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ipad宣传广告(求IPAD AIR广告词,新出来的那个,一段独白,中英文都要,谢谢!)


  • 求IPAD AIR广告词,新出来的那个,一段独白,中英文都要,谢谢!
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  • IPAD电视宣传广告 里边出现了一个红头发大眼睛的动画人物是哪部动画片(一晃而过的)
  • 苹果 iPad Air 的一支铅笔广告,除了轻薄还传达了哪些信息
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  • 如何评价 iPad Air 最新广告《Your Verse Anthem》
  • iPad Air 英文原版广告语
  • ipad air的广告词
  • 求IPAD新出来那个广告的广告词,是一段英文的独白,中英文都要,谢谢!
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求IPAD AIR广告词,新出来的那个,一段独白,中英文都要,谢谢!

“我们读诗、写诗并不是因为它们好玩,而是因为我们是人类的一分子,而人类是充满激情的。没错,医学、法律、商业、工程,这些都是崇高的追求,足以支撑人的一生。但诗歌、美丽、浪漫、爱情,这些才是我们活着的意义。”啊!自我,啊!生命/这个问题总是不停地出现/毫无信仰的人群川流不息/城市充斥着愚昧/生活在其中有什么意义/啊!自我!啊!生命!/回答因为你的存在/让生命存在,使其合一/因为富有生命活力的戏剧在继续/因为你可以奉献一篇诗歌/因为富有生命活力的戏剧在继续/因为你可以奉献一篇诗歌。伟大的剧本仍在继续,而你可以奉献一段诗篇,你的诗是什么?We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman, “O me! O life!… of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless… of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life?” Answer. That you are here — that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. That the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?


What is iPad? iPad is thin. iPad is beautiful. iPad goes anywhere and lasts all day. There’s no right way or wrong way. It’s crazy powerful. It’s magical. You already know how to use it. It’s 200,000 apps and counting. All the world’s websites in your hand. It’s video, photos, more books than you can read in a lifetime. It’s already a revolution and its only just begun.What is Newton? Newton is digital. Newton is personal. Newton is magic. Newton is as powerful as a computer. Newton is as simple as a piece of paper. Newton is intelligent. Newton learns about you, understands you. Newton is news. Newton can receive a page, sends faxes and soon electronic mail. Newton can let you communicate with the whole world and if there is anything this world could use is more communication.

IPAD电视宣传广告 里边出现了一个红头发大眼睛的动画人物是哪部动画片(一晃而过的)

你说的应该是 皮克斯2012年动画电影《Brave》吧中文名《勇敢》

苹果 iPad Air 的一支铅笔广告,除了轻薄还传达了哪些信息


It’s an extremely simple tool,but also extremely powerful.

It’s can be used to start a poem,or finish a symphony.

It’s has transformed the way we work,learn,create,share.

It’s used to illustrate things,solve things,and think of new things.

It’s used by scientists and artists,scholars and students.

It’s been to classrooms,boardrooms,expeditions,even to space.

And we can’t wait to see where you’ll take it next.

Introducing the thinner,lighter,more powerful iPad Air.








这就是:更薄、更轻、更为强大的iPad Air。

背景音乐是擅长在传统古典音乐与新潮电子音乐之间取得完美平衡的英国作曲家Ryan Teague的《Neo》,而旁白则是由《绝命毒师》的男主角Bryan Cranston所担任。

可见,iPad的广告不仅表现除了iPad Air的纤薄,更重要的创意概念是想要说明iPad作为一个工具的伟大性。各种各样的人各种各样的环境都在使用iPad作为必要的工具,如同人皆所知的铅笔一样,它们都是简单而伟大。



