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  • RELY是个什么车的牌子
  • 求英语高手翻译,急!!
  • 为什么rely的过去分词需要改 y 为 i,而现在分词却不用改 y
  • rely的各种形式 名词,形容词,副词
  • rely,reliance, reliant, reliable 的区别
  • 什么是rely
  • 大虾们帮忙用英文翻译一下
  • rely怎么读
  • reliant reliance reliable rely的区别
  • rely什么意思




In the United States, obesity has become one of the most serious health problems. Investigation shows, more than 60 percent of American adults are overweight, a quarter of those obese. Fast food is caused by obesity is the culprit. Cheap price, but lack of nutrition food becomes the major food americans. Each year about 30 million americans died prematurely in various diseases associated with obesity.以上为个人意见!

为什么rely的过去分词需要改 y 为 i,而现在分词却不用改 y

rely 是规则变化哦,只不过现在分词和过去分词的变化规则不太一样罢了,过去分词是辅音字母加y结尾的单词需要把y变成i再加ed现在分词里面对y结尾的没有规定,属于第一种变化规则,直接加ing就可以了

rely的各种形式 名词,形容词,副词

1、rely形容词----reliable   可靠的2、rely副词------reliably    可靠3、rely名词------reliability/reliableness   可靠性/可靠4、rely第三人称单数:relies过去分词:relied现在进行时:relying过去式:relied。



1、Once customers come to rely on these systems they almost never take their business elsewhere 


2、He can rely on my support when the crunch comes 


3、We rely quite a bit on ready-made meals — they are so convenient 


4、It would be rash to rely on such evidence 


5、We mustn’t rely on sheer enthusiasm and substitute our personal feelings for policy. 


6、The investigation will rely on existing powers to subpoena documents. 


7、Lenders rely on the misplaced loyalty of existing borrowers to make their profit 


8、When experiments are to be made, one cannot rely too much upon the human senses to make accurate observation. 


9、We rely on you. 


10、We will rely on scientific and technological advancement, encourage the role of market mechanism and economic leverage. 


rely,reliance, reliant, reliable 的区别

reliant,reliance,reliable 和 rely 是同根词,他们的词根就是 rely,其他三个词都是由 rely 加后缀的派生词。

  • rely (词根)是动词,意思是 “依赖” 或 “依靠”。以 y 结尾的词要把 y 改为 i 以后才能再加缀,所以 reliant, reliance 和 reliable 中的词根部分变成了 reli -。 ~ant 是形容词后缀,表示 “处于 … 状态”,所以 reliant 的意思是处于 “依赖的”  状态;~ance 是名词或缀,粻害纲轿蕺计告袭梗陋表示 “性质”,所以 reliance 的意思 “依赖性”~able 也是形容词后缀,表示 “具有 … 的特征”,所以 reliable 的意思是具有 “可依赖的” 特征 。

  • 英语里的词汇分为10种词性,分别是:n. 名词 v. 动词 pron. 代词 adj. 形容词adv. 副词 num.数词 art. 冠词prep. 介词conj. 连词 int. 感叹词,除这十大类词之外,英语还另有判断词yes和no。

  • 分类:表示实在意义的词,有名词、动词、形容词、数词、量词、代词、副词。不表示实在意义而表示语法意义的词,有介词、连词、助词、叹词。

  • 什么是rely



    第一篇Love is everlastingly patient and kind; Never be jealous, boastful and arrogant;Never indulges in shameful act and selfish gains.Love is never easily irritable, never resentful, It rejoices in plain truth but not disloyalty;Forbearance, trust, hope and patience are its traits;Love is eternity!However, depravity reigns in the hearts of peopleDarkness coheres the souls and depravity thrives in freedomLet us born in the form of darkness of depravityAnd roam in this depraving world.第二篇Cold lonely moon in frigid evening breezeSolitary in Valentine’s Day, feeling self pityHard to meet yet hard to missAll alone with the long, long nightWho shall pity me, I askAll memories must be forgotten eventuallyDesolations beneath the trees and the moonFinally shall die prematurely.勉为其难完成答题,不知能否体现您的心思?献丑啦!!


