都知道不要随便给我打电话,但有时他们依旧会打电话给我,而且如果我并没有什么不接电话的有力理由(比如,我在忙一件事,或者真的完全没心情接),我也会接起这通电话的。之所以如此,是因为我喜欢我的朋友,而且这也是一件礼貌的事情。另外,我的朋友如今也对我非常了解,他们知道我最后会说“电话时间对我来说太长了,我要挂了”,这样,他们完全理解,我也不用勉强自己。
07I believe that friends go to friends' parties, but I always keep in mind that it's a lot easier to say “yes” to parties if I give myself permission to leave when I'm ready. And remember that when people say things like, “You can’t leave now! It won’t be a party without you!” they’re just making noises with their mouths. It doesn’t really mean you have to stay, and it will still be a party after you’re gone.我也同意如果是朋友,就会参加朋友的聚会,但我始终提醒自己(阻止我参加派对的最大阻碍是想离开时无法离开)如果我允许自己在想要离开的时候离开,那么参加派对就会简单地多。另外,记住,当有人说“你现在不能走,你走了这还算什么派对?”,对方只是在随便说说而已,这并不意味着你必需继续待在那里。即使你走了之后,派对还是会依旧继续的。
08Remember—and this has been my soapbox for a long time—that there is nothing inherently superior about introversion or extroversion. They are simply different, and if you want people to understand and respect your introversion, you owe it to extroverts to understand and respect them.还有一点,这一点也是我很长时间以来的坚定立场:无论内向或外向,本质上都没有哪种更优越。它们只是不同而已。如果你想要让别人理解和尊重你的内向性格,那么你也应该理解和尊重外向者。
Introversion "Don'ts"五个“不要”
01Don’t overindulge your introversion to the point where solitude turns into isolation. Isolation can lead to rumination which can lead to depression. Just as you learn what it feels like to be overextended, learn to recognize when you are getting isolated and force yourself to act on it. Make a plan with someone. Leave the house.
02Don’t be the last-minute “poozer” as my husband and I called it—the person who frequently makes plans and then backs out at the last minute. I understand that sometimes following through on a plan sounds just too hard (perhaps your week was more taxing than you expected, for example) and you simply have to bow out, but use that privilege sparingly or you'll give introversion a bad reputation.不要临时爽约。不要做一个最后一刻的poozer,这是我丈夫和我对这类人的称呼,即,经常和别人约好,但最后一刻又变卦的人。我理解有时候真的很难贯彻某个计划(比如,可能你这一周比你预想的要艰难),而且你不得不退出。但省着点儿用这一特权,否则你会败坏整个内向群体的名声。
03Don’t completely discount the value of loose ties. Yes, introverts prefer fewer, deeper friendships and that’s one of our strengths, but it is also to our benefit to maintain wider circles if for no other reason than that things happen—people move away, pass away, friendships grow apart. You want people in the pipeline should you lose a close friend for some reason. (This also applies to marriage; I’ve seen many very sad people in my bereavement support networks who did not maintain relationships outside their marriage and suddenly find themselves grieving and isolated.)
04Don’t make friends do all the reaching out, and don’t assume they will be there even if you don’t put a lot of effort into the friendship. (See: answering the telephone, above.) Making and having friends sometimes requires doing things that might feel difficult, uncomfortable, or just wearisome. But be as generous with yourself as possible so that people will return the generosity when you need them.
05Don’t always rely on others to make plans or to choose you as their friend. If you don’t always want to be surrounded by extroverts doing extroverted things, you will need to reach out to other interesting introverts you know and make introverted plans—museums instead of parties, perhaps, or lectures instead of karaoke.
These are the most important lessons I’ve learned these past dozen years that have helped me live a rich and fulfilling life as an introvert. Thanks everyone for joining me here in the corner. It’s been swell talking to you and learning from you. Go forth and live your best introvert life. Quietly.