咨询记录 · 回答于2021-11-09




如何评价 iPad Air 最新广告《Your Verse Anthem》

此次广告旁白使用了 Robin Williams 在 ‘Dead Poets Society’ 电影里的诗朗诵:We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.To quote from Whitman, “O me! O life!… of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless… of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life?” Answer. That you are here — that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse;that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?苹果的新Campaign “Your Verse Anthem“《你的诗篇将是什么》如火如荼地开展这只是一个iPad产品广告吗?我觉得不是。如果它只是一个产品广告,就会让人疑惑它的大费周章。在知乎另一个问题(为什么广告里的 iPad 用途各种高大上,而作为消费者的我们却当玩具?中,有人问道“为什么广告中的iPad有如此高大上的功能,而实际生活中我们只是用它来打打游戏而已”。这个问题的提问者得到了许许多多“高大上的iPad使用者”亲切的问候。既然是功能展示那就只能是两个方向了嗯:描述使用产品之后的生活(比如oppo那个陈坤滴),和描述使用产品之前的生活(以搞笑形式居多)。这个视乎产品诉求重点:如果是偏日常的,描述用前以增强对比(宜家那个整理屋的);如果是偏新功能的,描述用后以增加好奇(陈坤那个最后翻过来照女神的)。苹果这个很狡猾啊,它挑了一堆正常人日常不大发生的使用场景,利用观众的先入为主抑制对“用前怎样”的联想,从而让他们觉得“怎么感觉这事儿就得用iPad呢”的错觉(举个例子,你把小孩把螳螂放在iPad那段脑补成小孩把螳螂放在图画书和笔电上,都会感觉low了很多)。这个和题主给的iPad on life是一个套路,只不过一个是清蒸一个是红烧罢了。甚至可以再往前说,这一则和FaceTime everyday(苹果近一年广告里个人最爱)是同一类。那个小姑娘羞涩一喂的样子很难不心动嗯。至于旁白的寓意,本来就没看懂《死亡诗社》,我去豆瓣长评区取了取经。过滤掉满屏幕叫唤船长的,大概有以下几种意思,你可以挑自己喜欢的:(不过考虑到这东西要在电视上放给正常人看,建议选最浅显的)1.人生最重要的就是回答“你谁啊?你来干嘛的?”,所以人要follow your heart。你看,不管你干啥、不管你follow your heart去哪了,iPad都是你的居家旅行必备之物。客官,上路前捎上一个不?2.我们爱用iPad不是因为它好玩,我们用它是因为人类有探索和获取快乐的本能。你用笔记本电脑可能是用来干活付网银挣钱养家糊口,但iPad能带给你你真正想做的、爱做的,这才是你死命挣钱的原因。你看他们都用iPad用得这么开心,你也来一个?3. iPad看起来生产力不强,实际上它是为了满足高品质用户的高逼格。看了这个广告,你会更想体验生活。看了这个广告,你似乎被挑战更加去体验生活。而iPad在这个广告的定位,就是一个帮助你去体验生活的工具。

iPad Air 英文原版广告语

It’s an extremely simple tool 它是及其简约的工具but also extremely powerful 然而也及其强大It can be used to start a poem 你可以用它写诗or finish a symphony 也可以用它创作交响乐It has transformed the way we work, learn,create, share 它改变了我们工作 学习 创作和分享的方式It’s used to illustrate things, solve things,人们用它描绘事物 解决事情and think of new things 并构思新想法It’s used by scientists 它为科学家所用and artists 为艺术家所用scholars and students 为学者和学生所用It’s been to classrooms 教室里有它boardrooms 会议室有它expeditions 探险队有它even to space 甚至在太空也有它的身影And we can’t wait to see 我们迫不及待地想知道where you’ll take it next你会把它带到何处Introducing the thinner, lighter, morepowerful 隆重向你介绍更薄 更轻 更强大的iPad AirApple - Introducing iPad Air(视频介绍iPad) We are often faced with the paradox | 我们常常会面临这样的矛盾:when we design to make product smaller andlighter | 一方面要令产品更小更轻while at the same time more powerful | 另一方面要让它更强大The more we reduce our product physicalvolume | 越是压缩产品的体积the more difficult it becomes to increaseits power | 就越难提升它的性能and maintain its battery life | 就越难保持同样的电池使用时间but if we can overcome these challenges | 然后 要是我们能攻克这些挑战we can make something without compromise | 我们就能打造出毫无妥协的产品IPad Air is just 7.5 mm thin and weighs only 1 pound | iPad Air机身7.5mm薄 仅1磅重量We actually started work on this productyears ago | 其实 我们几年前已经在研发这款产品designing and engineering the primary technologies| 对主要技术进行设计和工程学研究that will be necessary to make it | 这样的研发是必不可少的The new A7 chip is incredibly powerful | A7强大得令人咋舌and also very power efficient | 而且用电效能非常高Because of this efficiency, the batterycould get smaller | 由于效能提高 电池可以更小yet critically without any loss in batterylife | 同时又丝毫不减电池使用时间and, of course, by reducing the batterysize | 当然 通过缩小电池体积the product became significantly lighter | 产品明显变轻了We reduced the dimensions of the bezel | 我们缩窄了边框的三维With less mass, the iPad Air still retainsits structural rigidity | 重量更轻 但仍保持结构刚度There is a simplicity to it | 它很简约but there is nothing precious about it | 又不珠光宝气This integrity, this durability | 作为产品 它坚韧且集大成inspires confidence in a product | 让你对它的信心十足that is meant to be taken places, handled,and really used | 让你随处携带 轻松驾驭 用到极致With the iPad, we set out to redefinemobile computing | iPad的出现让我们重新定义移动计算Up until now 64 bit architecture was | 目前 64位架构something you could normally only find indesktop computers | 一般只出现在台式机The new Apple design A7 chip brings 64 bittechnology | 而苹果新设计的A7芯片把64位技术all of its advanced computing graphics | 及其所有先进的计算和图形处理性能to this ultra-portable 1 pound device | 锻造到这个超便携的仅1磅重的设备上But even with all of this added processingpower | 尽管处理能力更进一步iPad Air still has an impressive 10 hourbattery life | iPad Air电池使用时间仍保持很赞的10小时iPad Air is the first iOS device to supportMIMO | iPad Air是第一款支持MIMO的设备a multiple-in/multiple-out | MINO也即多输入多输出技术It actually delivers twice the datatransfer rate | 它的数据传输率as the previous generation | 是上一代iPad的两倍And this support for more LTE bands than onany other tablet | 比任何平板支持更多LTE频段because with the device this thin andpowerful | 此设备如此轻薄如此强大you will want to take it anywhere | 你会处处携带着它and always stay connected | 时时保持联网We have also improved the FaceTime andiSight cameras | 我们还改善了Facetime和iSight的摄像头性能adding new processors and censors | 为其增加新的处理器和传感器so you get much clear, sharper images andvideo | 让你拥有更清晰锐利的图像IOS 7 is essential to the iPad experience |iOS7对iPad的体验至关重要It is at the core of everything you do withiPad Air | 是iPad Air上一切操作的核心And we are now making iMovie, iPhoto,GarageBand | 电影 图像音乐大师 幻灯片 文字 表格Keynote, Pages and Numbers available forfree | 这些软件 在iPad Air上全都免费可得because we believe that | 因为我们认为with these amazing apps on this amazingdevice | 把如此神奇的应用 装在如此神奇的设备上the possibilities of what you can createare limitless | 你能创造出无尽的可能The iPad has always been tool | 让使用方法更加人性化defined by the ways people actually use it| 这是iPad一贯的设计原则The iPad Air is so capable and powerful |iPad Air是如此的全能 如此的强大and yet with its breakthrough size andweight | 同时 以它突破性的尺寸和重量it is the thinnest, lightest | 它是我们所制作出的and also the most advanced iPad we haveever built | 最轻 最薄最先进的iPad望采纳。