    rely [美] [rɪˈlaɪ] [英] [riˈlai] 不及物动词 ( relied; relied; relying )依靠,依赖;依仗 The villagers here rely on wells for their water. 这儿的村民用水全靠井。 信赖,相信;指望 We can rely on him to help us. 我们可以指望他帮助我们。 相关词组rely on 依赖,依靠 , 信任 Web 翻译rely依赖 减轻;救济;援救 relieve vt.减轻,解除;救济 religion n.宗教;宗教信仰 religious a.宗教的;虔诚的 reluctant a.不愿的,勉强的 rely vi.依赖,依靠;信赖 ... 依靠 减轻;救济;援救 relieve vt.减轻,解除;救济 religion n.宗教;宗教信仰 religious a.宗教的;虔诚的 reluctant a.不愿的,勉强的 rely vi.依赖,依靠;信赖 ... 信赖 信任,信赖,信心 relief n.减轻;救济;援救 relieve vt.减轻,解除;救济 religion n.宗教;宗教信仰 religious a.宗教的;虔诚的 reluctant a.不愿的,勉强的 rely ... 指望 B. rely 指望,依赖. C. pursue 追求. D. describe 描述. 16. A. 你要考虑到,他这几 天不太舒服。要不是他一定能做得更好。 A. take into account 考虑到 ...

    reliant reliance reliable rely的区别

    reliant reliance reliable 和 rely 是同根词,他们的词根就是 rely,其他三个词都是由 rely 加后缀的派生词。派生词的后缀不改变词根的意思但改变词性。 rely (词根)是动词,意思是 “依赖” 或 “依靠”。以 y 结尾的词要把 y 改为 i 以后才能再加缀,所以 reliant, reliance 和 reliable 中的词根部分变成了 reli -。 ~ant 是形容词后缀,表示 “处于 … 状态”,所以 reliant 的意思是处于 “依赖的” 状态; ~ance 是名词或缀,表示 “性质”,所以 reliance 的意思 “依赖性” ~able 也是形容词后缀,表示 “具有 … 的特征”,所以 reliable 的意思是具有 “可依赖的” 特征 。


    不及物动词 vi.1.信任; 信赖; 依赖, 依靠 You can rely upon Jacelin.你可以信赖杰斯林。You can always rely on Jim, he won’t fail you.你可以永远信任吉姆, 他不会让你失望的。You can rely on me for help.你可指望我来帮忙。You may rely upon my early arrival.你放心好了, 我会早到的。You may rely upon his words absolutely, for he always speaks the truth.你可以绝对信赖他的话, 因为他总是说老实话。You can’t rely on the weather.天气是靠不住的。You should rely on your own efforts.你应该靠自己的努力。I relied on the map but it was wrong.我依靠这张地图, 但它是错的。I’d like to come with you but that’s not a promise, don’t rely on it.我愿意和你一起去, 但这不是允诺, 别指望我一定去。The town relies on the seasonal tourist industry for jobs.这个城镇全靠季节性的旅游业提供就业机会。Hong Kong’s prosperity relies heavily on mainland.香港的繁荣在很大程度上依赖于大陆。This young man cannot be relied on.这个年轻人不可靠。He had proved that he could be relied on in a crisis.他已表明, 在紧要关头他是可以信赖的。He can always be relied upon for help.他的帮助总是靠得住的。We know such people are not to be relied upon.我们知道这种人是靠不住的。This story cannot be relied upon.这话可靠不住。Don’t rely on going abroad for our holiday, we may not be able to afford it.不要指望去国外度假, 我们可能负担不起费用。Don’t rely on going to Japan.别指望能去日本。We rely on his finishing the work today.我们信赖他今天能完工。Don’t rely on me going to Japan.别指望我去日本。I rely upon you to finish the work on time.我相信你会准时完成这项工作的。We can rely on our children to do such work.这样的工作我们可以放心地让孩子们去做。They cannot be relied on to offer much support or advice.不能指望他们提供很多支持和意见。


    上一篇: 血糖高吃什么饭菜,血糖高吃什么主食和菜最好(血糖高就只能吃玉米饼子)

    下一篇: javafx教程(有没有了解javafx的,貌似javafx有很大改革,更《javafx本质论》里面写的完全不一样求javafx2.2的资料)



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