ipad air的广告词

It’s an extremely simple tool 它是及其简约的工具but also extremely powerful 然而也及其强大It can be used to start a poem 你可以用它写诗or finish a symphony 也可以用它创作交响乐It has transformed the way we work, learn,create, share 它改变了我们工作 学习 创作和分享的方式It’s used to illustrate things, solve things,人们用它描绘事物 解决事情and think of new things 并构思新想法It’s used by scientists 它为科学家所用and artists 为艺术家所用scholars and students 为学者和学生所用It’s been to classrooms 教室里有它boardrooms 会议室有它expeditions 探险队有它even to space 甚至在太空也有它的身影And we can’t wait to see 我们迫不及待地想知道where you’ll take it next你会把它带到何处Introducing the thinner, lighter, morepowerful 隆重向你介绍更薄 更轻 更强大的iPad Air


We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race and the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love. These are what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman: “ Oh me, Oh life ,of the questions of these recurring, of the endless trains of the faithless, of cities filled with the foolish. What good amid these Oh me Oh life? Answer: that you are here, that life exists and identity, that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse, that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. “What will your verse be? 我们读诗写诗,因为我们是人类的一份子,而人类总是充满激情的。没错,医学、法律、商业、工程,这些都是崇高的追求,足以支撑人的一生。但诗歌、美丽、浪漫、爱情,这些才是我们活着的意义。 惠特曼曾写道:“呵,自我!呵,生命!这些问题总是不断涌现。毫无信念的人川流不息,城市充斥着平凡愚昧…生活在其中有什么意义?答案是…因为你的存在,因为生命和个体存在;因为伟大的戏剧在继续,因为你可以奉献一首诗”。 因为伟大的戏剧在继续,因为你可以奉献一首诗。 你的诗是什么?



是游戏带的,很多本身是免费的游戏带广告。 只是一般都是用的广告条形式, 比较好的在游戏过程中不会出现广告,只出现在开始画面或选择关卡的画面中。


分为如下情况: 未越狱: 该情况为游戏制作商为了获取利润所投放的广告,有的游戏可以花钱购买去除广告服务,但有的不可以。这种情况没有其他解决办法。

2.已越狱: 如果打开任何一个软件(例如QQ这样原本没有弹窗广告的软件)都有广告,可能是某个插件导致的弹窗,进入安全模式(开机时按住音量+键)尝试有没有改善,如果安全模式下没有广告,则为某个插件导致,卸载掉广告插件即可。


上一篇: 造成冰箱噪音大的原因有哪些该如何去解决?冰箱噪音大,有嗡嗡声什么原因

下一篇: 高德地图怎么打车,高德地图如何使用打车出行(高德打车超多功能)


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